
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.metrics";

option java_outer_classname = "OmniboxEventProtos";

package metrics;

import "omnibox_input_type.proto";

// Stores information about an omnibox interaction.
// Next tag: 28
message OmniboxEventProto {
  // The timestamp for the event, in seconds.
  // This value comes from Chromium's TimeTicks::Now(), which is an abstract
  // time value that is guaranteed to always be non-decreasing (regardless of
  // Daylight Saving Time or any other changes to the system clock).
  // These numbers are only comparable within a session.  To sequence events
  // across sessions, order by the |session_id| from the
  // ChromeUserMetricsExtension message.
  optional int64 time_sec = 1;

  // The id of the originating tab for this omnibox interaction.
  // This is the current tab *unless* the user opened the target in a new tab.
  // In those cases, this is unset.  Tab ids are unique for a given session_id
  // (in the containing protocol buffer ChromeUserMetricsExtensionProto).
  optional int32 tab_id = 2;

  // The number of characters the user had typed before autocompleting.
  optional int32 typed_length = 3;

  // Whether the user deleted text immediately before selecting an omnibox
  // suggestion.  This is usually the result of pressing backspace or delete.
  optional bool just_deleted_text = 11;

  // The number of terms that the user typed in the omnibox.
  optional int32 num_typed_terms = 4;

  // The index of the item that the user selected in the omnibox popup list.
  // This corresponds the index of the |suggestion| below.
  optional int32 selected_index = 5;

  // Whether the user selected the option to switch tabs (or ignored it
  // and navigated). If true, one or more |Suggestions| will have
  // |has_tab_match| set as well, which must include the |selected_index|.
  optional bool selected_tab_match = 17;

  // DEPRECATED. Whether or not the top match was hidden in the omnibox
  // suggestions dropdown.
  optional bool DEPRECATED_is_top_result_hidden_in_dropdown = 14
      [deprecated = true];

  // Whether the omnibox popup is open.  It can be closed if, for instance,
  // the user clicks in the omnibox and hits return to reload the same page.
  // If the popup is closed, the suggestion list will contain only one item
  // and selected_index will be 0 (pointing to that single item).  Because
  // paste-and-search/paste-and-go actions ignore the current content of the
  // omnibox dropdown (if it is open) when they happen, we pretend the
  // dropdown is closed when logging these.
  optional bool is_popup_open = 15;

  // True if this is a paste-and-search or paste-and-go action.  (The codebase
  // refers to both these types as paste-and-go.)
  optional bool is_paste_and_go = 16;

  // The length of the inline autocomplete text in the omnibox.
  // The sum |typed_length| + |completed_length| gives the full length of the
  // user-visible text in the omnibox.
  // This field is only set for suggestions that are allowed to be the default
  // match and omitted otherwise.  The first suggestion is always allowed to
  // be the default match.  (This is an enforced constraint.)  Hence, if
  // |selected_index| == 0, then this field will always be set.
  optional int32 completed_length = 6;

  // The amount of time, in milliseconds, since the user first began modifying
  // the text in the omnibox.  If at some point after modifying the text, the
  // user reverts the modifications (thus seeing the current web page's URL
  // again), then writes in the omnibox again, this elapsed time should start
  // from the time of the second series of modification.
  optional int64 typing_duration_ms = 7;

  // The amount of time, in milliseconds, since the last time the default
  // (inline) match changed.  This may be longer than the time since the
  // last keystroke.  (The last keystroke may not have changed the default
  // match.)  It may also be shorter than the time since the last keystroke
  // because the default match might have come from an asynchronous
  // provider.  Regardless, it should always be less than or equal to
  // the field |typing_duration_ms|.
  optional int64 duration_since_last_default_match_update_ms = 13;

  // The type of page the user was on when they used the omnibox. Or the type of
  // page for which suggestions were prefetched from the server.
  enum PageClassification {
    // An invalid URL; shouldn't happen.

