* This file was automatically generated by
* https://github.com/Polymer/tools/tree/master/packages/gen-typescript-declarations
* To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
* iron-list.js
import {IronResizableBehavior} from '../iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.js';
import {IronScrollTargetBehavior} from '../iron-scroll-target-behavior/iron-scroll-target-behavior.js';
import {OptionalMutableDataBehavior} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/mutable-data-behavior.js';
import {Polymer} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer-fn.js';
import {dom} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';
import {Templatizer} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/templatizer-behavior.js';
import {animationFrame, idlePeriod, microTask} from '../polymer/lib/utils/async.js';
import {Debouncer} from '../polymer/lib/utils/debounce.js';
import {enqueueDebouncer, flush} from '../polymer/lib/utils/flush.js';
import {html} from '../polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js';
import {matches, translate} from '../polymer/lib/utils/path.js';
import {TemplateInstanceBase} from '../polymer/lib/utils/templatize.js';
import {LegacyElementMixin} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';
* `iron-list` displays a virtual, 'infinite' list. The template inside
* the iron-list element represents the DOM to create for each list item.
* The `items` property specifies an array of list item data.
* For performance reasons, not every item in the list is rendered at once;
* instead a small subset of actual template elements *(enough to fill the
* viewport)* are rendered and reused as the user scrolls. As such, it is important
* that all state of the list template is bound to the model driving it, since the
* view may be reused with a new model at any time. Particularly, any state that
* may change as the result of a user interaction with the list item must be bound
* to the model to avoid view state inconsistency.
* ### Sizing iron-list
* `iron-list` must either be explicitly sized, or delegate scrolling to an
* explicitly sized parent. By "explicitly sized", we mean it either has an
* explicit CSS `height` property set via a class or inline style, or else is sized
* by other layout means (e.g. the `flex` or `fit` classes).
* #### Flexbox - [jsbin](https://jsbin.com/vejoni/edit?html,output)
* ```html
* <template is="x-list">
* <style>
* :host {
* display: block;
* height: 100vh;
* display: flex;
* flex-direction: column;
* }
* iron-list {
* flex: 1 1 auto;
* }
* </style>
* <app-toolbar>App name</app-toolbar>
* <iron-list items="[[items]]">
* <template>
* <div>
* ...
* </div>
* </template>
* </iron-list>
* </template>
* ```
* #### Explicit size - [jsbin](https://jsbin.com/vopucus/edit?html,output)
* ```html
* <template is="x-list">
* <style>
* :host {
* display: block;
* }
* iron-list {
* height: 100vh; /* don't use % values unless the parent element is sized.
* \/
* }
* </style>
* <iron-list items="[[items]]">
* <template>
* <div>
* ...
* </div>
* </template>
* </iron-list>
* </template>
* ```
* #### Main document scrolling -
* [jsbin](https://jsbin.com/wevirow/edit?html,output)
* ```html
* <head>
* <style>
* body {
* height: 100vh;
* margin: 0;
* display: flex;
* flex-direction: column;
* }
* app-toolbar {
* position: fixed;
* top: 0;
* left: 0;
* right: 0;
* }
* iron-list {
* /* add padding since the app-toolbar is fixed at the top *\/
* padding-top: 64px;
* }
* </style>
* </head>
* <body>
* <app-toolbar>App name</app-toolbar>
* <iron-list scroll-target="document">
* <template>
* <div>
* ...
* </div>
* </template>
* </iron-list>
* </body>
* ```
* `iron-list` must be given a `<template>` which contains exactly one element. In
* the examples above we used a `<div>`, but you can provide any element (including
* custom elements).
* ### Template model
* List item templates should bind to template models of the following structure:
* ```js
* {
* index: 0, // index in the item array
* selected: false, // true if the current item is selected
* tabIndex: -1, // a dynamically generated tabIndex for focus management
* item: {} // user data corresponding to items[index]
* }
* ```
* Alternatively, you can change the property name used as data index by changing
* the `indexAs` property. The `as` property defines the name of the variable to
* add to the binding scope for the array.
* For example, given the following `data` array:
* ##### data.json
* ```js
* [
* {"name": "Bob"},
* {"name": "Tim"},
* {"name": "Mike"}
* ]
* ```
* The following code would render the list (note the name property is bound from
* the model object provided to the template scope):
* ```html
* <iron-ajax url="data.json" last-response="{{data}}" auto></iron-ajax>
* <iron-list items="[[data]]" as="item">
* <template>
* <div>
* Name: [[item.name]]
* </div>
* </template>
* </iron-list>
* ```
* ### Grid layout
* `iron-list` supports a grid layout in addition to linear layout by setting
* the `grid` attribute. In this case, the list template item must have both fixed
* width and height (e.g. via CSS). Based on this, the number of items
* per row are determined automatically based on the size of the list viewport.
