* This file was automatically generated by
* https://github.com/Polymer/tools/tree/master/packages/gen-typescript-declarations
* To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
* iron-overlay-behavior.js
import {IronFitBehavior} from '../iron-fit-behavior/iron-fit-behavior.js';
import {IronResizableBehavior} from '../iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.js';
import {dom} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';
import {pushScrollLock, removeScrollLock} from './iron-scroll-manager.js';
export {IronOverlayBehaviorImpl};
interface IronOverlayBehaviorImpl {
* True if the overlay is currently displayed.
opened: boolean;
* True if the overlay was canceled when it was last closed.
readonly canceled: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set to true to display a backdrop behind the overlay. It traps the focus
* within the light DOM of the overlay.
withBackdrop: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set to true to disable auto-focusing the overlay or child nodes with
* the `autofocus` attribute` when the overlay is opened.
noAutoFocus: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set to true to disable canceling the overlay with the ESC key.
noCancelOnEscKey: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set to true to disable canceling the overlay by clicking outside it.
noCancelOnOutsideClick: boolean|null|undefined;
* Contains the reason(s) this overlay was last closed (see
* `iron-overlay-closed`). `IronOverlayBehavior` provides the `canceled`
* reason; implementers of the behavior can provide other reasons in
* addition to `canceled`.
closingReason: object|null|undefined;
* Set to true to enable restoring of focus when overlay is closed.
restoreFocusOnClose: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set to true to allow clicks to go through overlays.
* When the user clicks outside this overlay, the click may
* close the overlay below.
allowClickThrough: boolean|null|undefined;
* Set to true to keep overlay always on top.
alwaysOnTop: boolean|null|undefined;
* Determines which action to perform when scroll outside an opened overlay
* happens. Possible values: lock - blocks scrolling from happening, refit -
* computes the new position on the overlay cancel - causes the overlay to
* close
scrollAction: string|null|undefined;
* The node being focused.
_focusedChild: Node|null;
* The backdrop element.
readonly backdropElement: Element;
* Returns the node to give focus to.
readonly _focusNode: Node;
* Array of nodes that can receive focus (overlay included), ordered by
* `tabindex`. This is used to retrieve which is the first and last focusable
* nodes in order to wrap the focus for overlays `with-backdrop`.
* If you know what is your content (specifically the first and last focusable
* children), you can override this method to return only `[firstFocusable,
* lastFocusable];`
readonly _focusableNodes: Node[];
ready(): void;
attached(): void;
detached(): void;
* Toggle the opened state of the overlay.
toggle(): void;
* Open the overlay.
open(): void;
* Close the overlay.
close(): void;
* Cancels the overlay.
* @param event The original event
cancel(event?: Event|null): void;
* Invalidates the cached tabbable nodes. To be called when any of the
* focusable content changes (e.g. a button is disabled).
invalidateTabbables(): void;
_ensureSetup(): void;
* Called when `opened` changes.
_openedChanged(opened?: boolean): void;
_canceledChanged(): void;
_withBackdropChanged(): void;
* tasks which must occur before opening; e.g. making the element visible.
_prepareRenderOpened(): void;
* Tasks which cause the overlay to actually open; typically play an
* animation.
_renderOpened(): void;
* Tasks which cause the overlay to actually close; typically play an
* animation.
_renderClosed(): void;
* Tasks to be performed at the end of open action. Will fire
* `iron-overlay-opened`.
_finishRenderOpened(): void;
* Tasks to be performed at the end of close action. Will fire
* `iron-overlay-closed`.
_finishRenderClosed(): void;
_preparePositioning(): void;
_finishPositioning(): void;
* Applies focus according to the opened state.
_applyFocus(): void;
* Cancels (closes) the overlay. Call when click happens outside the overlay.
_onCaptureClick(event: Event): void;
* Keeps track of the focused child. If withBackdrop, traps focus within
* overlay.
_onCaptureFocus(event: Event): void;
* Handles the ESC key event and cancels (closes) the overlay.
_onCaptureEsc(event: Event): void;
* Handles TAB key events to track focus changes.
* Will wrap focus for overlays withBackdrop.
_onCaptureTab(event: Event): void;
* Refits if the overlay is opened and not animating.
_onIronResize(): void;
* Will call notifyResize if overlay is opened.
* Can be overridden in order to avoid multiple observers on the same node.
_onNodesChange(): void;
declare const IronOverlayBehaviorImpl: object;
export {IronOverlayBehavior};
* Use `Polymer.IronOverlayBehavior` to implement an element that can be hidden
* or shown, and displays on top of other content. It includes an optional
* backdrop, and can be used to implement a variety of UI controls including
* dialogs and drop downs. Multiple overlays may be displayed at once.
* See the [demo source
* code](https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-overlay-behavior/blob/master/demo/simple-overlay.html)
* for an example.
* ### Closing and canceling
* An overlay may be hidden by closing or canceling. The difference between close
* and cancel is user intent. Closing generally implies that the user
* acknowledged the content on the overlay. By default, it will cancel whenever
* the user taps outside it or presses the escape key. This behavior is
* configurable with the `no-cancel-on-esc-key` and the
* `no-cancel-on-outside-click` properties. `close()` should be called explicitly
* by the implementer when the user interacts with a control in the overlay
* element. When the dialog is canceled, the overlay fires an
* 'iron-overlay-canceled' event. Call `preventDefault` on this event to prevent
* the overlay from closing.
* ### Positioning
* By default the element is sized and positioned to fit and centered inside the
* window. You can position and size it manually using CSS. See
* `Polymer.IronFitBehavior`.
* ### Backdrop
* Set the `with-backdrop` attribute to display a backdrop behind the overlay.
* The backdrop is appended to `<body>` and is of type `<iron-overlay-backdrop>`.
* See its doc page for styling options.
* In addition, `with-backdrop` will wrap the focus within the content in the
* light DOM. Override the [`_focusableNodes`
* getter](#Polymer.IronOverlayBehavior:property-_focusableNodes) to achieve a
* different behavior.
* ### Limitations
* The element is styled to appear on top of other content by setting its
* `z-index` property. You must ensure no element has a stacking context with a
* higher `z-index` than its parent stacking context. You should place this
* element as a child of `<body>` whenever possible.
interface IronOverlayBehavior extends IronFitBehavior, IronResizableBehavior, IronOverlayBehaviorImpl {
declare const IronOverlayBehavior: object;