
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "third_party/one_euro_filter/src/one_euro_filter.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace one_euro_filter {
namespace test {

constexpr double kEpsilon =;

class OneEuroFilterTest : public testing::Test {};

// Check default values when wrong parameters are sent to the filter
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, ParametersTest) {}

// Check the filter is working when sending random numbers inside the
// interval [0,1] at random interval. Each filtered number should be
// inside this interval
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, RandomValuesRandomTimestampTest) {}

// Check the filter is working when sending random numbers inside the
// interval [0,1] at constant interval. Each filtered number should be
// inside this interval
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, RandomValuesConstantTimestampTest) {}

// Check the filter is working when sending the same number at random interval.
// Each filtered value should be the same
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, SameValuesRandomTimestampTest) {}

// Check the filter is working when sending the same number at constant
// interval. Each filtered value should be the same
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, SameValuesConstantTimestampTest) {}

// Check if the filter is well cloned. We create a first filter, send random
// values, and then we clone it. If we send the same new random values to both
// filters, we should have the same filtered results
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, CloneTest) {}

// Check if the filter is well reset. We send random values, save the values and
// results, then we reset the filter. We send again the same values and see if
// we have the same results, which would be statistically impossible with 100
// random wihtout a proper resetting.
TEST_F(OneEuroFilterTest, TestResetting) {}

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace one_euro_filter