* Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Erik Doernenburg and contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "NSInvocation+OCMAdditions.h"
#import "NSMethodSignature+OCMAdditions.h"
#import "NSObject+OCMAdditions.h"
#import "OCPartialMockObject.h"
#import "OCMFunctionsPrivate.h"
#import "OCMInvocationStub.h"
@implementation OCPartialMockObject
#pragma mark Initialisers, description, accessors, etc.
- (id)initWithObject:(NSObject *)anObject
if(anObject == nil)
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Object cannot be nil."];
if([anObject isProxy])
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"OCMock does not support partially mocking subclasses of NSProxy."];
Class const class = [self classToSubclassForObject:anObject];
[super initWithClass:class];
realObject = [anObject retain];
[self prepareObjectForInstanceMethodMocking];
return self;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"OCPartialMockObject(%@)", NSStringFromClass(mockedClass)];
- (NSObject *)realObject
return realObject;
#pragma mark Helper methods
- (void)assertClassIsSupported:(Class)class
[super assertClassIsSupported:class];
NSString *classname = NSStringFromClass(class);
NSString *reason = nil;
if([classname hasPrefix:@"__NSTagged"] || [classname hasPrefix:@"NSTagged"])
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"OCMock does not support partially mocking tagged classes; got %@", classname];
else if([classname hasPrefix:@"__NSCF"])
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"OCMock does not support partially mocking toll-free bridged classes; got %@", classname];
if(reason != nil)
[[NSException exceptionWithName:NSInvalidArgumentException reason:reason userInfo:nil] raise];
- (Class)classToSubclassForObject:(id)object
if([object observationInfo] != NULL)
// Special treatment for objects that are observed with KVO. The KVO implementation sets
// a subclass for such objects and it overrides the -class method to return the original
// class. If we base our subclass on the KVO subclass, as returned by object_getClass(),
// crashes will occur. So, we take the real class instead. Unfortunately, this removes
// any observers set up before.
NSLog(@"Warning: Creating a partial mock for %@. This object has observers, which will now stop receiving KVO notifications. If you want to receive KVO notifications, create the partial mock first, and then register the observer.", object);
return [object class];
return object_getClass(object);
#pragma mark Extending/overriding superclass behaviour
- (void)stopMocking
if(realObject != nil)
Class partialMockClass = object_getClass(realObject);
OCMSetAssociatedMockForObject(nil, realObject);
object_setClass(realObject, [self mockedClass]);
[realObject release];
realObject = nil;
[super stopMocking];
- (void)addStub:(OCMInvocationStub *)aStub
[super addStub:aStub];
if(![aStub recordedAsClassMethod])
[self setupForwarderForSelector:[[aStub recordedInvocation] selector]];
- (void)addInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
// If the mock invokes a method on the real object we end up here a second time, but because
// the mock has added the invocation already we do not want to add it again.
if((invocationFromMock == nil) || ([anInvocation selector] != [invocationFromMock selector]))
[super addInvocation:anInvocation];
- (void)handleUnRecordedInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
// In the case of an init that is called on a mock we must return the mock instance and
// not the realObject if the underlying init returns the realObject because at the call site
// ARC will have retained the target and the release/retain count must balance. If we return
// the realObject, then realObject will be over released and the mock will leak. Equally if
// we are called on the realObject we need to make sure not to return the mock.
