
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = 'proto2';

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = 'org.chromium.components.omnibox';
option java_outer_classname = 'EntityInfoProto';

package omnibox;

import "chrome_searchbox_stats.proto";

// Entity Suggest rendering data.
message EntityInfo {
  // The entity id.
  optional string entity_id = 1;

  // The suggestion second line (subtitle).
  // For some clients (e.g. desktop) this is used as the part which is to the
  // right of the emdash.
  optional string annotation = 2;

  // Image Url.
  // Will replace the suggestion icon
  optional string image_url = 6;

  // Will replace the original suggestion as the text on the suggestion's 1st
  // line (title).
  optional string name = 7;

  // Dominant color.
  // Affects how image is rendered.
  optional string dominant_color = 9;

  // Encoding of how search behavior should be modified when clicking the entity
  // suggestion (gs_ssp).
  optional string suggest_search_parameters = 10;

  // List of possible actions for this entity.
  repeated ActionInfo action_suggestions = 12;

  // List of categories this entity belongs to.
  repeated CategoryInfo.Category category = 14;

  // The entity's official website uri.
  optional string website_uri = 17;

// Entity Suggestion Action descriptor.
message ActionInfo {
  enum ActionType {
    CALL = 3;
    REVIEWS = 20;

  // The URI to open when the action is invoked.
  optional string action_uri = 3;

  // Action type for logging.
  optional .omnibox.metrics.ActionInfo.ActionType logs_action_type = 4;

  // Action type.
  optional ActionType action_type = 8;

  // If non-empty, the action must result in navigation to the SRP accompanied
  // with these additional request parameters to help force a certain SRP.
  map<string, string> search_parameters = 9;

// Entity Suggestion Category info.
message CategoryInfo {
  enum Category {
    reserved 22;

    UNKNOWN = 0;
    MUSIC = 2;
    GAMES = 4;
    PEOPLE = 6;
    SPORTS = 7;
    BOOKS = 9;
    GEO = 12;
    FOOD = 15;
    PRODUCTS = 16;
    CARS_US = 18;
    TV = 19;
    MOVIES = 20;
    CARS_MODEL_US = 21;
    COMPANIES = 23;
    LOCAL_POI = 25;
    LOCALITY = 26;