
 * This file was automatically generated by
 * To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
 *   iron-a11y-announcer.js

import {Polymer} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer-fn.js';

import {html} from '../polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js';

export {IronA11yAnnouncer};

import {LegacyElementMixin} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';

declare class IronA11yAnnouncer {

   * The value of mode is used to set the `aria-live` attribute
   * for the element that will be announced. Valid values are: `off`,
   * `polite` and `assertive`.
  mode: string|null|undefined;

   * The timeout on refreshing the announcement text. Larger timeouts are
   * needed for certain screen readers to re-announce the same message.
  timeout: number|null|undefined;
  _text: string|null|undefined;
  created(): void;

   * Cause a text string to be announced by screen readers.
   * @param text The text that should be announced.
  announce(text: string): void;
  _onIronAnnounce(event: any): void;
  static requestAvailability(): void;

interface IronA11yAnnouncer extends LegacyElementMixin, HTMLElement {

declare global {

  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    "iron-a11y-announcer": IronA11yAnnouncer;