// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/io_task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/volume_manager_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_file_destination.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_files_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_files_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_rules_manager.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dlp/dlp_service.pb.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/app_update.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/intent.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_url.h"
#include "ui/base/clipboard/file_info.h"
#include "ui/base/data_transfer_policy/data_transfer_endpoint.h"
#include "ui/shell_dialogs/selected_file_info.h"
namespace storage {
class FileSystemURL;
} // namespace storage
namespace views {
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace policy {
class DlpFilesEventStorage;
class DlpExtractIOTaskObserver;
// DlpFilesControllerAsh is responsible for deciding whether file transfers are
// allowed according to the files sources saved in the DLP daemon and the rules
// of the Data leak prevention policy set by the admin.
class DlpFilesControllerAsh : public DlpFilesController,
public file_manager::VolumeManagerObserver {
// Returns the instance if it exists.
static DlpFilesControllerAsh* GetForPrimaryProfile();
// DlpFileMetadata keeps metadata about a file, such as whether it's managed
// or not and the source URL, if it exists.
struct DlpFileMetadata {
DlpFileMetadata() = delete;
DlpFileMetadata(const std::string& source_url,
const std::string& referrer_url,
bool is_dlp_restricted,
bool is_restricted_for_destination);
friend bool operator==(const DlpFileMetadata& a, const DlpFileMetadata& b) {
return a.is_dlp_restricted == b.is_dlp_restricted &&
a.is_restricted_for_destination ==
b.is_restricted_for_destination &&
a.source_url == b.source_url && a.referrer_url == b.referrer_url;
friend bool operator!=(const DlpFileMetadata& a, const DlpFileMetadata& b) {
return !(a == b);
// Source URL from which the file was downloaded.
std::string source_url;
// Referrer URL from which the download process was initiated.
std::string referrer_url;
// Whether the file is under any DLP rule or not.
bool is_dlp_restricted;
// Whether the file is restricted by DLP for a specific destination.
bool is_restricted_for_destination;
// DlpFileRestrictionDetails keeps aggregated information about DLP rules
// that apply to a file. It consists of the level (e.g. block, warn) and
// destinations for which this level applies (URLs and/or components).
struct DlpFileRestrictionDetails {
DlpFileRestrictionDetails(const DlpFileRestrictionDetails&) = delete;
DlpFileRestrictionDetails& operator=(const DlpFileRestrictionDetails&) =
DlpFileRestrictionDetails& operator=(DlpFileRestrictionDetails&&);
// The level for which the restriction is enforced.
DlpRulesManager::Level level;
// List of URLs for which the restriction is enforced.
std::vector<std::string> urls;
// List of components for which the restriction is enforced.
std::vector<data_controls::Component> components;
using CheckIfTransferAllowedCallback =
using GetFilesRestrictedByAnyRuleCallback = CheckIfTransferAllowedCallback;
using FilterDisallowedUploadsCallback =
using GetDlpMetadataCallback =
using IsFilesTransferRestrictedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
const std::vector<std::pair<FileDaemonInfo, ::dlp::RestrictionLevel>>&)>;
DlpFilesControllerAsh(const DlpRulesManager& rules_manager, Profile* profile);
DlpFilesControllerAsh(const DlpFilesControllerAsh& other) = delete;
DlpFilesControllerAsh& operator=(const DlpFilesControllerAsh& other) = delete;
~DlpFilesControllerAsh() override;
// Returns a sublist of |transferred_files| disallowed to be transferred to
// |destination| in |result_callback|. |is_move| is true if it's a move
// operation. Otherwise it's false.
virtual void CheckIfTransferAllowed(
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
const std::vector<storage::FileSystemURL>& transferred_files,
storage::FileSystemURL destination,
bool is_move,
CheckIfTransferAllowedCallback result_callback);
// Retrieves metadata for each entry in |files| and returns it as a list in
// |result_callback|. If |destination| is passed, marks the files that are not
// allowed to be uploaded to that particular destination.
virtual void GetDlpMetadata(const std::vector<storage::FileSystemURL>& files,
std::optional<DlpFileDestination> destination,
GetDlpMetadataCallback result_callback);
// Filters files disallowed to be uploaded to `destination`.
virtual void FilterDisallowedUploads(
std::vector<ui::SelectedFileInfo> selected_files,
const DlpFileDestination& destination,
FilterDisallowedUploadsCallback result_callback);
// Checks whether the file download from `download_src` to `file_path` is
// allowed.
virtual void CheckIfDownloadAllowed(
const DlpFileDestination& download_src,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
CheckIfDlpAllowedCallback result_callback);
// Returns whether downloads from `download_src` to `file_path` might be
// blocked by DLP, and so a picker should be shown.
virtual bool ShouldPromptBeforeDownload(
const DlpFileDestination& download_src,
const base::FilePath& file_path);
// Checks whether launching `app_update` with `intent` is allowed.
