* This file was automatically generated by
* https://github.com/Polymer/tools/tree/master/packages/gen-typescript-declarations
* To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
* iron-control-state.js
import {dom} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';
export {IronControlState};
interface IronControlState {
* If true, the element currently has focus.
readonly focused: boolean|null|undefined;
* If true, the user cannot interact with this element.
disabled: boolean|null|undefined;
* Value of the `tabindex` attribute before `disabled` was activated.
* `null` means the attribute was not present.
_oldTabIndex: string|null|undefined;
_boundFocusBlurHandler: Function|null|undefined;
ready(): void;
_focusBlurHandler(event: any): void;
_disabledChanged(disabled: any, old: any): void;
_changedControlState(): void;
declare const IronControlState: object;