    // chrome://newtab/.  For modern versions of Chrome, this is only reported
    // when an extension is replacing the new tab page. Otherwise, new tab
    // page interactions will be reported as NTP_REALBOX, or
    // For old versions of Chrome, this was reported for the default New Tab
    // Page.
    NTP = 1;

    // about:blank.
    BLANK = 2;

    // The user's home page.  Note that if the home page is set to any
    // of the new tab page versions or to about:blank, then we'll
    // classify the page into those categories, not HOME_PAGE.
    HOME_PAGE = 3;

    // The catch-all entry of everything not included somewhere else
    // on this list.
    OTHER = 4;

    // The instant new tab page.
    OBSOLETE_INSTANT_NTP = 5;  // DEPRECATED on August 2, 2013.

    // The user is on a search result page that does search term replacement.
    // This means the search terms are shown in the omnibox instead of the URL.
    // In other words: Query in Omnibox is Active for this SRP.

    // The new tab page in which this omnibox interaction first started
    // with the user having focus in the omnibox.

    // The new tab page in which this omnibox interaction first started with the
    // user having focus in the fakebox. This is replaced by NTP_REALBOX.
    // DEPRECATED on Aug 17, 2020.

    // The user is on a search result page that does not do search term
    // replacement. This means the URL of the SRP is shown in the omnibox.
    // In other words: Query in Omnibox is Inactive for this SRP.

    // The user is on the home screen.
    APP_HOME = 10;

    // The user is in the search app.
    APP_SEARCH = 11;

    // The user is in the maps app.
    APP_MAPS = 12;

    // This omnibox interaction started with the user tapping the search button.

    // This interaction started with the user focusing or typing in the search
    // box of the ChromeOS app list (a.k.a., launcher).

    // The new tab page in which this omnibox interaction started with the user
    // having focus in the realbox.
    NTP_REALBOX = 15;

    // Android's Search Widget started directly from Launcher.

    // Android's Start surface homepage.
    START_SURFACE_HOMEPAGE = 17;  // DEPRECATED on Jun 17, 2022.
    // New Tab with Omnibox focused with Android's start surface finale enabled.
    START_SURFACE_NEW_TAB = 18;  // DEPRECATED on Jun 17, 2022.

    // Android's improved Search Widget with new suggestions.

    // The New Tab Page zero-prefix suggestion prefetch.
    // Used for prefetching suggestions and should never appear in an
    // OmniboxEventProto or any of its derived histograms. (PageClassification
    // enum is used in other places too, and not only OmniboxEventProto.)

    // Used for Journeys requests in its landing page, side Panel or the NTP.
    // Should never appear in an OmniboxEventProto or any of its derived
    // histograms. (PageClassification enum is used in other places too, and not
    // only OmniboxEventProto.)
    JOURNEYS = 21;

    // The Search Results Page zero-prefix suggestion prefetch.
    // Used for prefetching suggestions and should never appear in an
    // OmniboxEventProto or any of its derived histograms. (PageClassification
    // enum is used in other places too, and not only OmniboxEventProto.)

    // The catch-all zero-prefix suggestion prefetch for everything other than
    // NTP and SRP.
    // Used for prefetching suggestions and should never appear in an
    // OmniboxEventProto or any of its derived histograms. (PageClassification
    // enum is used in other places too, and not only OmniboxEventProto.)

    // The searchbox in the lens overlay.

    // The searchbox in the search side panel.

    // The searchbox in the lens side panel.

    // The user is visiting a search result page using Chrome Custom Tab.

    // The user is visiting a non DSE web page using Chrome Custom Tab.
    // Equivalent of OTHER for CCT.
    OTHER_ON_CCT = 28;

    // When adding new classifications, please consider adding them in
    // chromium's chrome/browser/resources/omnibox/omnibox.html
    // so that these new options are displayed on about:omnibox.
  optional PageClassification current_page_classification = 10;

  enum ModeType {
    // Unknown type (should not be reported).
    // This user is in web mode when looking for suggestions.
    WEB_MODE = 1;
    // This user is in image mode when looking for suggestions.
    IMAGE_MODE = 2;
  optional ModeType mode_type = 18;

  optional OmniboxInputType input_type = 8;