id targetReceivingInit = nil;
if([anInvocation methodIsInInitFamily])
targetReceivingInit = [anInvocation target];
[realObject retain];
invocationFromMock = anInvocation;
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:realObject];
invocationFromMock = nil;
id returnVal;
[anInvocation getReturnValue:&returnVal];
if(returnVal == realObject)
[anInvocation setReturnValue:&self];
[realObject release];
[self retain];
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
// see #456 for details
[targetReceivingInit release];
#pragma mark Subclass management
- (void)prepareObjectForInstanceMethodMocking
OCMSetAssociatedMockForObject(self, realObject);
/* dynamically create a subclass and set it as the class of the object */
Class subclass = OCMCreateSubclass(mockedClass, realObject);
object_setClass(realObject, subclass);
/* point forwardInvocation: of the object to the implementation in the mock */
Method myForwardMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self mockObjectClass], @selector(forwardInvocationForRealObject:));
IMP myForwardIMP = method_getImplementation(myForwardMethod);
class_addMethod(subclass, @selector(forwardInvocation:), myForwardIMP, method_getTypeEncoding(myForwardMethod));
/* do the same for forwardingTargetForSelector, remember existing imp with alias selector */
Method myForwardingTargetMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self mockObjectClass], @selector(forwardingTargetForSelectorForRealObject:));
IMP myForwardingTargetIMP = method_getImplementation(myForwardingTargetMethod);
IMP originalForwardingTargetIMP = [mockedClass instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(forwardingTargetForSelector:)];
class_addMethod(subclass, @selector(forwardingTargetForSelector:), myForwardingTargetIMP, method_getTypeEncoding(myForwardingTargetMethod));
class_addMethod(subclass, @selector(ocmock_replaced_forwardingTargetForSelector:), originalForwardingTargetIMP, method_getTypeEncoding(myForwardingTargetMethod));
/* We also override the -class method to return the original class */
Method myObjectClassMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self mockObjectClass], @selector(classForRealObject));
const char *objectClassTypes = method_getTypeEncoding(myObjectClassMethod);
IMP myObjectClassImp = method_getImplementation(myObjectClassMethod);
class_addMethod(subclass, @selector(class), myObjectClassImp, objectClassTypes);
/* Adding forwarder for most instance methods to allow for verify after run */
NSArray *methodsNotToForward = @[ @"class", @"forwardingTargetForSelector:", @"methodSignatureForSelector:", @"forwardInvocation:",
@"allowsWeakReference", @"retainWeakReference", @"isBlock", @"retainCount", @"retain", @"release", @"autorelease" ];
void (^setupForwarderFiltered)(Class, SEL) = ^(Class cls, SEL sel) {
if(OCMIsAppleBaseClass(cls) || OCMIsApplePrivateMethod(cls, sel))
if([methodsNotToForward containsObject:NSStringFromSelector(sel)])
[self setupForwarderForSelector:sel];
@catch(NSException *e)
// ignore for now
[NSObject enumerateMethodsInClass:mockedClass usingBlock:setupForwarderFiltered];
- (void)setupForwarderForSelector:(SEL)sel
SEL aliasSelector = OCMAliasForOriginalSelector(sel);
if(class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(realObject), aliasSelector) != NULL)
Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(mockedClass, sel);
/* Might be NULL if the selector is forwarded to another class */
IMP originalIMP = (originalMethod != NULL) ? method_getImplementation(originalMethod) : NULL;
const char *types = (originalMethod != NULL) ? method_getTypeEncoding(originalMethod) : NULL;
// TODO: check the fallback implementation is actually sufficient
if(types == NULL)
types = ([[mockedClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:sel] fullObjCTypes]);
Class subclass = object_getClass([self realObject]);
IMP forwarderIMP = [mockedClass instanceMethodForwarderForSelector:sel];
class_replaceMethod(subclass, sel, forwarderIMP, types);
class_addMethod(subclass, aliasSelector, originalIMP, types);
// Implementation of the -class method; return the Class that was reported with [realObject class] prior to mocking
- (Class)classForRealObject
// in here "self" is a reference to the real object, not the mock
OCPartialMockObject *mock = OCMGetAssociatedMockForObject(self);
if(mock == nil)
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"No partial mock for object %p", self];
return [mock mockedClass];
- (id)forwardingTargetForSelectorForRealObject:(SEL)sel
// in here "self" is a reference to the real object, not the mock
OCPartialMockObject *mock = OCMGetAssociatedMockForObject(self);
if(mock == nil)
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"No partial mock for object %p", self];
if([mock handleSelector:sel])
return self;
return [self ocmock_replaced_forwardingTargetForSelector:sel];
// Make the compiler happy in -forwardingTargetForSelectorForRealObject: because it can't find the messageā¦
- (id)ocmock_replaced_forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)sel
return nil;
- (void)forwardInvocationForRealObject:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
// in here "self" is a reference to the real object, not the mock
OCPartialMockObject *mock = OCMGetAssociatedMockForObject(self);
if(mock == nil)
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"No partial mock for object %p", self];
if([mock handleInvocation:anInvocation] == NO)
[anInvocation setSelector:OCMAliasForOriginalSelector([anInvocation selector])];
[anInvocation invoke];
#pragma mark Verification handling
- (NSString *)descriptionForVerificationFailureWithMatcher:(OCMInvocationMatcher *)matcher quantifier:(OCMQuantifier *)quantifier invocationCount:(NSUInteger)count
SEL matcherSel = [[matcher recordedInvocation] selector];
__block BOOL stubbingMightHelp = NO;
[NSObject enumerateMethodsInClass:mockedClass usingBlock:^(Class cls, SEL sel) {
if(sel == matcherSel)
stubbingMightHelp = OCMIsAppleBaseClass(cls) || OCMIsApplePrivateMethod(cls, sel);
NSString *description = [super descriptionForVerificationFailureWithMatcher:matcher quantifier:quantifier invocationCount:count];
description = [description stringByAppendingFormat:@" Adding a stub for the method may resolve the issue, e.g. `OCMStub([mockObject %@]).andForwardToRealObject()`", [matcher description]];
return description;