
 *  Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Erik Doernenburg and contributors
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 *  not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
 *  a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 *  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 *  under the License.

#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "OCClassMockObject.h"
#import "OCMFunctionsPrivate.h"
#import "OCMLocation.h"
#import "OCPartialMockObject.h"

#pragma mark Known private API

@interface NSException(OCMKnownExceptionMethods)
+ (NSException *)failureInFile:(NSString *)file atLine:(int)line withDescription:(NSString *)formatString, ...;

@interface NSObject(OCMKnownTestCaseMethods)
- (void)recordFailureWithDescription:(NSString *)description inFile:(NSString *)file atLine:(NSUInteger)line expected:(BOOL)expected;
- (void)failWithException:(NSException *)exception;

#pragma mark Functions related to ObjC type system

const char *OCMTypeWithoutQualifiers(const char *objCType)
    // In certain cases byref appears to just pass the "R" and not the "@" as expected. This is
    // likely a bug in the compiler since byref is basically a dead keyword at this point. That
    // being said, this will protect us, and returns what would be the expected type.
    if(strcmp(objCType, "R") == 0)
        return "@";
    while(objCType[0] && strchr("rnNoORV", objCType[0]) != NULL)
        objCType += 1;
    return objCType;

static BOOL OCMIsUnqualifiedClassType(const char *unqualifiedObjCType)
    return (strcmp(unqualifiedObjCType, @encode(Class)) == 0);

static BOOL OCMIsUnqualifiedBlockType(const char *unqualifiedObjCType)
    char blockType[] = @encode(void (^)(void));
    if(strcmp(unqualifiedObjCType, blockType) == 0)
        return YES;

    // sometimes block argument/return types are tacked onto the type, in angle brackets
    if(strncmp(unqualifiedObjCType, blockType, sizeof(blockType) - 1) == 0 && unqualifiedObjCType[sizeof(blockType) - 1] == '<')
        return YES;

    return NO;

BOOL OCMIsClassType(const char *objCType)
    return OCMIsUnqualifiedClassType(OCMTypeWithoutQualifiers(objCType));

BOOL OCMIsBlockType(const char *objCType)
    return OCMIsUnqualifiedBlockType(OCMTypeWithoutQualifiers(objCType));

BOOL OCMIsObjectType(const char *objCType)
    const char *unqualifiedObjCType = OCMTypeWithoutQualifiers(objCType);

    char objectType[] = @encode(id);
    if(strcmp(unqualifiedObjCType, objectType) == 0 || OCMIsUnqualifiedClassType(unqualifiedObjCType))
        return YES;

    // sometimes the name of an object's class is tacked onto the type, in double quotes
    if(strncmp(unqualifiedObjCType, objectType, sizeof(objectType) - 1) == 0 && unqualifiedObjCType[sizeof(objectType) - 1] == '"')
        return YES;

    // if the returnType is a typedef to an object, it has the form ^{OriginClass=#}
    NSString *regexString = @"^\\^\\{(.*)=#.*\\}";
    NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:regexString options:0 error:NULL];
    NSString *type = [NSString stringWithCString:unqualifiedObjCType encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    if([regex numberOfMatchesInString:type options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, type.length)] > 0)
        return YES;

    // if the return type is a block we treat it like an object
    return OCMIsUnqualifiedBlockType(unqualifiedObjCType);

CFNumberType OCMNumberTypeForObjCType(const char *objcType)
        case 'c': return kCFNumberCharType;
        case 'C': return kCFNumberCharType;
        case 'B': return kCFNumberCharType;
        case 's': return kCFNumberShortType;
        case 'S': return kCFNumberShortType;
        case 'i': return kCFNumberIntType;
        case 'I': return kCFNumberIntType;
        case 'l': return kCFNumberLongType;
        case 'L': return kCFNumberLongType;
        case 'q': return kCFNumberLongLongType;
        case 'Q': return kCFNumberLongLongType;
        case 'f': return kCFNumberFloatType;
        case 'd': return kCFNumberDoubleType;
        default: return 0;

static BOOL ParseStructType(const char *type, const char **typeEnd, const char **typeNameEnd, const char **typeEqualSign)
    if(type[0] != '{' && type[0] != '(')
        return NO;

