
Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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import '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

import {dom} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

var p = Element.prototype;
var matches = p.matches || p.matchesSelector || p.mozMatchesSelector ||
    p.msMatchesSelector || p.oMatchesSelector || p.webkitMatchesSelector;

export const IronFocusablesHelper = {

   * Returns a sorted array of tabbable nodes, including the root node.
   * It searches the tabbable nodes in the light and shadow dom of the chidren,
   * sorting the result by tabindex.
   * @param {!Node} node
   * @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>}
  getTabbableNodes: function(node) {
    var result = [];
    // If there is at least one element with tabindex > 0, we need to sort
    // the final array by tabindex.
    var needsSortByTabIndex = this._collectTabbableNodes(node, result);
    if (needsSortByTabIndex) {
      return this._sortByTabIndex(result);
    return result;

   * Returns if a element is focusable.
   * @param {!HTMLElement} element
   * @return {boolean}
  isFocusable: function(element) {
    // From
    // There isn't a definite list, it's up to the browser. The only
    // standard we have is DOM Level 2 HTML
    //, according to which the
    // only elements that have a focus() method are HTMLInputElement,
    // HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement and HTMLAnchorElement. This
    // notably omits HTMLButtonElement and HTMLAreaElement. Referring to these
    // tests with tabbables in different browsers

    // Elements that cannot be focused if they have [disabled] attribute.
    if (, 'input, select, textarea, button, object')) {
      return, ':not([disabled])');
    // Elements that can be focused even if they have [disabled] attribute.
        element, 'a[href], area[href], iframe, [tabindex], [contentEditable]');

   * Returns if a element is tabbable. To be tabbable, a element must be
   * focusable, visible, and with a tabindex !== -1.
   * @param {!HTMLElement} element
   * @return {boolean}
  isTabbable: function(element) {
    return this.isFocusable(element) &&, ':not([tabindex="-1"])') &&

   * Returns the normalized element tabindex. If not focusable, returns -1.
   * It checks for the attribute "tabindex" instead of the element property
   * `tabIndex` since browsers assign different values to it.
   * e.g. in Firefox `<div contenteditable>` has `tabIndex = -1`
   * @param {!HTMLElement} element
   * @return {!number}
   * @private
  _normalizedTabIndex: function(element) {
    if (this.isFocusable(element)) {
      var tabIndex = element.getAttribute('tabindex') || 0;
      return Number(tabIndex);
    return -1;

   * Searches for nodes that are tabbable and adds them to the `result` array.
   * Returns if the `result` array needs to be sorted by tabindex.
   * @param {!Node} node The starting point for the search; added to `result`
   * if tabbable.
   * @param {!Array<!HTMLElement>} result
   * @return {boolean}
   * @private
  _collectTabbableNodes: function(node, result) {
    // If not an element or not visible, no need to explore children.
    if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !this._isVisible(node)) {
      return false;
    var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (node);
    var tabIndex = this._normalizedTabIndex(element);
    var needsSort = tabIndex > 0;
    if (tabIndex >= 0) {

    // In ShadowDOM v1, tab order is affected by the order of distrubution.
    // E.g. getTabbableNodes(#root) in ShadowDOM v1 should return [#A, #B];
    // in ShadowDOM v0 tab order is not affected by the distrubution order,
    // in fact getTabbableNodes(#root) returns [#B, #A].
    //  <div id="root">
    //   <!-- shadow -->
    //     <slot name="a">
    //     <slot name="b">
    //   <!-- /shadow -->
    //   <input id="A" slot="a">
    //   <input id="B" slot="b" tabindex="1">
    //  </div>
    // TODO(valdrin) support ShadowDOM v1 when upgrading to Polymer v2.0.
    var children;
    if (element.localName === 'content' || element.localName === 'slot') {
      children = dom(element).getDistributedNodes();
    } else {
      // Use shadow root if possible, will check for distributed nodes.
      children = dom(element.root || element).children;
    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      // Ensure method is always invoked to collect tabbable children.
      needsSort = this._collectTabbableNodes(children[i], result) || needsSort;
    return needsSort;

   * Returns false if the element has `visibility: hidden` or `display: none`
   * @param {!HTMLElement} element
   * @return {boolean}
   * @private
  _isVisible: function(element) {
    // Check inline style first to save a re-flow. If looks good, check also
    // computed style.
    var style =;
    if (style.visibility !== 'hidden' && style.display !== 'none') {
      style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
      return (style.visibility !== 'hidden' && style.display !== 'none');
    return false;

   * Sorts an array of tabbable elements by tabindex. Returns a new array.
   * @param {!Array<!HTMLElement>} tabbables
   * @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>}
   * @private
  _sortByTabIndex: function(tabbables) {
    // Implement a merge sort as Array.prototype.sort does a non-stable sort
    var len = tabbables.length;
    if (len < 2) {
      return tabbables;
    var pivot = Math.ceil(len / 2);
    var left = this._sortByTabIndex(tabbables.slice(0, pivot));
    var right = this._sortByTabIndex(tabbables.slice(pivot));
    return this._mergeSortByTabIndex(left, right);

   * Merge sort iterator, merges the two arrays into one, sorted by tab index.
   * @param {!Array<!HTMLElement>} left
   * @param {!Array<!HTMLElement>} right
   * @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>}
   * @private
  _mergeSortByTabIndex: function(left, right) {
    var result = [];
    while ((left.length > 0) && (right.length > 0)) {
      if (this._hasLowerTabOrder(left[0], right[0])) {
      } else {

    return result.concat(left, right);

   * Returns if element `a` has lower tab order compared to element `b`
   * (both elements are assumed to be focusable and tabbable).
   * Elements with tabindex = 0 have lower tab order compared to elements
   * with tabindex > 0.
   * If both have same tabindex, it returns false.
   * @param {!HTMLElement} a
   * @param {!HTMLElement} b
   * @return {boolean}
   * @private
  _hasLowerTabOrder: function(a, b) {
    // Normalize tabIndexes
    // e.g. in Firefox `<div contenteditable>` has `tabIndex = -1`
    var ati = Math.max(a.tabIndex, 0);
    var bti = Math.max(b.tabIndex, 0);
    return (ati === 0 || bti === 0) ? bti > ati : ati > bti;