
Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at The complete set of authors may be found at The complete set of contributors may be
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part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at
import {IronResizableBehavior} from '../iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.js';
import {Polymer} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {dom} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {html} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {Base} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

`iron-collapse` creates a collapsible block of content.  By default, the content
will be collapsed.  Use `opened` or `toggle()` to show/hide the content.

    <button on-click="toggle">toggle collapse</button>

    <iron-collapse id="collapse">
      <div>Content goes here...</div>


    toggle: function() {

`iron-collapse` adjusts the max-height/max-width of the collapsible element to
show/hide the content.  So avoid putting padding/margin/border on the
collapsible directly, and instead put a div inside and style that.

      .collapse-content {
        padding: 15px;
        border: 1px solid #dedede;

      <div class="collapse-content">
        <div>Content goes here...</div>

### Styling

The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property | Description | Default
`--iron-collapse-transition-duration` | Animation transition duration | `300ms`

@group Iron Elements
@hero hero.svg
@demo demo/index.html
@element iron-collapse
  _template: html`
      :host {
        display: block;
        transition-duration: var(--iron-collapse-transition-duration, 300ms);
        /* Safari 10 needs this property prefixed to correctly apply the custom property */
        overflow: visible;

      :host(.iron-collapse-closed) {
        display: none;

      :host(:not(.iron-collapse-opened)) {
        overflow: hidden;


  is: 'iron-collapse',
  behaviors: [IronResizableBehavior],

  properties: {

     * If true, the orientation is horizontal; otherwise is vertical.
     * @attribute horizontal
    horizontal: {type: Boolean, value: false, observer: '_horizontalChanged'},

     * Set opened to true to show the collapse element and to false to hide it.
     * @attribute opened
        {type: Boolean, value: false, notify: true, observer: '_openedChanged'},

     * When true, the element is transitioning its opened state. When false,
     * the element has finished opening/closing.
     * @attribute transitioning
    transitioning: {type: Boolean, notify: true, readOnly: true},

     * Set noAnimation to true to disable animations.
     * @attribute noAnimation
    noAnimation: {type: Boolean},

     * Stores the desired size of the collapse body.
     * @private
    _desiredSize: {type: String, value: ''}

  get dimension() {
    return this.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height';

   * `maxWidth` or `maxHeight`.
   * @private
  get _dimensionMax() {
    return this.horizontal ? 'maxWidth' : 'maxHeight';

   * `max-width` or `max-height`.
   * @private
  get _dimensionMaxCss() {
    return this.horizontal ? 'max-width' : 'max-height';

  hostAttributes: {
    role: 'group',
    'aria-hidden': 'true',

  listeners: {transitionend: '_onTransitionEnd'},

   * Toggle the opened state.
   * @method toggle
  toggle: function() {
    this.opened = !this.opened;

  show: function() {
    this.opened = true;

  hide: function() {
    this.opened = false;

   * Updates the size of the element.
   * @param {string} size The new value for `maxWidth`/`maxHeight` as css property value, usually `auto` or `0px`.
   * @param {boolean=} animated if `true` updates the size with an animation, otherwise without.
  updateSize: function(size, animated) {
    // Consider 'auto' as '', to take full size.
    size = size === 'auto' ? '' : size;

    var willAnimate = animated && !this.noAnimation && this.isAttached &&
        this._desiredSize !== size;

    this._desiredSize = size;

    // If we can animate, must do some prep work.
    if (willAnimate) {
      // Animation will start at the current size.
      var startSize = this._calcSize();
      // For `auto` we must calculate what is the final size for the animation.
      // After the transition is done, _transitionEnd will set the size back to
      // `auto`.
      if (size === '') {[this._dimensionMax] = '';
        size = this._calcSize();
      // Go to startSize without animation.[this._dimensionMax] = startSize;
      // Force layout to ensure transition will go. Set scrollTop to itself
      // so that compilers won't remove it.
      this.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
      // Enable animation.
      // If final size is the same as startSize it will not animate.
      willAnimate = (size !== startSize);
    // Set the final size.[this._dimensionMax] = size;
    // If it won't animate, call transitionEnd to set correct classes.
    if (!willAnimate) {

   * enableTransition() is deprecated, but left over so it doesn't break
   * existing code. Please use `noAnimation` property instead.
   * @method enableTransition
   * @deprecated since version 1.0.4
  enableTransition: function(enabled) {
        '`enableTransition()` is deprecated, use `noAnimation` instead.');
    this.noAnimation = !enabled;

  _updateTransition: function(enabled) { = (enabled && !this.noAnimation) ? '' : '0s';

  _horizontalChanged: function() { = this._dimensionMaxCss;
    var otherDimension =
        this._dimensionMax === 'maxWidth' ? 'maxHeight' : 'maxWidth';[otherDimension] = '';
    this.updateSize(this.opened ? 'auto' : '0px', false);

  _openedChanged: function() {
    this.setAttribute('aria-hidden', !this.opened);

    this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-closed', false);
    this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-opened', false);
    this.updateSize(this.opened ? 'auto' : '0px', true);

    // Focus the current collapse.
    if (this.opened) {

  _transitionEnd: function() {[this._dimensionMax] = this._desiredSize;
    this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-closed', !this.opened);
    this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-opened', this.opened);

  _onTransitionEnd: function(event) {
    if (dom(event).rootTarget === this) {

  _calcSize: function() {
    return this.getBoundingClientRect()[this.dimension] + 'px';