  // An enum used in multiple places below.
  enum ProviderType {
    UNKNOWN_PROVIDER = 0;  // Unknown provider (should not reach here)
    HISTORY_URL = 1;       // URLs in history, or user-typed URLs
    HISTORY_CONTENTS = 2;  // Matches for page contents of pages in history
    HISTORY_QUICK = 3;     // Matches for recently or frequently visited pages
                           // in history
    SEARCH = 4;            // Search suggestions for the default search engine
    KEYWORD = 5;           // Keyword-triggered searches
    BUILTIN = 6;           // Built-in URLs, such as chrome://version
    SHORTCUTS = 7;         // Recently selected omnibox suggestions
    EXTENSION_APPS = 8;    // DEPRECATED. Suggestions from extensions or apps
    CONTACT = 9;           // DEPRECATED. The user's contacts
    BOOKMARK = 10;         // The user's bookmarks
    ZERO_SUGGEST = 11;     // Suggestions based on the current page
    // This enum value is currently only used by Android GSA. It represents
    // a suggestion from the phone powered by go/icing.
    ON_DEVICE = 12;
    // This enum value is currently only used by Android GSA. It represents
    // a suggestion powered by a Chrome content provider.
    CLIPBOARD = 14;     // Suggestion coming from clipboard.
    PHYSICAL_WEB = 15;  // DEPRECATED. Suggestions triggered by URLs broadcast
                        // by nearby devices.
    DOCUMENT = 16;      // Suggestions for documents in a cloud corpus.
    // Non personalized query suggestions generated from a lightweight on device
    // head model.
    ON_DEVICE_HEAD = 17;
    // Zero-prefix query suggestions based on device local history.
    // Only used by Android Chrome. Represents a suggestion showing query tiles
    // that users can tap on for bulding queries.
    QUERY_TILE = 19;
    // Clusters generated on-device from the user's Chrome history.
    // Suggestions from history derived from input with automatic corrections.
    // URLs amongst the user's currently open tabs. These are not separately
    // attached TAB_SWITCH actions; they're full dedicated suggestions produced
    // by the OpenTabProvider (used by @tabs keyword scope and CrOS launcher).
    OPEN_TAB = 22;
    // Tab switch actions that attach to matches when the URL is equivalent
    // to a URL in another open tab. Note this is distinct from OPEN_TAB above.
    // This is a pseudo-provider for a TabSwitchAction attached to a suggestion
    // when AutocompleteResult::ConvertOpenTabMatches finds matching open tabs.
    TAB_SWITCH = 23;
    // Omnibox Pedals: specialized actions that may be attached to matches.
    // This is a pseudo-provider for actions produced by OmniboxPedalProvider
    // and attached to suggestions by AutocompleteResult::AttachPedalsToMatches.
    PEDALS = 24;
    // Featured search that includes the starter pack and search engines created
    // by the SiteSearchSettings Enterprise policy and marked as "featured" by
    // an administrator.
    // Compares the embeddings of the page contents of past visits with
    // the embeddings of the input.
    // Caches and suggests recent calculator answers from the search provider.
    CALCULATOR = 27;

  // The result set displayed on the completion popup
  // Next tag: 11
  message Suggestion {
    // Where does this result come from?
    optional ProviderType provider = 1;

