// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/io_task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/io_task_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/dlp/dialogs/files_policy_dialog.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dialogs/policy_dialog_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_confidential_file.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_file_destination.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_files_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list_observer.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
} // namespace content
namespace policy {
// The type of policy notification.
enum class NotificationType {
// The policy notification button index.
enum NotificationButton {
// FilesPolicyNotificationManager is responsible for showing block and warning
// notifications/dialogs for files because of DLP and enterprise connectors
// policies.
class FilesPolicyNotificationManager
: public KeyedService,
public BrowserListObserver,
public file_manager::io_task::IOTaskController::Observer {
explicit FilesPolicyNotificationManager(content::BrowserContext* context);
FilesPolicyNotificationManager(const FilesPolicyNotificationManager&) =
FilesPolicyNotificationManager& operator=(
const FilesPolicyNotificationManager&) = delete;
~FilesPolicyNotificationManager() override;
// KeyedService overrides:
void Shutdown() override;
// Show DLP block UI. If `task_id` is set, the corresponding IOTask will be
// updated with the blocked files. Otherwise a desktop notification will be
// shown.
virtual void ShowDlpBlockedFiles(
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
std::vector<base::FilePath> blocked_files,
dlp::FileAction action);
// Associates `dialog_info` to the given enterprise connectors `reason` in the
// information corresponding to the IOTask with `task_id`. This will replace
// previously stored dialog info with the same `reason`.
virtual void SetConnectorsBlockedFiles(
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
dlp::FileAction action,
FilesPolicyDialog::BlockReason reason,
FilesPolicyDialog::Info dialog_info);
// Shows DLP Warning UI. If `task_id` is set, the corresponding IOTask
// will be paused. Otherwise a desktop notification will be shown. Virtual
// to allow overrides in tests.
virtual void ShowDlpWarning(
WarningWithJustificationCallback callback,
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id,
std::vector<base::FilePath> warning_files,
const DlpFileDestination& destination,
dlp::FileAction action);
// Shows Connectors Warning UI and pauses the corresponding IOTask.
// Virtual to allow overrides in tests.
virtual void ShowConnectorsWarning(WarningWithJustificationCallback callback,
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
dlp::FileAction action,
FilesPolicyDialog::Info dialog_info);
// Shows a Files Policy warning or error desktop notification with
// `notification_id` based on `status`. Used for IO tasks.
virtual void ShowFilesPolicyNotification(
const std::string& notification_id,
const file_manager::io_task::ProgressStatus& status);
// Shows a policy dialog of type `type` for task identified by `task_id`.
// Used for copy and move operations.
virtual void ShowDialog(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
FilesDialogType type);
// Shows a DLP warning timeout notification for `action`. `notification_id`
// should have value for IO tasks. When it doesn't have a value, i.e. for non
// IO tasks, computes a new unique id for the notification.
void ShowDlpWarningTimeoutNotification(
dlp::FileAction action,
std::optional<std::string> notification_id = std::nullopt);
// Returns whether IO task is being tracked.
bool HasIOTask(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id) const;
// Runs warning callback for the corresponding IOTask with should_proceed set
// to true.
virtual void OnIOTaskResumed(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id);
// Force shows a desktop notification for all tracked IO tasks with blocked
// files.
void ShowBlockedNotifications();
// Clears any info stored about the task with `task_id`.
virtual void OnErrorItemDismissed(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id);
std::map<FilesPolicyDialog::BlockReason, FilesPolicyDialog::Info>
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id) const;
// Returns whether IO task has a warning timeout timer.
bool HasWarningTimerForTesting(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id) const;
// Used in tests to set the test task runner.
void SetTaskRunnerForTesting(scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>);
// The number of notifications shown so far. Used to calculate a unique
// notification ID. Only applies to non IOTasks operations (upload, download,
// etc.) as notifications for IOTasks are shown based on the task state from
// the SystemNotificationManager.
size_t notification_count_ = 0;
// Holds all information related to file task warning. Any extra information
// needed for custom messaging should be added here.
struct WarningInfo {
WarningInfo() = delete;
WarningInfo(Policy warning_reason,
WarningWithJustificationCallback warning_callback,
WarningWithJustificationCallback dialog_callback,
FilesPolicyDialog::Info dialog_info);
WarningInfo(WarningInfo&& other);
// Warning reason. There should be only one policy per warning as mixed
// warnings aren't supported.
Policy warning_reason;
// Warning callback.
WarningWithJustificationCallback warning_callback;
// Invoked by clicking on dialog's buttons. Wrapper around `callback` as it
// performs additional actions before running `callback` with the same
// `should_proceed` parameter.
