
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = 'proto2';

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = 'org.chromium.components.omnibox';
option java_outer_classname = 'RichAnswerTemplateProto';

package omnibox;

import "answer_data.proto";

// Template to render the standard Rich Answer.
// Next ID: 11
message RichAnswerTemplate {
  // Although multiple answers can be represented, we can assume there will only
  // be one answer.
  repeated AnswerData answers = 6;
  optional FormattedString attribution = 7;
  optional SuggestionEnhancements enhancements = 5;

  reserved 1 to 4, 10;

message SuggestionEnhancements {
  repeated SuggestionEnhancement enhancements = 1;

  reserved 2;

message SuggestionEnhancement {
  // Display text for this enhancement.
  optional string display_text = 1;

  // Query executed when this enhancement is selected. The query should be fully
  // formed, and not rely on its parent suggestion's suggestion.
  optional string query = 2;

  // Extra URL params that should accompany the query.
  map<string, string> query_cgi_params = 5;

  reserved 4, 6, 8 to 12, 14;