    // What kind of result this is.
    // This corresponds to the AutocompleteMatch::Type enumeration in
    // components/omnibox/autocomplete_match.h
    // (except for Android GSA result types).
    enum ResultType {
      UNKNOWN_RESULT_TYPE = 0;    // Unknown type (should not reach here)
      URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED = 1;     // The input as a URL
      HISTORY_URL = 2;            // A past page whose URL contains the input
      HISTORY_TITLE = 3;          // A past page whose title contains the input
      HISTORY_BODY = 4;           // DEPRECATED. A past page whose body
                                  // contains the input
      HISTORY_KEYWORD = 5;        // A past page whose keyword contains the
                                  // input
      NAVSUGGEST = 6;             // A suggested URL
                                  // result_subtype_identifier is currently used
                                  // for contextual zero-suggest suggestions
                                  // provided by the experimental service (note
                                  // that not all NAVSUUGGEST suggestions come
                                  // from the experimental service).
                                  // For subtype definitions, please contact
                                  // [email protected].
      SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED = 7;  // The input as a search query (with the
                                  // default engine)
      SEARCH_HISTORY = 8;         // A past search (with the default engine)
                                  // containing the input
      SEARCH_SUGGEST = 9;         // A suggested search (with the default
                                  // engine) for a query.
      SEARCH_OTHER_ENGINE = 10;   // A search with a non-default engine
      EXTENSION_APP = 11;         // DEPRECATED. An Extension App with a
                                  // title/url that contains the input.
      CONTACT = 12;               // One of the user's contacts
      BOOKMARK_TITLE = 13;        // A bookmark with a title/url that contains
                                  // the input.
      SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY = 14;  // A suggested search for an entity.
      SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL = 15;    // A suggested search to complete the tail of
                                   // the query.
      SEARCH_SUGGEST_PERSONALIZED = 16;  // A personalized suggested search.
      SEARCH_SUGGEST_PROFILE = 17;   // A personalized suggested search for a
                                     // Google+ profile.
      APP_RESULT = 18;               // Result from an installed app
                                     // (eg: a gmail email).
                                     // Used by Android GSA for on-device
                                     // suggestion logging.
      APP = 19;                      // An app result (eg: the gmail app).
                                     // Used by Android GSA for on-device
                                     // suggestion logging.
      LEGACY_ON_DEVICE = 20;         // An on-device result from a legacy
                                     // provider. That is, this result is not
                                     // from the on-device suggestion provider
                                     // (go/icing). This field is
                                     // used by Android GSA for on-device
                                     // suggestion logging.
      NAVSUGGEST_PERSONALIZED = 21;  // A personalized url.
      SEARCH_SUGGEST_ANSWER = 22;    // DEPRECATED. Answers no longer have their
                                     // own type but instead can be attached to
                                     // suggestions of any type.
      CALCULATOR = 23;               // A calculator answer.
      CLIPBOARD_URL = 24;            // An URL based on the clipboard.
      PHYSICAL_WEB = 25;             // DEPRECATED. A Physical Web nearby URL.
      PHYSICAL_WEB_OVERFLOW = 26;  // DEPRECATED. An item representing multiple
                                   // Physical Web nearby URLs.
      DOCUMENT = 27;               // An item representing a cloud document
                                   // suggestion.
      CLIPBOARD_TEXT = 28;         // Text based on the clipboard.
      CLIPBOARD_IMAGE = 29;        // An image based on the clipboard.
      TILE_SUGGESTION = 30;        // A search query from Chrome Query Tiles
                                   // feature. Only used by Android.
      HISTORY_CLUSTER = 31;        // A past page that is a member of a cluster
                                   // (an aggregation of related searches and
                                   // URLs from the user's history) that
                                   // contains the input (the input might or
                                   // might not also match the title or URL of
                                   // this page).
      OPEN_TAB = 32;      // A currently open tab whose URL contains the input.
                          // Note: This is for dedicated matches produced by
                          // OpenTabProvider, not a general TAB_SWITCH action.
      STARTER_PACK = 33;  // A built-in URL suggestion specifically created for
                          // the starter pack keyword mode chip to attach to.
      TAB_SWITCH = 34;    // A tab-switch action (distinct from OPEN_TAB).
      PEDAL = 35;         // A pedal action.
      HISTORY_EMBEDDINGS = 36;  // A past page whose contents have similar
                                // embeddings to the query.
      FEATURED_ENTERPRISE_SEARCH = 37;  // Search engine set by the organization
                                        // via the SiteSearchSettings policy and
                                        // marked as featured.
      NULL_RESULT_MESSAGE = 38;         // Informational messages that cannot be
                                        // navigated to. IPH suggestions which
                                        // use this type are deletable.
    optional ResultType result_type = 2;

    // The relevance score for this suggestion.
    optional int32 relevance = 3;

    // How many times this result was typed in / selected from the omnibox
    // in this profile.
    // Only set for some providers and result_types.  At the time of
    // writing this comment, it is only set for HistoryURL and
    // HistoryQuickProvider matches.
    optional int32 typed_count = 5;

    // Whether this item is starred (bookmarked) in this profile.
    optional bool is_starred = 4 [deprecated = true];

    // Whether this item is disabled in the UI (not clickable).
    optional bool is_disabled = 6;

    // Used to identify the specific source / type for suggestions by the
    // suggest server. The meaning of individual values is determined by the
    // provider of each suggestion type and is different for every suggestion
    // type. See enum ResultType above for more details.
    optional int32 result_subtype_identifier = 7;

