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import '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
* Chrome uses an older version of DOM Level 3 Keyboard Events
* Most keys are labeled as text, but some are Unicode codepoints.
* Values taken from:
* http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20071221/keyset.html#KeySet-Set
'U+0008': 'backspace',
'U+0009': 'tab',
'U+001B': 'esc',
'U+0020': 'space',
'U+007F': 'del'
* Special table for KeyboardEvent.keyCode.
* KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier is better, and KeyBoardEvent.key is even better
* than that.
* Values from:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent.keyCode#Value_of_keyCode
var KEY_CODE = {
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
27: 'esc',
33: 'pageup',
34: 'pagedown',
35: 'end',
36: 'home',
32: 'space',
37: 'left',
38: 'up',
39: 'right',
40: 'down',
46: 'del',
106: '*'
* MODIFIER_KEYS maps the short name for modifier keys used in a key
* combo string to the property name that references those same keys
* in a KeyboardEvent instance.
'shift': 'shiftKey',
'ctrl': 'ctrlKey',
'alt': 'altKey',
'meta': 'metaKey'
* KeyboardEvent.key is mostly represented by printable character made by
* the keyboard, with unprintable keys labeled nicely.
* However, on OS X, Alt+char can make a Unicode character that follows an
* Apple-specific mapping. In this case, we fall back to .keyCode.
var KEY_CHAR = /[a-z0-9*]/;
* Matches a keyIdentifier string.
var IDENT_CHAR = /U\+/;
* Matches arrow keys in Gecko 27.0+
var ARROW_KEY = /^arrow/;
* Matches space keys everywhere (notably including IE10's exceptional name
* `spacebar`).
var SPACE_KEY = /^space(bar)?/;
* Matches ESC key.
* Value from: http://w3c.github.io/uievents-key/#key-Escape
var ESC_KEY = /^escape$/;
* Transforms the key.
* @param {string} key The KeyBoardEvent.key
* @param {Boolean} [noSpecialChars] Limits the transformation to
* alpha-numeric characters.
function transformKey(key, noSpecialChars) {
var validKey = '';
if (key) {
var lKey = key.toLowerCase();
if (lKey === ' ' || SPACE_KEY.test(lKey)) {
validKey = 'space';
} else if (ESC_KEY.test(lKey)) {
validKey = 'esc';
} else if (lKey.length == 1) {
if (!noSpecialChars || KEY_CHAR.test(lKey)) {
validKey = lKey;
} else if (ARROW_KEY.test(lKey)) {
validKey = lKey.replace('arrow', '');
} else if (lKey == 'multiply') {
// numpad '*' can map to Multiply on IE/Windows
validKey = '*';
} else {
validKey = lKey;
return validKey;
function transformKeyIdentifier(keyIdent) {
var validKey = '';
if (keyIdent) {
if (keyIdent in KEY_IDENTIFIER) {
validKey = KEY_IDENTIFIER[keyIdent];
} else if (IDENT_CHAR.test(keyIdent)) {
keyIdent = parseInt(keyIdent.replace('U+', '0x'), 16);
validKey = String.fromCharCode(keyIdent).toLowerCase();
} else {
validKey = keyIdent.toLowerCase();
return validKey;
function transformKeyCode(keyCode) {
var validKey = '';
if (Number(keyCode)) {
if (keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) {
// ascii a-z
// lowercase is 32 offset from uppercase
validKey = String.fromCharCode(32 + keyCode);
} else if (keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 123) {
// function keys f1-f12
validKey = 'f' + (keyCode - 112 + 1);
} else if (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) {
// top 0-9 keys
validKey = String(keyCode - 48);
} else if (keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 105) {
// num pad 0-9
validKey = String(keyCode - 96);
} else {
validKey = KEY_CODE[keyCode];
return validKey;
* Calculates the normalized key for a KeyboardEvent.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} keyEvent
* @param {Boolean} [noSpecialChars] Set to true to limit keyEvent.key
* transformation to alpha-numeric chars. This is useful with key
* combinations like shift + 2, which on FF for MacOS produces
* keyEvent.key = @
* To get 2 returned, set noSpecialChars = true
* To get @ returned, set noSpecialChars = false
function normalizedKeyForEvent(keyEvent, noSpecialChars) {
// Fall back from .key, to .detail.key for artifical keyboard events,
// and then to deprecated .keyIdentifier and .keyCode.
