// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace policy {
// Managed device requisition that is being stored in local state and is used
// during enrollment to specify the intended use of the device.
class EnrollmentRequisitionManager {
EnrollmentRequisitionManager() = delete;
~EnrollmentRequisitionManager() = delete;
EnrollmentRequisitionManager(const EnrollmentRequisitionManager&) = delete;
EnrollmentRequisitionManager* operator=(const EnrollmentRequisitionManager&) =
// Well-known requisition types.
static const char kNoRequisition[];
static const char kRemoraRequisition[];
static const char kSharkRequisition[];
static const char kDemoRequisition[];
static const char kCuttlefishRequisition[];
// Initializes requisition settings at OOBE with values from VPD.
static void Initialize();
// Gets/Sets the device requisition.
static std::string GetDeviceRequisition();
static void SetDeviceRequisition(const std::string& requisition);
static bool IsRemoraRequisition();
static bool IsSharkRequisition();
// If the current device extends the CFM Overlay or has Remora bit set
static bool IsMeetDevice();
// If the current device is a Cuttlefish device.
static bool IsCuttlefishDevice();
// Gets/Sets the sub organization.
static std::string GetSubOrganization();
static void SetSubOrganization(const std::string& sub_organization);
// If set, the device will start the enterprise enrollment OOBE.
static void SetDeviceEnrollmentAutoStart();
// Pref registration helper.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
} // namespace policy