WarningWithJustificationCallback dialog_callback;
// Holds warning dialog info such as the warned files, the warning message,
// an optional custom learn more URL or whether bypassing the warning
// requires a user justification that should be used when displaying the
// dialog.
FilesPolicyDialog::Info dialog_info;
// A potentially saved justification for bypassing a warning.
std::optional<std::u16string> user_justification;
// Holds needed information for each tracked file task.
class FileTaskInfo : public views::WidgetObserver {
explicit FileTaskInfo(dlp::FileAction action);
FileTaskInfo(FileTaskInfo&& other);
~FileTaskInfo() override;
// Starts observing `widget`. Should be called when the warning/error dialog
// is created.
void AddWidget(views::Widget* widget);
// Closes `widget_` if it's not nullptr.
void CloseWidget();
views::Widget* widget() const { return widget_; }
// Sets `warning_info_`.
void SetWarningInfo(WarningInfo warning_info);
// Resets `warning_info_`.
void ResetWarningInfo();
// Returns a pointer to WarningInfo if it exists. Otherwise, it returns
// nullptr.
WarningInfo* GetWarningInfo();
// Returns true if `warning_info_` has value.
bool HasWarningInfo() const;
const std::map<FilesPolicyDialog::BlockReason, FilesPolicyDialog::Info>&
block_info_map() const {
return block_info_map_;
// Stores `dialog_info` associated with the given `reason`.
// Calling this method a second time with the same `reason` will overwrite
// previously stored `files` and `dialog_settings`.
void SetBlockedFiles(FilesPolicyDialog::BlockReason reason,
FilesPolicyDialog::Info dialog_info);
// Returns the overall number of blocked files irrespective of their block
// reason.
size_t GetBlockedFilesSize() const;
dlp::FileAction action() const { return action_; }
// views::WidgetObserver overrides:
void OnWidgetDestroying(views::Widget* widget) override;
// Should have value only if there's warning.
std::optional<WarningInfo> warning_info_;
// A map of files and dialog settings blocked for certain block reasons.
std::map<FilesPolicyDialog::BlockReason, FilesPolicyDialog::Info>
// The action that's restricted.
dlp::FileAction action_;
// Warning/Error dialog widget. Each FileTask is expected to have only one
// open dialog at a time.
raw_ptr<views::Widget> widget_ = nullptr;
// Warning/Error dialog widget observation.
base::ScopedObservation<views::Widget, views::WidgetObserver>
// Callback to show the dialog. Invoked with a Files App window when
// successfully opened, or null if opening the Files App times out.
using ShowDialogCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(gfx::NativeWindow)>;
// Holds information for showing a Files Policy dialog.
struct DialogInfo {
DialogInfo() = delete;
DialogInfo(ShowDialogCallback callback,
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
base::OnceClosure timeout_callback);
DialogInfo(ShowDialogCallback callback,
std::string notification_id,
base::OnceClosure timeout_callback);
// Id of the task for which dialog is being shown. Used for Copy and Move
// IOTasks.
std::optional<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId> task_id;
// Id of the notification for which dialog is being shown. Used for non IO
// tasks.
std::optional<std::string> notification_id;
// Callback to show the dialog.
ShowDialogCallback dialog_callback;
// Callback to stop waiting for the Files app.
base::OnceClosure timeout_callback;
base::TimeTicks created_at;
base::OneShotTimer timeout_timer;
// Shows a Files Policy warning or error desktop notification with
// `notification_id` for an IOTask with `task_id`.
void ShowFilesPolicyNotification(const std::string& notification_id,
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id);
// Click handler for Data Leak Prevention or Enterprise Connectors policy
// warning notifications.
void HandleFilesPolicyWarningNotificationClick(
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
std::string notification_id,
std::optional<int> button_index);
// Click handler for Data Leak Prevention or Enterprise Connectors policy
// error notifications.
void HandleFilesPolicyErrorNotificationClick(
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
std::string notification_id,
std::optional<int> button_index);
// Click handler for DLP warning notifications. Used for non IO tasks.
void HandleDlpWarningNotificationClick(std::string notification_id,
std::optional<int> button_index);
// Click handler for DLP error notifications. Used for non IO tasks.
void HandleDlpErrorNotificationClick(std::string notification_id,
std::vector<base::FilePath> files,
dlp::FileAction action,
std::optional<int> button_index);
// Shows a FilesPolicyDialog of `type` for task with `task_id`.
void ShowDialogForIOTask(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
FilesDialogType type,
gfx::NativeWindow modal_parent);
// Shows a FilesPolicyDialog of `type` for non-IO task associated with
// `notification_id`.
void ShowDialogForNonIOTask(std::string notification_id,
FilesDialogType type,
gfx::NativeWindow modal_parent);
// Shows a FilesPolicyDialog of `type` based on `info`.