    // Whether the suggestion presented in the match, regardless of type,
    // matched an open tab.
    optional bool has_tab_match = 8;

    // Whether this suggestion came associated with a keyword.  Does not include
    // suggestions that came from the default search engine unless the search
    // engine was explicitly invoked.  As two common examples,
    // |is_keyword_suggestion| will be true for suggestions from explicitly-
    // invoked suggestions (whether from a search engine or an extension).  It
    // will also be true for suggestions from a keyword that wasn't explicitly
    // requested.  For example, if a user has Google as their default search
    // engine, the input "bing testing" will often show a suggestion to "Search
    // Bing for testing" in the dropdown.  This suggestion will be marked as
    // |is_keyword_suggestion|.
    optional bool is_keyword_suggestion = 9;

    // Signals for machine learning scoring (logged by client code).
    // See details: http://shortn/_B21YgmkLs9.
    // Currently, this message is populated for both URL and Search suggestions
    // and only when there is a click on an Omnibox suggestion.
    message ScoringSignals {
      // Number of times the URL was navigated to using the Omnibox for this
      // profile on this device, and all other devices syncing with this
      // profile. Only include typed visits from the last 90 days. Discounted by
      // a time-decaying factor with a 30-day half-life based on the last visit
      // timestamp.
      optional int32 typed_count = 1;
      // Number of times the URL was visited in general for this profile on this
      // device. Note that this will soon be across syncing devices with the
      // rollout of full history sync in 2023. Only include visits from the last
      // 90 days. Discounted by a time-decaying factor with a 30-day half-life
      // based on the last visit timestamp.
      optional int32 visit_count = 2;
      // Elapsed time since last visit for this profile on this device. Uses the
      // local client-side timestamps. Can be unreliable as local times can
      // change in between different runs of Chrome.
      optional int64 elapsed_time_last_visit_secs = 3;
      // Number of times the suggestion was visited with the current input or
      // prefix of it for this profile on this device.
      // Discounted by a time-decaying factor with a 1-week half-life based on
      // the last visit timestamp.
      optional int32 shortcut_visit_count = 4;
      // Length of the shortest shortcut text.
      // Useful in comparison with |typed_length|.
      optional int32 shortest_shortcut_len = 5;
      // Elapsed time since last shortcut visit for this profile on this device.
      // Uses the local client-side timestamps. Can be unreliable as local times
      // can change in between different runs of Chrome.
      optional int64 elapsed_time_last_shortcut_visit_sec = 6;
      // URL points to the root page of a website, i.e., no query, path words,
      // or references after "/".
      optional bool is_host_only = 7;
      // Number of bookmarks for this profile with this URL.
      optional int32 num_bookmarks_of_url = 8;
      // Position of the first matched bookmark title term.
      // E.g. 4 for input 'x' and title "0123x56".
      // Not set when there is no match in the bookmark title.
      optional int32 first_bookmark_title_match_position = 9;
      // Total length of matched strings in the bookmark title. Can be larger
      // than the input text length. The input text is split by whitespaces, and
      // each input word is matched against the title separately. Their matching
      // lengths are summed. Similarly for other text matching signals below.
      // E.g. 9 for input "[abc] ijk [xyz]" and title "[abc] def [xyz] - [xyz]".
      // Set to 0 when there is no match in the title.
      optional int32 total_bookmark_title_match_length = 10;
      // Number of input terms matched by bookmark title. Take the maximum when
      // there are multiple matching bookmarks of this URL.
      // E.g., 1 for input "[a] b" and bookmark title "[a] book title".
      // Not set when the user does not have this URL bookmarked.
      optional int32 num_input_terms_matched_by_bookmark_title = 11;
      // Position of the first matched URL substring.
      // URL scheme or TLD matches are excluded, though those characters are
      // counted when assessing match position. E.g., 11 for 't' in
      // "https://hos[t].com" Not set when there is no URL match.
      optional int32 first_url_match_position = 12;
      // Total length of the matched URL strings. Can be longer than the input
      // string. E.g., Given input "ab abc" and url "", total is 7 (4