* ### Accessibility
* `iron-list` automatically manages the focus state for the items. It also
* provides a `tabIndex` property within the template scope that can be used for
* keyboard navigation. For example, users can press the up and down keys to move
* to previous and next items in the list:
* ```html
* <iron-list items="[[data]]" as="item">
* <template>
* <div tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]">
* Name: [[item.name]]
* </div>
* </template>
* </iron-list>
* ```
* ### Styling
* You can use the `--iron-list-items-container` mixin to style the container of
* items:
* ```css
* iron-list {
* --iron-list-items-container: {
* margin: auto;
* };
* }
* ```
* ### Resizing
* `iron-list` lays out the items when it receives a notification via the
* `iron-resize` event. This event is fired by any element that implements
* `IronResizableBehavior`.
* By default, elements such as `iron-pages`, `paper-tabs` or `paper-dialog` will
* trigger this event automatically. If you hide the list manually (e.g. you use
* `display: none`) you might want to implement `IronResizableBehavior` or fire
* this event manually right after the list became visible again. For example:
* ```js
* document.querySelector('iron-list').fire('iron-resize');
* ```
* ### When should `<iron-list>` be used?
* `iron-list` should be used when a page has significantly more DOM nodes than the
* ones visible on the screen. e.g. the page has 500 nodes, but only 20 are visible
* at a time. This is why we refer to it as a `virtual` list. In this case, a
* `dom-repeat` will still create 500 nodes which could slow down the web app, but
* `iron-list` will only create 20.
* However, having an `iron-list` does not mean that you can load all the data at
* once. Say you have a million records in the database, you want to split the data
* into pages so you can bring in a page at the time. The page could contain 500
* items, and iron-list will only render 20.
interface IronListElement extends Templatizer, IronResizableBehavior, IronScrollTargetBehavior, OptionalMutableDataBehavior, LegacyElementMixin, HTMLElement {
readonly _defaultScrollTarget: any;
* An array containing items determining how many instances of the template
* to stamp and that that each template instance should bind to.
items: any[]|null|undefined;
* The name of the variable to add to the binding scope for the array
* element associated with a given template instance.
as: string|null|undefined;
* The name of the variable to add to the binding scope with the index
* for the row.
indexAs: string|null|undefined;
* The name of the variable to add to the binding scope to indicate
* if the row is selected.
selectedAs: string|null|undefined;
* When true, the list is rendered as a grid. Grid items must have
* fixed width and height set via CSS. e.g.
* ```html
* <iron-list grid>
* <template>
* <div style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"> 100x100 </div>
* </template>
* </iron-list>
* ```
grid: boolean|null|undefined;
* When true, tapping a row will select the item, placing its data model
* in the set of selected items retrievable via the selection property.
* Note that tapping focusable elements within the list item will not
* result in selection, since they are presumed to have their * own action.
selectionEnabled: boolean|null|undefined;
* When `multiSelection` is false, this is the currently selected item, or
* `null` if no item is selected.
selectedItem: object|null|undefined;
* When `multiSelection` is true, this is an array that contains the
* selected items.
selectedItems: object|null|undefined;
* When `true`, multiple items may be selected at once (in this case,
* `selected` is an array of currently selected items). When `false`,
* only one item may be selected at a time.
multiSelection: boolean|null|undefined;
* The offset top from the scrolling element to the iron-list element.
* This value can be computed using the position returned by
* `getBoundingClientRect()` although it's preferred to use a constant value
* when possible.
* This property is useful when an external scrolling element is used and
* there's some offset between the scrolling element and the list. For
* example: a header is placed above the list.
scrollOffset: number|null|undefined;
* The ratio of hidden tiles that should remain in the scroll direction.
* Recommended value ~0.5, so it will distribute tiles evenly in both
* directions.
_ratio: number;
* The padding-top value for the list.
_scrollerPaddingTop: number;
* This value is a cached value of `scrollTop` from the last `scroll` event.
_scrollPosition: number;
* The sum of the heights of all the tiles in the DOM.
_physicalSize: number;
* The average `offsetHeight` of the tiles observed till now.