    *typeNameEnd = NULL;
    *typeEqualSign = NULL;

    const char endChar = type[0] == '{' ? '}' : ')';
    for(const char *ptr = type + 1; *ptr; ++ptr)
            case '(':
            case '{':
                const char *subTypeEnd;
                const char *subTypeNameEnd;
                const char *subTypeEqualSign;
                if(!ParseStructType(ptr, &subTypeEnd, &subTypeNameEnd, &subTypeEqualSign))
                    return NO;
                ptr = subTypeEnd;
            case '=':
                    *typeNameEnd = ptr;
                    *typeEqualSign = ptr;
            case ')':
            case '}':
                if(*ptr == endChar)
                    *typeEnd = ptr;
                        *typeNameEnd = ptr;
                    return YES;

    return NO;

 * Sometimes an external type is an opaque struct (which will have an @encode of "{structName}"
 * or "{structName=}") but the actual method return type, or property type, will know the contents
 * of the struct (so will have an objcType of say "{structName=iiSS}".  This function will determine
 * those are equal provided they have the same structure name, otherwise everything else will be
 * compared textually.  This can happen particularly for pointers to such structures, which still
 * encode what is being pointed to.
 * In addition, this funtion will consider structures with unknown names, encoded as "{?=}, equal to
 * structures with any name. This means that "{?=dd}" and "{foo=dd}", and even "{?=}" and "{foo=dd}",
 * are considered equal.
 * For some types some runtime functions throw exceptions, which is why we wrap this in an
 * exception handler just below.
static BOOL OCMEqualTypesAllowingOpaqueStructsInternal(const char *type1, const char *type2)
    type1 = OCMTypeWithoutQualifiers(type1);
    type2 = OCMTypeWithoutQualifiers(type2);

        case '{':
        case '(':
            if(type2[0] != type1[0])
                return NO;

            const char *type1End;
            const char *type1NameEnd;
            const char *type1EqualSign;
            if(!ParseStructType(type1, &type1End, &type1NameEnd, &type1EqualSign))
                return NO;

            const char *type2End;
            const char *type2NameEnd;
            const char *type2EqualSign;
            if(!ParseStructType(type2, &type2End, &type2NameEnd, &type2EqualSign))
                return NO;

            /* Opaque types either don't have an equals sign (just the name and the end brace), or
             * empty content after the equals sign.
             * We want that to compare the same as a type of the same name but with the content.
            BOOL type1Opaque = (type1EqualSign == NULL || type1EqualSign + 1 == type1End);
            BOOL type2Opaque = (type2EqualSign == NULL || type2EqualSign + 2 == type2End);
            intptr_t type1NameLen = type1NameEnd - type1;
            intptr_t type2NameLen = type2NameEnd - type2;

            /* If the names are not equal and neither of the names is a question mark, return NO */
            if((type1NameLen != type2NameLen || strncmp(type1, type2, type1NameLen)) &&
                !((type1NameLen == 2) && (type1[1] == '?')) && !((type2NameLen == 2) && (type2[1] == '?')) &&
                !(type1NameLen == 1 || type2NameLen == 1))
                return NO;

            /* If the same name, and at least one is opaque, that is close enough. */
            if(type1Opaque || type2Opaque)
                return YES;

            /* Otherwise, compare all the elements.  Use NSGetSizeAndAlignment to walk through the struct elements. */
            type1 = type1EqualSign + 1;
            type2 = type2EqualSign + 1;
            while(type1 != type1End && *type1)
                if(!OCMEqualTypesAllowingOpaqueStructs(type1, type2))
                    return NO;

                if(*type1 != '{' && *type1 != '(')
                    type1 = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(type1, NULL, NULL);
                    type2 = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(type2, NULL, NULL);
                    const char *subType1End;
                    const char *subType1NameEnd;
                    const char *subType1EqualSign;
                    if(!ParseStructType(type1, &subType1End, &subType1NameEnd, &subType1EqualSign))
                        return NO;

                    const char *subType2End;
                    const char *subType2NameEnd;
                    const char *subType2EqualSign;
                    if(!ParseStructType(type2, &subType2End, &subType2NameEnd, &subType2EqualSign))
                        return NO;

                    type1 = subType1End + 1;
                    type2 = subType2End + 1;
            return YES;
        case '^':
            /* for a pointer, make sure the other is a pointer, then recursively compare the rest */
            if(type2[0] != type1[0])
                return NO;
            return OCMEqualTypesAllowingOpaqueStructs(type1 + 1, type2 + 1);

        case '?':
            return type2[0] == '?';

        case '\0':
            return type2[0] == '\0';