if (keyEvent.key) {
return transformKey(keyEvent.key, noSpecialChars);
if (keyEvent.detail && keyEvent.detail.key) {
return transformKey(keyEvent.detail.key, noSpecialChars);
return transformKeyIdentifier(keyEvent.keyIdentifier) ||
transformKeyCode(keyEvent.keyCode) || '';
function keyComboMatchesEvent(keyCombo, event) {
// For combos with modifiers we support only alpha-numeric keys
var keyEvent = normalizedKeyForEvent(event, keyCombo.hasModifiers);
return keyEvent === keyCombo.key &&
(!keyCombo.hasModifiers ||
(!!event.shiftKey === !!keyCombo.shiftKey &&
!!event.ctrlKey === !!keyCombo.ctrlKey &&
!!event.altKey === !!keyCombo.altKey &&
!!event.metaKey === !!keyCombo.metaKey));
function parseKeyComboString(keyComboString) {
if (keyComboString.length === 1) {
return {combo: keyComboString, key: keyComboString, event: 'keydown'};
return keyComboString.split('+')
.reduce(function(parsedKeyCombo, keyComboPart) {
var eventParts = keyComboPart.split(':');
var keyName = eventParts[0];
var event = eventParts[1];
if (keyName in MODIFIER_KEYS) {
parsedKeyCombo[MODIFIER_KEYS[keyName]] = true;
parsedKeyCombo.hasModifiers = true;
} else {
parsedKeyCombo.key = keyName;
parsedKeyCombo.event = event || 'keydown';
return parsedKeyCombo;
}, {combo: keyComboString.split(':').shift()});
function parseEventString(eventString) {
return eventString.trim().split(' ').map(function(keyComboString) {
return parseKeyComboString(keyComboString);
* `Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior` provides a normalized interface for processing
* keyboard commands that pertain to [WAI-ARIA best
* practices](http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#kbd_general_binding). The
* element takes care of browser differences with respect to Keyboard events and
* uses an expressive syntax to filter key presses.
* Use the `keyBindings` prototype property to express what combination of keys
* will trigger the callback. A key binding has the format
* `"KEY+MODIFIER:EVENT": "callback"` (`"KEY": "callback"` or
* `"KEY:EVENT": "callback"` are valid as well). Some examples:
* keyBindings: {
* 'space': '_onKeydown', // same as 'space:keydown'
* 'shift+tab': '_onKeydown',
* 'enter:keypress': '_onKeypress',
* 'esc:keyup': '_onKeyup'
* }
* The callback will receive with an event containing the following information
* in `event.detail`:
* _onKeydown: function(event) {
* console.log(event.detail.combo); // KEY+MODIFIER, e.g. "shift+tab"
* console.log(event.detail.key); // KEY only, e.g. "tab"
* console.log(event.detail.event); // EVENT, e.g. "keydown"
* console.log(event.detail.keyboardEvent); // the original KeyboardEvent
* }
* Use the `keyEventTarget` attribute to set up event handlers on a specific
* node.
* See the [demo source
* code](https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-a11y-keys-behavior/blob/master/demo/x-key-aware.html)
* for an example.
* @demo demo/index.html
* @polymerBehavior
export const IronA11yKeysBehavior = {
properties: {
* The EventTarget that will be firing relevant KeyboardEvents. Set it to
* `null` to disable the listeners.
* @type {?EventTarget}
keyEventTarget: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return this;
* If true, this property will cause the implementing element to
* automatically stop propagation on any handled KeyboardEvents.
stopKeyboardEventPropagation: {type: Boolean, value: false},
_boundKeyHandlers: {
type: Array,
value: function() {
return [];
// We use this due to a limitation in IE10 where instances will have
// own properties of everything on the "prototype".