_physicalAverage: number;
* The number of tiles which `offsetHeight` > 0 observed until now.
_physicalAverageCount: number;
* The Y position of the item rendered in the `_physicalStart`
* tile relative to the scrolling list.
_physicalTop: number;
* The number of items in the list.
_virtualCount: number;
* The estimated scroll height based on `_physicalAverage`
_estScrollHeight: number;
* The scroll height of the dom node
_scrollHeight: number;
* The height of the list. This is referred as the viewport in the context of
* list.
_viewportHeight: number;
* The width of the list. This is referred as the viewport in the context of
* list.
_viewportWidth: number;
* An array of DOM nodes that are currently in the tree
_physicalItems: HTMLElement[]|null;
* An array of heights for each item in `_physicalItems`
_physicalSizes: number[]|null;
* A cached value for the first visible index.
* See `firstVisibleIndex`
_firstVisibleIndexVal: number|null;
* A cached value for the last visible index.
* See `lastVisibleIndex`
_lastVisibleIndexVal: number|null;
* The max number of pages to render. One page is equivalent to the height of
* the list.
_maxPages: number;
* The currently focused physical item.
_focusedItem: null;
* The virtual index of the focused item.
_focusedVirtualIndex: any;
* The physical index of the focused item.
_focusedPhysicalIndex: any;
* The item that backfills the `_offscreenFocusedItem` in the physical items
* list when that item is moved offscreen.
_focusBackfillItem: HTMLElement|null;
* The maximum items per row
_itemsPerRow: number;
* The width of each grid item
_itemWidth: number;
* The height of the row in grid layout.
_rowHeight: number;
* The cost of stamping a template in ms.
_templateCost: number;
* Needed to pass event.model property to declarative event handlers -
* see polymer/polymer#4339.
_parentModel: boolean;
* The bottom of the physical content.
readonly _physicalBottom: any;
* The bottom of the scroll.
readonly _scrollBottom: any;
* The n-th item rendered in the last physical item.
readonly _virtualEnd: any;
* The height of the physical content that isn't on the screen.
readonly _hiddenContentSize: any;
* The parent node for the _userTemplate.
readonly _itemsParent: any;
* The maximum scroll top value.
readonly _maxScrollTop: any;
* The largest n-th value for an item such that it can be rendered in
* `_physicalStart`.
readonly _maxVirtualStart: any;
_virtualStart: any;
_physicalStart: any;
* The k-th tile that is at the bottom of the scrolling list.
readonly _physicalEnd: any;
_physicalCount: any;
* An optimal physical size such that we will have enough physical items
* to fill up the viewport and recycle when the user scrolls.
* This default value assumes that we will at least have the equivalent
* to a viewport of physical items above and below the user's viewport.
readonly _optPhysicalSize: any;
* True if the current list is visible.
readonly _isVisible: any;
* Gets the index of the first visible item in the viewport.
readonly firstVisibleIndex: any;
* Gets the index of the last visible item in the viewport.
readonly lastVisibleIndex: any;
readonly _virtualRowCount: any;
readonly _estRowsInView: any;
readonly _physicalRows: any;
readonly _scrollOffset: any;
preserveFocus: boolean;
attached(): void;
detached(): void;
* Recycles the physical items when needed.
_scrollHandler(): void;
ready(): void;
* Set the overflow property if this element has its own scrolling region
_setOverflow(scrollTarget: any): void;
* Invoke this method if you dynamically update the viewport's
* size or CSS padding.
updateViewportBoundaries(): void;
* Returns an object that contains the indexes of the physical items
* that might be reused and the physicalTop.
* @param fromTop If the potential reusable items are above the scrolling region.
_getReusables(fromTop: boolean): any;
* Update the list of items, starting from the `_virtualStart` item.
_update(itemSet?: number[], movingUp?: number[]): void;
* Creates a pool of DOM elements and attaches them to the local dom.
* @param size Size of the pool
_createPool(size: number): any;
_isClientFull(): any;
* Increases the pool size.
_increasePoolIfNeeded(count: any): void;
* Renders the a new list.
_render(): void;
* Templetizes the user template.
_ensureTemplatized(): void;
_gridChanged(newGrid: any, oldGrid: any): void;
* Called when the items have changed. That is, reassignments
* to `items`, splices or updates to a single item.
_itemsChanged(change: any): void;
_forwardItemPath(path: any, value: any): void;
_adjustVirtualIndex(splices: object[]): void;
_removeItem(item: any): void;
* Executes a provided function per every physical index in `itemSet`
* `itemSet` default value is equivalent to the entire set of physical
* indexes.