            // Move the type pointers past the current types, then compare that region
            const char *afterType1 = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(type1, NULL, NULL);
            const char *afterType2 = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(type2, NULL, NULL);
            intptr_t type1Len = afterType1 - type1;
            intptr_t type2Len = afterType2 - type2;

            return (type1Len == type2Len && (strncmp(type1, type2, type1Len) == 0));

BOOL OCMEqualTypesAllowingOpaqueStructs(const char *type1, const char *type2)
        return OCMEqualTypesAllowingOpaqueStructsInternal(type1, type2);
    @catch(NSException *e)
        /* Probably a bitfield or something that NSGetSizeAndAlignment chokes on, oh well */
        return NO;

BOOL OCMIsNilValue(const char *objectCType, const void *value, size_t valueSize)
    // First, check value itself
    for(size_t i = 0; i < valueSize; i++)
        if(((const char *)value)[i] != 0)
            return NO;

    // Depending on the compilation settings of the file where the return value gets recorded,
    // nil and Nil get potentially different encodings. Check all known encodings.
    if((strcmp(objectCType, @encode(void *))    == 0) ||    // Standard Objective-C
       (strcmp(objectCType, @encode(int))       == 0) ||    // 32 bit C++ (before nullptr)
       (strcmp(objectCType, @encode(long long)) == 0) ||    // 64 bit C++ (before nullptr)
       (strcmp(objectCType, @encode(char *))    == 0))      // C++ with nullptr
        return YES;

    return NO;

BOOL OCMIsAppleBaseClass(Class cls)
    return (cls == [NSObject class]) || (cls == [NSProxy class]);

BOOL OCMIsApplePrivateMethod(Class cls, SEL sel)
    NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(cls);
    NSString *selName = NSStringFromSelector(sel);
    return ([className hasPrefix:@"NS"] || [className hasPrefix:@"UI"]) &&
        ([selName hasPrefix:@"_"] || [selName hasSuffix:@"_"]);

BOOL OCMIsBlock(id potentialBlock)
    static Class blockClass;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        blockClass = [^{} class];
        Class nsObjectClass = [NSObject class];
        while([blockClass superclass] != nsObjectClass)
            blockClass = [blockClass superclass];
            NSCAssert(blockClass != nil, @"Blocks are expected to inherit from NSObject.");
    return [potentialBlock isKindOfClass:blockClass];

BOOL OCMIsNonEscapingBlock(id block)
    struct OCMBlockDef *blockRef = (__bridge struct OCMBlockDef *)block;
    return OCMIsBlock(block) && (blockRef->flags & OCMBlockIsNoEscape) != 0;

#pragma mark Creating and disposing classes

static NSString *const OCMSubclassPrefix = @"OCMock_";

Class OCMCreateSubclass(Class class, void *ref)
    const char *className = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@-%p-%u", OCMSubclassPrefix, NSStringFromClass(class), ref, arc4random()] UTF8String];
    Class subclass = objc_allocateClassPair(class, className, 0);
    return subclass;

void OCMDisposeSubclass(Class cls)
        [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Not a mock subclass; found %@\nThe subclass dynamically created by OCMock has been replaced by another class. This can happen when KVO or CoreData create their own dynamic subclass after OCMock created its subclass.\nYou will need to reorder initialization and/or teardown so that classes are created and disposed of in the right order.", NSStringFromClass(cls)];

BOOL OCMIsMockSubclass(Class cls)
    return [NSStringFromClass(cls) hasPrefix:OCMSubclassPrefix];

BOOL OCMIsSubclassOfMockClass(Class cls)
    for(; cls != nil; cls = class_getSuperclass(cls))
            return YES;
    return NO;

#pragma mark Alias for renaming real methods

static NSString *const OCMRealMethodAliasPrefix = @"ocmock_replaced_";
static const char *const OCMRealMethodAliasPrefixCString = "ocmock_replaced_";

BOOL OCMIsAliasSelector(SEL selector)
    return [NSStringFromSelector(selector) hasPrefix:OCMRealMethodAliasPrefix];

