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import '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {IronA11yKeysBehavior} from '../iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.js';
import {Polymer} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
`iron-a11y-keys` provides a cross-browser interface for processing
keyboard commands. The interface adheres to [WAI-ARIA best
It uses an expressive syntax to filter key presses.
## Basic usage
The sample code below is a portion of a custom element. The goal is to call
the `onEnter` method whenever the `paper-input` element is in focus and
the `Enter` key is pressed.
<iron-a11y-keys id="a11y" target="[[target]]" keys="enter"
<paper-input id="input"
placeholder="Type something. Press enter. Check console."
The custom element declares an `iron-a11y-keys` element that is bound to a
property called `target`. The `target` property
needs to evaluate to the `paper-input` node. `iron-a11y-keys` registers
an event handler for the target node using Polymer's [annotated event handler
`{{userInput::input}}` sets the `userInput` property to the user's input on each
The last step is to link the two elements within the custom element's
properties: {
userInput: {
type: String,
notify: true,
target: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return this.$.input;
onEnter: function() {
## The `keys` attribute
The `keys` attribute expresses what combination of keys triggers the event.
The attribute accepts a space-separated, plus-sign-concatenated
set of modifier keys and some common keyboard keys.
The common keys are: `a-z`, `0-9` (top row and number pad), `*` (shift 8 and
number pad), `F1-F12`, `Page Up`, `Page Down`, `Left Arrow`, `Right Arrow`,
`Down Arrow`, `Up Arrow`, `Home`, `End`, `Escape`, `Space`, `Tab`, `Enter`.
The modifier keys are: `Shift`, `Control`, `Alt`, `Meta`.
All keys are expected to be lowercase and shortened. E.g.
`Left Arrow` is `left`, `Page Down` is `pagedown`, `Control` is `ctrl`,
`F1` is `f1`, `Escape` is `esc`, etc.
### Grammar
Below is the
[EBNF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus%E2%80%93Naur_Form) Grammar
of the `keys` attribute.
modifier = "shift" | "ctrl" | "alt" | "meta";
ascii = ? /[a-z0-9]/ ? ;
fnkey = ? f1 through f12 ? ;
arrow = "up" | "down" | "left" | "right" ;
key = "tab" | "esc" | "space" | "*" | "pageup" | "pagedown" |
"home" | "end" | arrow | ascii | fnkey;
event = "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup";
keycombo = { modifier, "+" }, key, [ ":", event ] ;
keys = keycombo, { " ", keycombo } ;
### Example
Given the following value for `keys`:
`ctrl+shift+f7 up pagedown esc space alt+m`
The event is fired if any of the following key combinations are fired:
`Control` and `Shift` and `F7` keys, `Up Arrow` key, `Page Down` key,
`Escape` key, `Space` key, `Alt` and `M` keys.
### WAI-ARIA Slider Example
The following is an example of the set of keys that fulfills WAI-ARIA's
"slider" role [best
<iron-a11y-keys target="[[target]]" keys="left pagedown down"
<iron-a11y-keys target="[[target]]" keys="right pageup up"
<iron-a11y-keys target="[[target]]" keys="home"
<iron-a11y-keys target="[[target]]" keys="end"
The `target` properties must evaluate to a node. See the basic usage
example above.
Each of the values for the `on-keys-pressed` attributes must evalute
to methods. The `increment` method should move the slider a set amount
toward the maximum value. `decrement` should move the slider a set amount
toward the minimum value. `setMin` should move the slider to the minimum
value. `setMax` should move the slider to the maximum value.
@demo demo/index.html
is: 'iron-a11y-keys',
behaviors: [IronA11yKeysBehavior],
properties: {
/** @type {?Node} */
target: {type: Object, observer: '_targetChanged'},
* Space delimited list of keys where each key follows the format:
* e.g. `keys="space ctrl+shift+tab enter:keyup"`.
* More detail can be found in the "Grammar" section of the documentation
keys: {type: String, reflectToAttribute: true, observer: '_keysChanged'}
attached: function() {
if (!this.target) {
this.target = this.parentNode;
_targetChanged: function(target) {
this.keyEventTarget = target;
_keysChanged: function() {
this.addOwnKeyBinding(this.keys, '_fireKeysPressed');
_fireKeysPressed: function(event) {
this.fire('keys-pressed', event.detail, {});