virtual void CheckIfLaunchAllowed(const apps::AppUpdate& app_update,
apps::IntentPtr intent,
CheckIfDlpAllowedCallback result_callback);
// Returns true if `app_update` is blocked from opening any of the
// files in `intent`.
virtual bool IsLaunchBlocked(const apps::AppUpdate& app_update,
const apps::IntentPtr& intent);
// Returns a sublist of `transferred_files` which aren't allowed to be
// transferred to either `destination_url` or `destination_component` in
// `result_callback`.
virtual void IsFilesTransferRestricted(
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
const std::vector<FileDaemonInfo>& transferred_files,
const DlpFileDestination& destination,
dlp::FileAction files_action,
IsFilesTransferRestrictedCallback result_callback);
// Returns restriction information for `source_url`.
virtual std::vector<DlpFileRestrictionDetails> GetDlpRestrictionDetails(
const std::string& source_url);
// Returns a list of components to which the transfer of a file with
// `source_url` is blocked.
virtual std::vector<data_controls::Component> GetBlockedComponents(
const std::string& source_url);
// Returns whether a dlp policy matches for the `file`.
virtual bool IsDlpPolicyMatched(const FileDaemonInfo& file);
// VolumeManagerObserver overrides:
void OnShutdownStart(file_manager::VolumeManager* volume_manager) override;
DlpFilesEventStorage* GetEventStorageForTesting();
// DlpFilesController overrides:
std::optional<data_controls::Component> MapFilePathToPolicyComponent(
Profile* profile,
const base::FilePath& file_path) override;
bool IsInLocalFileSystem(const base::FilePath& file_path) override;
void ShowDlpBlockedFiles(
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
std::vector<base::FilePath> blocked_files,
dlp::FileAction action) override;
// TODO(b/284122497): Cleanup friend for testing.
// Called back from warning dialog. Passes blocked files sources along
// to |callback|. In case |should_proceed| is true, passes only
// |files_levels|, otherwise passes also |warned_files_sources|.
void OnDlpWarnDialogReply(
std::vector<std::pair<FileDaemonInfo, ::dlp::RestrictionLevel>>
std::vector<FileDaemonInfo> warned_files_sources,
std::vector<std::string> warned_src_patterns,
std::vector<DlpRulesManager::RuleMetadata> warned_rules_metadata,
const DlpFileDestination& dst,
const std::optional<std::string>& dst_pattern,
dlp::FileAction files_action,
IsFilesTransferRestrictedCallback callback,
std::optional<std::u16string> user_justification,
bool should_proceed);
void ReturnDisallowedFiles(
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
base::flat_map<std::string, storage::FileSystemURL> files_map,
dlp::FileAction file_action,
CheckIfTransferAllowedCallback result_callback,
::dlp::CheckFilesTransferResponse response);
void ReturnAllowedUploads(std::vector<ui::SelectedFileInfo> uploaded_files,
FilterDisallowedUploadsCallback result_callback,
::dlp::CheckFilesTransferResponse response);
void ReturnDlpMetadata(const std::vector<storage::FileSystemURL>& files,
std::optional<DlpFileDestination> destination,
GetDlpMetadataCallback result_callback,
const ::dlp::GetFilesSourcesResponse response);
// Reports an event if a `DlpReportingManager` instance exists. When
// `dst_pattern` is missing, we report `dst.component.value()` instead. When
// `level` is missing, we report a warning proceeded event.
void MaybeReportEvent(ino64_t inode,
time_t crtime,
const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& source_url,
const DlpFileDestination& dst,
const std::optional<std::string>& dst_pattern,
const DlpRulesManager::RuleMetadata& rule_metadata,
std::optional<DlpRulesManager::Level> level);
// Called when `transferred_files` is ready. Constructs CheckFilesTransfer
// request and forwards it to the dlp daemon.
void ContinueCheckIfTransferAllowed(
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
storage::FileSystemURL destination,
bool is_move,
CheckIfTransferAllowedCallback result_callback,
std::vector<storage::FileSystemURL> transferred_files);
// Called when `uploaded_files` is ready. Constructs CheckFilesTransfer
// request and forwards it to the dlp daemon.
void ContinueFilterDisallowedUploads(
std::vector<ui::SelectedFileInfo> selected_files,
const DlpFileDestination& destination,
FilterDisallowedUploadsCallback result_callback,
std::vector<storage::FileSystemURL> uploaded_files);
// The profile with which we are associated. Not owned. It's currently always
// the main/primary profile.
const raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
// Keeps track of events and detects duplicate ones using time based
// approach.
std::unique_ptr<DlpFilesEventStorage> event_storage_;
// Gets notified when an archive is extracted, and notifies the DLP daemon
// about newly extracted files.
std::unique_ptr<DlpExtractIOTaskObserver> extract_io_task_observer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DlpFilesControllerAsh> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace policy