_imperativeKeyBindings: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return {};
observers: ['_resetKeyEventListeners(keyEventTarget, _boundKeyHandlers)'],
* To be used to express what combination of keys will trigger the relative
* callback. e.g. `keyBindings: { 'esc': '_onEscPressed'}`
* @type {!Object}
keyBindings: {},
registered: function() {
attached: function() {
detached: function() {
* Can be used to imperatively add a key binding to the implementing
* element. This is the imperative equivalent of declaring a keybinding
* in the `keyBindings` prototype property.
* @param {string} eventString
* @param {string} handlerName
addOwnKeyBinding: function(eventString, handlerName) {
this._imperativeKeyBindings[eventString] = handlerName;
* When called, will remove all imperatively-added key bindings.
removeOwnKeyBindings: function() {
this._imperativeKeyBindings = {};
* Returns true if a keyboard event matches `eventString`.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
* @param {string} eventString
* @return {boolean}
keyboardEventMatchesKeys: function(event, eventString) {
var keyCombos = parseEventString(eventString);
for (var i = 0; i < keyCombos.length; ++i) {
if (keyComboMatchesEvent(keyCombos[i], event)) {
return true;
return false;
_collectKeyBindings: function() {
var keyBindings = this.behaviors.map(function(behavior) {
return behavior.keyBindings;
if (keyBindings.indexOf(this.keyBindings) === -1) {
return keyBindings;
_prepKeyBindings: function() {
this._keyBindings = {};
this._collectKeyBindings().forEach(function(keyBindings) {
for (var eventString in keyBindings) {
this._addKeyBinding(eventString, keyBindings[eventString]);
}, this);
for (var eventString in this._imperativeKeyBindings) {
eventString, this._imperativeKeyBindings[eventString]);
// Give precedence to combos with modifiers to be checked first.
for (var eventName in this._keyBindings) {
this._keyBindings[eventName].sort(function(kb1, kb2) {
var b1 = kb1[0].hasModifiers;
var b2 = kb2[0].hasModifiers;
return (b1 === b2) ? 0 : b1 ? -1 : 1;
_addKeyBinding: function(eventString, handlerName) {
parseEventString(eventString).forEach(function(keyCombo) {
this._keyBindings[keyCombo.event] =
this._keyBindings[keyCombo.event] || [];
this._keyBindings[keyCombo.event].push([keyCombo, handlerName]);
}, this);
_resetKeyEventListeners: function() {
if (this.isAttached) {
_listenKeyEventListeners: function() {
if (!this.keyEventTarget) {
Object.keys(this._keyBindings).forEach(function(eventName) {
var keyBindings = this._keyBindings[eventName];
var boundKeyHandler = this._onKeyBindingEvent.bind(this, keyBindings);
[this.keyEventTarget, eventName, boundKeyHandler]);
this.keyEventTarget.addEventListener(eventName, boundKeyHandler);
}, this);
_unlistenKeyEventListeners: function() {
var keyHandlerTuple;
var keyEventTarget;
var eventName;
var boundKeyHandler;
while (this._boundKeyHandlers.length) {
// My kingdom for block-scope binding and destructuring assignment..
keyHandlerTuple = this._boundKeyHandlers.pop();
keyEventTarget = keyHandlerTuple[0];
eventName = keyHandlerTuple[1];
boundKeyHandler = keyHandlerTuple[2];
keyEventTarget.removeEventListener(eventName, boundKeyHandler);
_onKeyBindingEvent: function(keyBindings, event) {
if (this.stopKeyboardEventPropagation) {
// if event has been already prevented, don't do anything
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
for (var i = 0; i < keyBindings.length; i++) {
var keyCombo = keyBindings[i][0];
var handlerName = keyBindings[i][1];
if (keyComboMatchesEvent(keyCombo, event)) {
this._triggerKeyHandler(keyCombo, handlerName, event);
// exit the loop if eventDefault was prevented
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
_triggerKeyHandler: function(keyCombo, handlerName, keyboardEvent) {
var detail = Object.create(keyCombo);
detail.keyboardEvent = keyboardEvent;
var event =
new CustomEvent(keyCombo.event, {detail: detail, cancelable: true});
this[handlerName].call(this, event);
if (event.defaultPrevented) {