_iterateItems(fn: (p0: number, p1: number) => any, itemSet?: number[]): any;
* Returns the virtual index for a given physical index
* @param pidx Physical index
_computeVidx(pidx: number): number;
* Assigns the data models to a given set of items.
_assignModels(itemSet?: number[]): void;
* Updates the height for a given set of items.
_updateMetrics(itemSet?: number[]): void;
_updateGridMetrics(): void;
* Updates the position of the physical items.
_positionItems(): void;
_getPhysicalSizeIncrement(pidx: any): any;
* Returns, based on the current index,
* whether or not the next index will need
* to be rendered on a new row.
* @param vidx Virtual index
_shouldRenderNextRow(vidx: number): boolean;
* Adjusts the scroll position when it was overestimated.
_adjustScrollPosition(): void;
* Sets the position of the scroll.
_resetScrollPosition(pos: any): void;
* Sets the scroll height, that's the height of the content,
* @param forceUpdate If true, updates the height no matter what.
_updateScrollerSize(forceUpdate?: boolean): void;
* Scroll to a specific item in the virtual list regardless
* of the physical items in the DOM tree.
* @param item The item to be scrolled to
scrollToItem(item: object|null): any;
* Scroll to a specific index in the virtual list regardless
* of the physical items in the DOM tree.
* @param idx The index of the item
scrollToIndex(idx: number): void;
* Reset the physical average and the average count.
_resetAverage(): void;
* A handler for the `iron-resize` event triggered by `IronResizableBehavior`
* when the element is resized.
_resizeHandler(): void;
* Selects the given item.
* @param item The item instance.
selectItem(item: object|null): any;
* Selects the item at the given index in the items array.
* @param index The index of the item in the items array.
selectIndex(index: number): void;
* Deselects the given item.
* @param item The item instance.
deselectItem(item: object|null): any;
* Deselects the item at the given index in the items array.
* @param index The index of the item in the items array.
deselectIndex(index: number): void;
* Selects or deselects a given item depending on whether the item
* has already been selected.
* @param item The item object.
toggleSelectionForItem(item: object|null): any;
* Selects or deselects the item at the given index in the items array
* depending on whether the item has already been selected.
* @param index The index of the item in the items array.
toggleSelectionForIndex(index: number): void;
* Clears the current selection in the list.
clearSelection(): void;
* Add an event listener to `tap` if `selectionEnabled` is true,
* it will remove the listener otherwise.
_selectionEnabledChanged(selectionEnabled: any): void;
* Select an item from an event object.
_selectionHandler(e: any): void;
_multiSelectionChanged(multiSelection: any): void;
* Updates the size of a given list item.
* @param item The item instance.
updateSizeForItem(item: object|null): any;
* Updates the size of the item at the given index in the items array.
* @param index The index of the item in the items array.
updateSizeForIndex(index: number): any;
* Creates a temporary backfill item in the rendered pool of physical items
* to replace the main focused item. The focused item has tabIndex = 0
* and might be currently focused by the user.
* This dynamic replacement helps to preserve the focus state.
_manageFocus(): void;
* Converts a random index to the index of the item that completes it's row.
* Allows for better order and fill computation when grid == true.
_convertIndexToCompleteRow(idx: any): any;
_isIndexRendered(idx: any): any;
_isIndexVisible(idx: any): any;
_getPhysicalIndex(vidx: any): any;
focusItem(idx: any): void;
_focusPhysicalItem(idx: any): void;
_removeFocusedItem(): void;
_createFocusBackfillItem(): void;
_restoreFocusedItem(): void;
_didFocus(e: any): void;
_keydownHandler(e: any): void;
_clamp(v: any, min: any, max: any): any;
_debounce(name: any, cb: any, asyncModule: any): void;
_forwardProperty(inst: any, name: any, value: any): void;
* Templatizer bindings for v2
_forwardHostPropV2(prop: any, value: any): void;
_notifyInstancePropV2(inst: any, prop: any, value: any): void;
* Templatizer bindings for v1
_getStampedChildren(): any;
_forwardInstancePath(inst: any, path: any, value: any): void;
_forwardParentPath(path: any, value: any): void;
_forwardParentProp(prop: any, value: any): void;
* Gets the activeElement of the shadow root/host that contains the list.
_getActiveElement(): any;
export {IronListElement};
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"iron-list": IronListElement;