* This file was automatically generated by
* https://github.com/Polymer/tools/tree/master/packages/gen-typescript-declarations
* To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
* iron-collapse.js
import {IronResizableBehavior} from '../iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.js';
import {Polymer} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer-fn.js';
import {dom} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';
import {html} from '../polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js';
import {LegacyElementMixin} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';
* `iron-collapse` creates a collapsible block of content. By default, the content
* will be collapsed. Use `opened` or `toggle()` to show/hide the content.
* <button on-click="toggle">toggle collapse</button>
* <iron-collapse id="collapse">
* <div>Content goes here...</div>
* </iron-collapse>
* ...
* toggle: function() {
* this.$.collapse.toggle();
* }
* `iron-collapse` adjusts the max-height/max-width of the collapsible element to
* show/hide the content. So avoid putting padding/margin/border on the
* collapsible directly, and instead put a div inside and style that.
* <style>
* .collapse-content {
* padding: 15px;
* border: 1px solid #dedede;
* }
* </style>
* <iron-collapse>
* <div class="collapse-content">
* <div>Content goes here...</div>
* </div>
* </iron-collapse>
* ### Styling
* The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:
* Custom property | Description | Default
* ----------------|-------------|----------
* `--iron-collapse-transition-duration` | Animation transition duration | `300ms`
interface IronCollapseElement extends IronResizableBehavior, LegacyElementMixin, HTMLElement {
* If true, the orientation is horizontal; otherwise is vertical.
horizontal: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set opened to true to show the collapse element and to false to hide it.
opened: boolean;
* When true, the element is transitioning its opened state. When false,
* the element has finished opening/closing.
readonly transitioning: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set noAnimation to true to disable animations.
noAnimation: boolean|null|undefined;
hostAttributes: object|null;
readonly dimension: any;
* Toggle the opened state.
toggle(): void;
show(): void;
hide(): void;
* Updates the size of the element.
* @param size The new value for `maxWidth`/`maxHeight` as css property value, usually `auto` or `0px`.
* @param animated if `true` updates the size with an animation, otherwise without.
updateSize(size: string, animated?: boolean): void;
* enableTransition() is deprecated, but left over so it doesn't break
* existing code. Please use `noAnimation` property instead.
enableTransition(enabled: any): void;
_updateTransition(enabled: any): void;
_horizontalChanged(): void;
_openedChanged(): void;
_transitionEnd(): void;
_onTransitionEnd(event: any): void;
_calcSize(): any;
export {IronCollapseElement};
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"iron-collapse": IronCollapseElement;