void ShowFilesPolicyDialog(FileTaskInfo& info,
FilesDialogType type,
gfx::NativeWindow modal_parent);
// Starts tracking IO task with `task_id`.
void AddIOTask(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
dlp::FileAction action);
// Launches the Files App in default directory and appends `dialog_info` to
// the queue of pending dialogs in order to show the dialog over it.
void LaunchFilesApp(std::unique_ptr<DialogInfo> dialog_info);
// BrowserListObserver overrides:
// Called when opening a new Files App window to use as the modal parent for a
// FilesPolicyDialog.
void OnBrowserAdded(Browser* browser) override;
// file_manager::io_task::IOTaskController::Observer overrides:
void OnIOTaskStatus(
const file_manager::io_task::ProgressStatus& status) override;
// Returns whether IO task has any blocked file.
bool HasBlockedFiles(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id) const;
// Returns whether IO task has a warning.
bool HasWarning(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id) const;
// Returns whether non IO task is being tracked.
bool HasNonIOTask(const std::string notification_id) const;
// Returns whether non IO task has any blocked file.
bool HasBlockedFiles(const std::string notification_id) const;
// Returns whether non IO task has a warning.
bool HasWarning(const std::string notification_id) const;
// Called when the user clicks on one of the warning dialog's buttons.
// Resumes/cancels the task with `task_id` based on the value of
// `should_proceed`. Used for Copy and Move IOTasks.
void OnIOTaskWarningDialogClicked(
file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
Policy warning_reason,
std::optional<std::u16string> user_justification,
bool should_proceed);
// Called when the user clicks on one of the warning dialog's buttons.
// associated with `notification_id`. Resumes/cancels the operation based on
// the value of `should_proceed`.
void OnNonIOTaskWarningDialogClicked(
const std::string& notification_id,
std::optional<std::u16string> user_justification,
bool should_proceed);
// Opens DLP Learn more link and closes the notification having
// `notification_id`.
void OnDlpLearnMoreButtonClicked(const std::string& notification_id,
std::optional<int> button_index);
// Calls the IOTaskController to resume the task with `task_id`.
void Resume(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id);
// Calls the IOTaskController to cancel the task with `task_id`.
void Cancel(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id);
// Shows DLP block desktop notification.
void ShowDlpBlockNotification(std::vector<base::FilePath> blocked_files,
dlp::FileAction action);
// Shows DLP warning desktop notification.
void ShowDlpWarningNotification(WarningWithJustificationCallback callback,
std::vector<base::FilePath> warning_files,
const DlpFileDestination& destination,
dlp::FileAction action);
// Pauses IO task due to `warning_reason`.
void PauseIOTask(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id,
WarningWithJustificationCallback callback,
dlp::FileAction action,
Policy warning_reason,
FilesPolicyDialog::Info dialog_info);
// Called after opening the Files App times out.
// Stops waiting for the app and shows a dialog for `task_id` without a modal
// parent (i.e. as a system modal).
void OnIOTaskAppLaunchTimedOut(file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId task_id);
// Called after opening the Files App times out.
// Stops waiting for the app and shows a dialog for `notification_id` without
// a modal parent (i.e. as a system modal).
void OnNonIOTaskAppLaunchTimedOut(std::string notification_id);
// Helper method that pops the oldest entry from `pending_dialogs_` and
// creates a dialog with with `modal_parent`. No-op if the list is empty.
void ShowPendingDialog(gfx::NativeWindow modal_parent);
// Called when the warning times out. Stops waiting for the user input,
// cancels the task, and runs the warning callback with should_proceed set to
// false.
void OnIOTaskWarningTimedOut(const file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId& task_id);
// Called when the warning times out. Stops waiting for the user input, and
// runs the warning callback with should_proceed set to false.
void OnNonIOTaskWarningTimedOut(const std::string& notification_id);
// Callback to show a policy dialog after waiting to open a Files App window.
base::OnceCallback<void(gfx::NativeWindow)> pending_callback_;
// Context for which the FPNM is created.
raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext, DanglingUntriaged> context_;
// A map from tracked IO tasks ids to their info.
std::map<file_manager::io_task::IOTaskId, FileTaskInfo> io_tasks_;
// A map from notification ids to related task info for non IO operations.
std::map<std::string, FileTaskInfo> non_io_tasks_;
// Callbacks to show a policy dialog after waiting to open a Files App window.
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<DialogInfo>> pending_dialogs_;
// Used to fallack to system modal if opening the Files App times out.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Active timers for IOTasks warnings.
// Active timers for non-IOTasks warnings.
base::flat_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer>>
base::WeakPtrFactory<FilesPolicyNotificationManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace policy