SEL OCMAliasForOriginalSelector(SEL selector)
    char aliasName[2048];
    const char *originalName = sel_getName(selector);
    strlcpy(aliasName, OCMRealMethodAliasPrefixCString, sizeof(aliasName));
    strlcat(aliasName, originalName, sizeof(aliasName));
    return sel_registerName(aliasName);

SEL OCMOriginalSelectorForAlias(SEL selector)
        [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Not an alias selector; found %@", NSStringFromSelector(selector)];
    NSString *string = NSStringFromSelector(selector);
    return NSSelectorFromString([string substringFromIndex:[OCMRealMethodAliasPrefix length]]);

#pragma mark Wrappers around associative references

static NSString *const OCMClassMethodMockObjectKey = @"OCMClassMethodMockObjectKey";

void OCMSetAssociatedMockForClass(OCClassMockObject *mock, Class aClass)
    if((mock != nil) && (objc_getAssociatedObject(aClass, OCMClassMethodMockObjectKey) != nil))
        [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Another mock is already associated with class %@", NSStringFromClass(aClass)];
    objc_setAssociatedObject(aClass, OCMClassMethodMockObjectKey, mock, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN);

OCClassMockObject *OCMGetAssociatedMockForClass(Class aClass, BOOL includeSuperclasses)
    OCClassMockObject *mock = nil;
        mock = objc_getAssociatedObject(aClass, OCMClassMethodMockObjectKey);
        aClass = class_getSuperclass(aClass);
    while((mock == nil) && (aClass != nil) && includeSuperclasses);
    return mock;

static NSString *const OCMPartialMockObjectKey = @"OCMPartialMockObjectKey";

void OCMSetAssociatedMockForObject(OCClassMockObject *mock, id anObject)
    if((mock != nil) && (objc_getAssociatedObject(anObject, OCMPartialMockObjectKey) != nil))
        [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Another mock is already associated with object %@", anObject];
    objc_setAssociatedObject(anObject, OCMPartialMockObjectKey, mock, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN);

OCPartialMockObject *OCMGetAssociatedMockForObject(id anObject)
    return objc_getAssociatedObject(anObject, OCMPartialMockObjectKey);

#pragma mark Functions related to IDE error reporting

void OCMReportFailure(OCMLocation *loc, NSString *description)
    id testCase = [loc testCase];
#ifdef __IPHONE_14_0 // this is actually a test for Xcode 12; see issue #472
    if((testCase != nil) && [testCase respondsToSelector:@selector(recordIssue:)])
        XCTSourceCodeLocation *xctloc = [[[XCTSourceCodeLocation alloc] initWithFilePath:[loc file] lineNumber:[loc line]] autorelease];
        XCTSourceCodeContext *xctctx = [[[XCTSourceCodeContext alloc] initWithLocation:xctloc] autorelease];
        XCTIssue *issue = [[[XCTIssue alloc] initWithType:XCTIssueTypeAssertionFailure compactDescription:description
                detailedDescription:nil sourceCodeContext:xctctx associatedError:nil attachments:[NSArray array]] autorelease];
        [testCase recordIssue:issue];
         if((testCase != nil) && [testCase respondsToSelector:@selector(recordFailureWithDescription:inFile:atLine:expected:)])
        [testCase recordFailureWithDescription:description inFile:[loc file] atLine:[loc line] expected:NO];
    else if((testCase != nil) && [testCase respondsToSelector:@selector(failWithException:)])
        NSException *exception = nil;
        if([NSException instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(failureInFile:atLine:withDescription:)])
            exception = [NSException failureInFile:[loc file] atLine:(int)[loc line] withDescription:description];
            NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%lu %@", [loc file], (unsigned long)[loc line], description];
            exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"OCMockTestFailure" reason:reason userInfo:nil];
        [testCase failWithException:exception];
    else if(loc != nil)
        NSLog(@"%@:%lu %@", [loc file], (unsigned long)[loc line], description);
        NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%lu %@", [loc file], (unsigned long)[loc line], description];
        [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"OCMockTestFailure" reason:reason userInfo:nil] raise];
        NSLog(@"%@", description);
        [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"OCMockTestFailure" reason:description userInfo:nil] raise];