// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.metrics";
option java_outer_classname = "ExtensionInstallProtos";
package metrics;
// Stores information about an extension installed on a user's machine.
// Next tag: 17.
message ExtensionInstallProto {
// The type of extension item this is.
enum Type {
UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; // Unknown (hopefully never used)
EXTENSION = 1; // A browser extension
THEME = 2; // A browser theme
USER_SCRIPT = 3; // An extension converted from a user script
HOSTED_APP = 4; // A hosted app
LEGACY_PACKAGED_APP = 5; // A (deprecated) v1 packaged app
PLATFORM_APP = 6; // A platform app
SHARED_MODULE = 7; // A shared module
LOGIN_SCREEN_EXTENSION = 8; // An extension running on the login screen
optional Type type = 1;
// The source of the extension.
enum InstallLocation {
UNKNOWN_LOCATION = 0; // Unknown (hopefully never used)
INTERNAL = 1; // A crx file from the internal Extensions directory; most
// webstore-installed extensions fall into this category.
EXTERNAL_PREF = 2; // A crx file from an external directory (via prefs).
EXTERNAL_REGISTRY = 3; // A crx file from an external directory (via the
// Windows registry)
UNPACKED = 4; // An unpacked extension loaded from chrome://extensions.
COMPONENT = 5; // An internal component extension.
EXTERNAL_PREF_DOWNLOAD = 6; // A crx file from an external directory (via
// prefs), downloaded from an update URL.
EXTERNAL_POLICY_DOWNLOAD = 7; // A crx file from an external directory (via
// admin policies), downloaded from an update
// URL.
COMMAND_LINE = 8; // Loaded from the commandline (e.g. --load-extension).
EXTERNAL_POLICY = 9; // A crx file from an external directory (via admin
// policies), cached locally and installed from the
// cache.
EXTERNAL_COMPONENT = 10; // A component extension that was downloaded
// externally via an update url.
optional InstallLocation install_location = 2;
// The manifest version in the extension. Note: this refers to the
// Chrome-required versioning of the manifest, not the extension version.
// Currently, it is always 1 or 2.
optional int32 manifest_version = 3;
// The associated UI action in the extension. Each extension can have at most
// one type of action.
enum ActionType {
optional ActionType action_type = 4;
// If the extension has been granted file access.
optional bool has_file_access = 5;
// If the extension has been granted permission to run in incognito contexts.
optional bool has_incognito_access = 6;
// If the extension originated from the Chrome Web Store according to the
// prefs.
// This differs from install_location, which specifies from where the location
// on the user’s machine from where the install originated, but not whether
// the extension is hosted in the store. For instance, sideloaded extensions
// that are specified via ID in the registry are downloaded from the store.
optional bool is_from_store = 7;
// If the extension automatically updates from the Chrome Web Store.
optional bool updates_from_store = 8;
// If the extension is a bookmark app that was generated from a web page. This
// is distinct from install_location above, which specifies from where on the
// user’s machine the install originated.
// Deprecated: This field is no longer populated as bookmark apps are no
// longer supported.
optional bool is_from_bookmark = 9;
// If the extension was created from a user script. This is distinct from
// install_location above, which specifies from where on the user’s machine
// the install originated.
optional bool is_converted_from_user_script = 10;
// If the extension was installed by default when the profile was created.
// These extensions are specified by Chrome.
optional bool is_default_installed = 11;
// If the extension was installed by an OEM. This differs from
// "is_default_installed", since these extensions are specified by the OEM
// rather than by Chrome. These are specified in a file that is created as
// part of the creation of the Chrome image, and can be specific to different
// OEMs.
optional bool is_oem_installed = 12;
// The type of background page this extension has. Each extension can have at
// most one type of background presence.
enum BackgroundScriptType {
NO_BACKGROUND_SCRIPT = 0; // The extension has no background page.
PERSISTENT_BACKGROUND_PAGE = 1; // The extension has a persistent
// background page.
EVENT_PAGE = 2; // The extension has a (lazy) event page.
SERVICE_WORKER = 3; // The extension has a service worker based
// background context.
optional BackgroundScriptType background_script_type = 13;
// The reasons an extension may be disabled.
enum DisableReason {
USER_ACTION = 0; // The user disabled the extension.
PERMISSIONS_INCREASE = 1; // The extension increased permissions.
RELOAD = 2; // The extension is reloading.
UNSUPPORTED_REQUIREMENT = 3; // The extension has requirements that weren't
// met (e.g. graphics capabilities).
SIDELOAD_WIPEOUT = 4; // The extension was disabled in the sideload
// wipeout.
UNKNOWN_FROM_SYNC = 5; // The extension was disabled by sync.
NOT_VERIFIED = 6; // The extension couldn't be verified.
GREYLIST = 7; // The extension was found on the greylist.
CORRUPTED = 8; // The extension install was corrupted according to content
// verification.
REMOTE_INSTALL = 9; // The extension was installed remotely and hasn't been
// enabled.
EXTERNAL_EXTENSION = 10; // The extension was sideloaded and hasn't been
// enabled.
UPDATE_REQUIRED_BY_POLICY = 11; // Policy requires an unmet minimum
// version.
CUSTODIAN_APPROVAL_REQUIRED = 12; // The extension is pending custodian
// approval for a supervised user.
BLOCKED_BY_POLICY = 13; // The extension is disabled because it's blocked
// by enterprise policy.
// The extension is being reinstalled.
// The extension has been disabled because it's not allowlisted and the Safe
// Browsing allowlist is enforced in the user profile.
// The extension is disabled because it is not in 1st party ash keep list
// and the 1st party ash extension keep list is enforced in ash.
// Policy requires the extension to be published and available for download
// from the web store.
// The extension is using an unsupported manifest version.
// Any DisableReasons in effect for the extension. An empty list means the
// extension is not disabled. Note that an extension that is not disabled may
// nonetheless not be running, e.g., terminated because the extension process
// was killed.
repeated DisableReason disable_reasons = 14;
// The state of the extension in the safe browsing blacklist.
// The numeric values here match the values of the respective enum in
// ClientCRXListInfoResponse proto.
enum BlacklistState {
// The extension is not in the blacklist.
// The extension is malware.
// The extension has a serious security vulnerability.
// The extension violated CWS policy.
// The extension is considered potentially unwanted.
// Used when we couldn't connect to server, e.g. when offline.
optional BlacklistState blacklist_state = 15;
// Whether the extension was installed in the current sampling period. This
// is useful if trying to use extension installation in conjunction with other
// metrics (e.g. page load). Since some of the metrics from this period will
// have the extension installed and others won't, these records can be
// discarded for that analysis.
optional bool installed_in_this_sample_period = 16;