
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.metrics";

option java_outer_classname = "ChromeUserMetricsExtensionProtos";

package metrics;

import "cast_logs.proto";
import "chrome_os_app_list_launch_event.proto";
import "custom_tab_session.proto";
import "histogram_event.proto";
import "omnibox_event.proto";

import "printer_event.proto";
import "reporting_info.proto";
import "sampled_profile.proto";
import "structured_data.proto";
import "system_profile.proto";
import "trace_log.proto";
import "translate_event.proto";
import "user_action_event.proto";
import "user_demographics.proto";

// Next tag: 30
message ChromeUserMetricsExtension {
  // The product (i.e. end user application) for a given UMA log.
  enum Product {
    // Google Chrome product family.
    CHROME = 0;

    // UMA metrics from Android Webview.

    // Cast Assistant

    // Devices such as Chromecast, Android TVs, and smart speakers and displays.
    CAST = 35;

    // UMA metrics from Android WebLayer.
  // The product corresponding to this log. The field type is int32 instead of
  // Product so that downstream users of the Chromium metrics component can
  // introduce products without needing to make changes to the Chromium code
  // (though they still need to add the new product to the server-side enum).
  // Note: The default value is Chrome, so Chrome products will not transmit
  // this field.
  optional int32 product = 10 [default = 0];

  // The id of the client install that generated these events.
  // For Chrome clients, this id is unique to a top-level (one level above the
  // "Default" directory) Chrome user data directory [1], and so is shared among
  // all Chrome user profiles contained in this user data directory.
  // This client_id may not be unique across platforms. Notably, ChromeOS and
  // Lacros are different platforms yet report the same client_id for the same
  // device.
  // An id of 0 is reserved for test data (monitoring and internal testing) and
  // should normally be ignored in analysis of the data.
  // [1]
  optional fixed64 client_id = 1;

  // The session id for this user.
  // Values such as tab ids are only meaningful within a particular session.
  // The client keeps track of the session id and sends it with each event.
  // The session id is simply an integer that is incremented each time the user
  // relaunches Chrome.
  optional int32 session_id = 2;

  // The id associated with a user entity that generated these events. These
  // user IDs are only associated with users on device. Their generation is not
  // based on any other ID.
  // This field is not populated on non-Chrome OS platforms.
  // For Chrome OS, this id refers to a device user entity. This field will be
  // captured when a log is first opened. If there is no user logged in at the
  // time the log is opened, then this field will be unset. All ephemeral (i.e.
  // guest, kiosk) users will have this field unset.
  optional fixed64 user_id = 24;

  // A client-managed id that functions as a sequence number for the log record.
  // Clients are expected to maintain a counter, incrementing it (by 1) for each
  // record they create, and populate this field. Each record_id is expected to
  // be unique when scoped to a given client_id. It is further expected that the
  // record_id values associated to a given client_id form an uninterrupted
  // numeric sequence (i.e. k, k+1, k+2, k+3, ...), allowing for the detection
  // of dropped, or otherwise lost, records.
  optional int64 record_id = 28;

  // A client-managed id that functions as a sequence number for the log record.
  // Clients are expected to maintain a counter, incrementing it (by 1) for each
  // record they finalize, and populate this field. Each record_id is expected
  // to be unique when scoped to a given client_id. It is further expected that
  // the record_id values associated to a given client_id form an uninterrupted
  // numeric sequence (i.e. k, k+1, k+2, k+3, ...), allowing for the detection
  // of dropped, or otherwise lost, finalized records.
  optional int64 finalized_record_id = 29;

  // Next tag: 4
  message RealLocalTime {
    // The source of the timestamp.
    enum TimeSource {
      UNSPECIFIED = 0;
      // The time on the local machine.
      CLIENT_CLOCK = 1;

      // The time derived from server information provided by the
      // NetworkTimeTracker a.k.a. "sane time" system.  See

    optional TimeSource time_source = 1;

    // |time_sec| is in seconds since epoch.
    optional int64 time_sec = 2;

    // |time_zone_offset_from_gmt_sec| is in seconds.
    // Only logged in |time_log_closed| entries, not |time_log_created| entries.
    // (Populating this field when creating a log slows down startup too much.)
    optional int32 time_zone_offset_from_gmt_sec = 3;

  // These times are set for "ongoing" UMA logs.  For two other types
  // of UMA logs, these values are omitted:
  // - logs recovered from a previous run of Chrome ("persisted UMA"), such as
  //   one that didn't shut down cleanly.
  // - the initial stability log.
  // Warning: in some cases |time_log_created| can contain events that happened
  // slightly before this timestamp. If you only care about differences of more
  // than a minute, you can skip reading this section. In particular, at the
  // time of writing, the "initial metric log" includes all metrics from startup
  // until it is closed, which happens 60 seconds after startup on desktop
  // platforms and 15 seconds after startup on mobile platforms. (See
  // components/metrics/ kInitialIntervalSeconds.) Yet, the
  // initial metrics log is only created 30 seconds after startup on desktop
  // platforms and 5 seconds after startup on mobile platforms. (See
  // components/metrics/ kInitializationDelaySeconds.) This
  // means histograms that are stored in a record could have been emitted up to
  // 30 seconds before the log was created. This logic may change in the
  // future; see
  optional RealLocalTime time_log_created = 25;
  optional RealLocalTime time_log_closed = 26;

  // Information about the user's browser and system configuration.
  optional SystemProfileProto system_profile = 3;

  // The user's demographic information. This data is made available to Chrome
  // via syncable priority pref, so is only available if the user is signed-in
  // and syncing.
  optional UserDemographicsProto user_demographics = 21;

  // This message will log one or more of the following event types:
  repeated UserActionEventProto user_action_event = 4;
  repeated OmniboxEventProto omnibox_event = 5;
  repeated HistogramEventProto histogram_event = 6;

  repeated TranslateEventProto translate_event = 15;
  repeated PrinterEventProto printer_event = 16;
  repeated ChromeOSAppListLaunchEventProto chrome_os_app_list_launch_event = 20;

  optional StructuredDataProto structured_data = 23;

  // A list of all collected sample-based profiles since the last UMA upload.
  repeated SampledProfile sampled_profile = 11;

  // Additional data related with Cast-enabled devices.
  optional CastLogsProto cast_logs = 12;

  // The ReportingInfo message sent in the X-Chrome-UMA-ReportingInfo header.
  // Copied in by the receiving server.
  optional ReportingInfo reporting_info = 17;

  // The Chrome traces obtained during the current session. The start time,
  // duration and details depend on the experiment triggers in the current
  // session. This field is uploaded as independent logs, which contain only
  // session id and core system profile fields, apart from this field.
  repeated TraceLog trace_log = 19;

  // Information about a Custom Tabs session, recorded in the log when the
  // a CCT session ended. If custom tabs are opened and closed multiple times
  // within the same log session, only the last one will be recorded. This is
  // used to identify applications that use Custom Tabs in an abusive way. This
  // is specific to Android.
  optional CustomTabSessionProto custom_tab_session = 27;