
# Relaunch Notifications Overview

This document is an overview of Data leak prevention concepts, terms, and

## Key Classes

### DlpRulesManager

An instance of this class is created if the primary profile is managed. It's
responsible for parsing the `DataLeakPreventionRulesList` policy and can be
queried about the restrictions set by the policy.
`DlpRulesManagerImpl` is responsible for:
- The lifetime of `DataTransferDlpController`.
- The lifetime of `DlpReportingManager`.
- The instanstiation of DLP daemon (by doing the first dbus call).

### **Files Restriction**

#### DlpFilesController

`DlpFilesController` is used by fileManagerPrivateApi to check whether files
transfer is allowed. It redirects the call to the DLP daemon if it's alive, and
replies back to fileManagerPrivateApi once it gets the reply from the daemon.

#### DlpFilesPolicyServiceProvider

It's the Chromium implementation of org.chromium.DlpFilesPolicyService D-Bus
interface. Any request from the daemon goes through this class.

#### DlpClient

It's the Chromium implementation of org.chromium.Dlp D-Bus interface. Any
request from Chrome to the daemon goes through this class.

### **Clipboard and DragnDrop Restriction**

#### DataTransferEndpoint

An instance of this class represents one of the endpoints sending or receiving
the data through clipboard or DragnDrop.

#### DataTransferPolicyController

An instance of this class is created by `DlpRulesManagerImpl` if the clipboard
restriction is set by the `DataLeakPreventionRulesList` policy. It's responsible
for the completion/cancellation of the following (according to the DLP
policy rules):
- The clipboard read operations
- The DragnDrop operations.

#### DlpDataTransferNotifier

This class has 2 implementations:
- DlpClipboardNotifier
- DlpDragDropNotifier
<br> They are responsible for showing either the block bubbles, or the warning
dialogues for both clipboard & DragnDrop operations.

<!-- TODO( Add more details for the remaining DLP
restrictions. -->