      // for "ab" in "[ab][ab]" and 3 for "abc" in
      // "[abc].com"). Set to 0 when there is no URL string match.
      optional int32 total_url_match_length = 13;
      // One word matches host at a word boundary. E.g., true for input "[h] a"
      // and "[h].com", Set to false when there are matches in the host but none
      // at word boundaries. E.g., false for input "a" and "h[a].com". Not set
      // when there is no host match.
      optional bool host_match_at_word_boundary = 14;
      // Total length of the matched host substrings.
      // Can be larger than the input text.
      // E.g., 3 for input "h a" and "[h]ost[aa].com".
      // Set to 0 when there is no host match.
      optional int32 total_host_match_length = 15;
      // Total length of the matched substrings in the path at word boundaries.
      // Can be larger than the input text. E.g. 3 for 'p' in
      // '[p]ath_[p]ath/[p]ath'. Set to 0 when there are no such matches.
      optional int32 total_path_match_length = 16;
      // Total length of the matched substrings in the query_or_ref at word
      // boundaries. Can be larger than the input text.
      // E.g., 3 for input '[qu] [a]' and '[qu]ery_[a]'.
      // Set to 0 when there are no such matches.
      optional int32 total_query_or_ref_match_length = 17;
      // Total length of the matched substrings in the page title at word
      // boundaries. Can be larger than the input text.
      // E.g., 2 for input "[a] [t] x" and page title "[a]bc [t]itle".
      // Set to 0 when there is no title match.
      optional int32 total_title_match_length = 18;
      // Has matches that are not in schemes (e.g., "https") or "www".
      optional bool has_non_scheme_www_match = 19;
      // Number of input terms matched by title.
      // E.g., 1 for input "[a] b" and title "[a] title [a]".
      // Useful in comparison with |num_typed_terms|.
      optional int32 num_input_terms_matched_by_title = 20;
      // Number of input terms matched by url.
      // Useful in comparison with |num_typed_terms|.
      // E.g., 1 for input "[a] b" and url "[a].com".
      optional int32 num_input_terms_matched_by_url = 21;
      // Length of url. E.g., 22 for "".
      optional int32 length_of_url = 22;
      // Site engagement score for the site the URL is on. See
      optional float site_engagement = 23;
      // True if url can be default match.
      // Currently, this requires single-term input, and match needs to begin
      // immediately after '', scheme, or 'http://www' in the URL, e.g., given
      // input 'w', true for "https://www.[w]" or "[w]", false for
      // "host[w].com". ref:
      optional bool allowed_to_be_default_match = 24;
      // Server-generated relevance score provided by the remote Suggest service
      // for this suggestion.
      // This signal contains the raw score received from the Suggest service
      // ("google:suggestrelevance") and does not reflect any client-side
      // adjustments (unlike the value of the `relevance` field above).
      // As such, this signal will take on the following values:
      //   - Non-zero: Search suggestion with `relevance_from_server` set to
      //               `true`
      //   - Zero:     Search suggestion with `relevance_from_server` set to
      //               `false` OR non-Search suggestion (obtained from any
      //               source)
      //   - Unset:    Otherwise (due to unexpected client-side behavior)
      optional int32 search_suggest_relevance = 25;
      // Moved to OmniboxScoringSignals proto in cl/651828883:
      optional bool is_search_suggest_entity = 26 [deprecated = true];
      // Moved to OmniboxScoringSignals proto in cl/651828883:
      optional bool is_verbatim = 27 [deprecated = true];
    optional ScoringSignals scoring_signals = 10;
  repeated Suggestion suggestion = 9;

  // A data structure that holds per-provider information, general information
  // not associated with a particular result.
  // Next tag: 6
  message ProviderInfo {
    // Which provider generated this ProviderInfo entry.
    optional ProviderType provider = 1;

    // The provider's done() value, i.e., whether it's completed processing
    // the query.  Providers which don't do any asynchronous processing
    // will always be done.
    optional bool provider_done = 2;

    // The set of field trials that have triggered in the most recent query,
    // possibly affecting the shown suggestions.  Each element is a hash
    // of the corresponding field trial name.
    // See chrome/browser/autocomplete/ for a specific usage
    // DEPRECATED with 1/4/23; replaced by
    // `feature_triggered`.
    // example.
    repeated fixed32 field_trial_triggered = 3 [deprecated = true];

