
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.metrics";

option java_outer_classname = "DeidentifiedWebAnalyticsProtos";

package dwa;

import "histogram_event.proto";
import "system_profile.proto";

// A report containing deidentified web analytics data. One report is sent per
// 5-30 minutes depending on the client.
// Next tag: 6
message DeidentifiedWebAnalyticsReport {
  optional CoarseSystemInfo coarse_system_info = 1;

  // Temporary identifier that gets generated once a day.
  optional fixed64 dwa_ephemeral_id = 2;

  // A list of page load events, one entry per page load.
  // This field should be cleared when a report is sent, its content should be
  // encrypted and placed in encrypted_page_load_events.
  repeated PageLoadEvents page_load_events = 3;

  // A list of encrypted page load events, one entry per page load.
  repeated EncryptedPageLoadEvents encrypted_page_load_events = 4;

  // Unix timestamp of when the report was generated and sent.
  optional int64 timestamp = 5;

// All fields in this message should be populated by the client before sending
// the report to comply with the entropy requirements (an unset field
// essentially increases entropy).
// Next tag: 7
message CoarseSystemInfo {
  // Stable or not-stable channel, 1 bit allocated.
  // INVALID_CHANNEL is an invalid value and should never used. The client
  // should check the value before sending the report.
  enum Channel {
    STABLE = 1;
    NOT_STABLE = 2;
  optional Channel channel = 1;

  // Platform and activity type, 4 bits allocated.
  // INVALID_PLATFORM is an invalid value and should never used. The client
  // should check the value before sending the report.
  enum Platform {
    OTHER = 1;
    ANDROID_CCT = 4;
    ANDROID_PWA = 5;
    ANDROID_TWA = 6;
    IOS = 7;
    WINDOWS = 8;
    MACOS = 9;
    LINUX = 10;
    CHROMEOS = 11;
  optional Platform platform = 2;

  // Geo designation, 1 bit allocated.
  // INVALID_GEO_DESIGNATION is an invalid value and should never used. The
  // client should check the value before sending the report.
  enum GeoDesignation {
    EEA = 1;  // Countries under the European Economic Area.
    ROW = 2;  // Rest of the world.
  optional GeoDesignation geo_designation = 3;

  // An indicator of whether this is a recent (week old) client install or
  // not, 1 bit allocated.
  // Note that what "recent" means could potentially change in the future
  // without changing the enum value as that would increase entropy.
  // When analyzing data, always check for changes in what recent means for
  // each milestone.
  // INVALID_CLIENT_AGE is an invalid value and should never used. The client
  // should check the value before sending the report.
  enum ClientAge {
    RECENT = 1;
    NOT_RECENT = 2;
  optional ClientAge client_age = 4;

  // First 3 digits of the milestone mod (%) 16, 4 bits allocated.
  optional int32 milestone_prefix_trimmed = 5;

  // Whether UKM logging is enabled, 1 bit allocated.
  optional bool is_ukm_enabled = 6;

// Events that occurred in a single page load.
message PageLoadEvents {
  repeated DeidentifiedWebAnalyticsEvent events = 1;

// A container for a list of encrypted page load events.
message EncryptedPageLoadEvents {
  // A container for an encrypted page load event.
  message EncryptedPageLoadEvent {
    // A container for an encrypted deidentified web analytics event, each
    // container corresponds to a single deidentified web analytics event and a
    // hash of the field trials associated with that event.
    message EncryptedDeidentifiedWebAnalyticsEvent {
      optional bytes encrypted_event = 1;
      optional fixed64 field_trials_hash = 2;
    repeated EncryptedDeidentifiedWebAnalyticsEvent
        encrypted_deidentified_web_analytics_events = 1;
  repeated EncryptedPageLoadEvent encrypted_page_load_events = 1;

message DeidentifiedWebAnalyticsEvent {
  // A hash of the event name/type (such as "ReportingAPIUsage").
  // Uses the same hash function as UMA.
  optional fixed64 event_hash = 1;

  // The type of content that the event is associated with.
  // INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE is an invalid value and should never used. The
  // client should check the value before sending the report.
  message ContentMetric {
    enum ContentType {
      // The content is a URL.
      URL = 1;
    optional ContentType content_type = 1;

    // A hash of the content (e.g. hash("")).
    // Uses the same hash function as UMA.
    optional fixed64 content_hash = 2;

    // Metrics associated with the content, name hash and values behave the
    // same as in UMA.
    repeated metrics.HistogramEventProto metrics = 3;
  repeated ContentMetric content_metrics = 2;

  // Field trials that we want to associate with this event, name id and
  // group id behave the same as in UMA.
  repeated metrics.SystemProfileProto.FieldTrial field_trials = 3;