// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
template <class T>
class scoped_refptr;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
namespace ash::system {
class StatisticsProvider;
namespace policy {
class AutoEnrollmentTypeChecker {
// Parameter values for the kEnterpriseEnableUnifiedStateDetermination flag.
static constexpr char kUnifiedStateDeterminationAlways[] = "always";
static constexpr char kUnifiedStateDeterminationNever[] = "never";
static constexpr char kUnifiedStateDeterminationOfficialBuild[] = "official";
// Parameter values for the kEnterpriseEnableForcedReEnrollment flag.
static constexpr char kForcedReEnrollmentAlways[] = "always";
static constexpr char kForcedReEnrollmentNever[] = "never";
static constexpr char kForcedReEnrollmentOfficialBuild[] = "official";
// Parameter values for the kEnterpriseEnableInitialEnrollment flag.
static constexpr char kInitialEnrollmentAlways[] = "always";
static constexpr char kInitialEnrollmentNever[] = "never";
static constexpr char kInitialEnrollmentOfficialBuild[] = "official";
// Requirement for forced re-enrollment check.
enum class FRERequirement {
// FRE check is disabled by the OS command line.
kDisabled = 0,
// The device was setup (has kActivateDateKey) but doesn't have the
// kCheckEnrollmentKey entry in VPD.
kRequired = 1,
// The device doesn't have kActivateDateKey, nor kCheckEnrollmentKey entry.
kNotRequired = 2,
// FRE check explicitly required by the flag in VPD or due to invalid VPD
// state.
kExplicitlyRequired = 3,
// FRE check to be skipped, explicitly stated by the flag in VPD.
kExplicitlyNotRequired = 4
// Type of auto enrollment or state determination check.
enum class CheckType {
kNone = 0,
// Forced Re-Enrollment check implicitly required because the device is new.
kForcedReEnrollmentImplicitlyRequired = 1,
// Forced Re-Enrollment check explicitly required because the device was
// previously enterprise-enrolled.
kForcedReEnrollmentExplicitlyRequired = 2,
// Initial state determination.
kInitialStateDetermination = 3,
// It is not known whether initial state determination is required because
// the system clock is not synchronized.
kUnknownDueToMissingSystemClockSync = 4,
// Status of the Unified State Determination.
enum class USDStatus {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
kDisabledViaNeverSwitch = 0,
kDisabledViaKillSwitch = 1,
kDisabledOnUnbrandedBuild = 2,
kDisabledOnNonChromeDevice = 3,
kEnabledOnOfficialGoogleChrome = 4,
kEnabledOnOfficialGoogleFlex = 5,
kEnabledViaAlwaysSwitch = 6,
kMaxValue = kEnabledViaAlwaysSwitch
// Returns true when class has been initialized.
static bool Initialized();
// Perform async initialization of this class, which requires access to the
// network. Users must call this method and wait until `init_callback` has
// been invoked before calling any other non-testing functions below.
static void Initialize(
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> loader_factory,
base::OnceClosure init_callback);
// Returns true when unified state determination is enabled based on
// command-line switch, official build status and server-based kill-switch.
static bool IsUnifiedStateDeterminationEnabled();
// Returns true if forced re-enrollment is enabled based on command-line
// switch and official build status.
static bool IsFREEnabled();
// Returns true if initial enrollment is enabled based on command-line
// switch and official build status.
static bool IsInitialEnrollmentEnabled();
// Returns true if any either FRE or initial enrollment are enabled.
static bool IsEnabled();
// Returns whether the FRE auto-enrollment check is required. Ignores all
// command-line switches and checks the VPD directly. When kCheckEnrollmentKey
// VPD entry is present, it is explicitly stating whether the forced
// re-enrollment is required or not. Otherwise, for backward compatibility
// with devices upgrading from an older version of ChromeOS, the
// kActivateDateKey VPD entry is queried. If it's missing, FRE is not
// required. This enables factories to start full guest sessions for testing,
// see http://crbug.com/397354 for more context. The requirement for the
// machine serial number to be present is a sanity-check to ensure that the
// VPD has actually been read successfully. If VPD read failed, the FRE check
// is required.
// Returns kExplicitlyRequired when unified state determination is enabled.
// This allows legacy code to handle the unified state determination
// correctly.
static FRERequirement GetFRERequirementAccordingToVPD(
ash::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider);
// Determines the type of auto-enrollment check that should be done. FRE has a
// precedence over Initial state determination.
// Returning CheckType::kUnknownDueToMissingSystemClockSync indicates that it
// is not known yet whether Initial Enrollment should be done because the
// system clock has not been synchronized yet. In this case, the caller is
// supposed to call this again after the system clock has been synchronized.
// `dev_disable_boot == true` forces FRE unless explicitly disabled via
// commandline switch.
// This method has a DCHECK that ensures that it is only called when unified
// state determination is enabled.
static CheckType DetermineAutoEnrollmentCheckType(
bool is_system_clock_synchronized,
ash::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider,
bool dev_disable_boot);
// Allows to configure unified state determination kill switch. Used for
// testing.
static void SetUnifiedStateDeterminationKillSwitchForTesting(bool is_killed);
// Clears unified state determination kill switch. Used for testing.
static void ClearUnifiedStateDeterminationKillSwitchForTesting();
// Checks if unified state determination is disabled using the server-based
// kill-switch. Used for testing.
static bool IsUnifiedStateDeterminationDisabledByKillSwitchForTesting();
// Requirement for initial state determination.
enum class InitialStateDeterminationRequirement {
// Initial state determination is disabled via command line.
kDisabled = 0,
// Initial state determination is not required.
kNotRequired = 1,
// Initial state determination is required.
kRequired = 2,
// It is not known whether initial state determination is required because
// the system clock is not synchronized.
kUnknownDueToMissingSystemClockSync = 3,
// Returns requirement for FRE.
static FRERequirement GetFRERequirement(
ash::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider,
bool dev_disable_boot);
// Returns requirement for FRE on Flex. Note that this method doesn't check
// whether it is running on Flex or not.
static FRERequirement GetFRERequirementOnFlex();
// Returns requirement for initial state determination.
static InitialStateDeterminationRequirement
bool is_system_clock_synchronized,
ash::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider);
} // namespace policy