    // Same as above except that the set of field trials is a union of all field
    // trials that have triggered within the current omnibox session including
    // the most recent query.
    // See AutocompleteController::ResetSession() for more details on the
    // definition of a session.
    // See chrome/browser/autocomplete/ for a specific usage
    // example.
    // DEPRECATED with 1/4/23; replaced by
    // `feature_triggered_in_session`.
    repeated fixed32 field_trial_triggered_in_session = 4 [deprecated = true];

    // The number of times this provider returned a non-zero number of
    // suggestions during this omnibox session.
    // Note that each provider may define a session differently for its
    // purposes.
    optional int32 times_returned_results_in_session = 5;
  // A list of diagnostic information about each provider.  Providers
  // will appear at most once in this list.
  repeated ProviderInfo provider_info = 12;

  // Whether the Omnibox was in keyword mode, however it was entered.
  optional bool in_keyword_mode = 19;

  // How the Omnibox got into keyword mode. Not present if not in keyword
  // mode.
  enum KeywordModeEntryMethod {
    INVALID = 0;
    TAB = 1;                // Select a suggestion that provides a keyword hint
                            // and press Tab.
    SPACE_AT_END = 2;       // Type a complete keyword and press Space.
    SPACE_IN_MIDDLE = 3;    // Press Space in the middle of an input in order to
                            // separate it into a keyword and other text.
    KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT = 4;  // Press ^K.
    QUESTION_MARK = 5;      // Press Question-mark without any other input.
    CLICK_HINT_VIEW = 6;    // Select a suggestion that provides a keyword hint
                            // and click the reminder that one can press Tab.
    TAP_HINT_VIEW = 7;      // Select a suggestion that provides a keyword hint
                            // and touch the reminder that one can press Tab.
    SELECT_SUGGESTION = 8;  // Select a keyword suggestion, such as by arrowing
                            // or tabbing to it.
  optional KeywordModeEntryMethod keyword_mode_entry_method = 20;

  // Whether the omnibox input is a search query that is started
  // by clicking on a image tile.
  optional bool is_query_started_from_tile = 21;

  enum Feature {
    // Whether the `SearchProvider` response included:
    // '"google:fieldtrialtriggered":true'.
    // Like `REMOTE_SEARCH_FEATURE`, but for the `ZeroSearchProvider`.
    ML_URL_SCORING = 10;
  // The set of features triggered in the most recent query. Each element is a
  // value of `Features` enum.
  repeated int32 legacy_feature_triggered = 24 [deprecated = true];

  // Like above except that the set of features is a union of all features that
  // triggered within the current omnibox session including the most recent
  // query. See `AutocompleteController::ResetSession()` for more details on the
  // definition of a session.
  repeated int32 legacy_feature_triggered_in_session = 22 [deprecated = true];

  // The set of features triggered in the most recent query.
  repeated Feature feature_triggered = 25;

  // Like above except that the set of features is a union of all features that
  // triggered within the current omnibox session including the most recent
  // query. See `AutocompleteController::ResetSession()` for more details on the
  // definition of a session.
  repeated Feature feature_triggered_in_session = 26;

  // Profile data of the user. Currently, only logged when there is a URL click.
  message ProfileData {
    // Total number of bookmarks in the profile this omnibox interaction took
    // place in.
    optional int32 total_num_bookmarks = 1;
    // Total number of URLs stored in the history database in the profile this
    // omnibox interaction took place in.
    optional int32 total_num_history_urls = 2;
    // Is signed into the browser. Set to false for Guest and Incognito
    // profiles. Not set when signed-in status is unknown.
    optional bool is_signed_into_browser = 3;
    // Is sync-enabled.
    optional bool is_sync_enabled = 4;
  optional ProfileData profile_data = 23;

  // The position of the omnibox.
  enum OmniboxPosition {
    // Unknown position (should not be reported).
    // The omnibox is on the top edge of the screen.
    // The omnibox is on the bottom edge of the screen.
  // The position of the steady state (unfocused) omnibox.  Logged on iOS only;
  // will be set on iOS with the BottomOmniboxSteadyStateIOS experiment.
  // TODO(christianxu): Update this on experiment cleanup.
  optional OmniboxPosition steady_state_omnibox_position = 27;