
Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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import '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

 * `iron-range-behavior` provides the behavior for something with a minimum to
 * maximum range.
 * @demo demo/index.html
 * @polymerBehavior
export const IronRangeBehavior = {

  properties: {

     * The number that represents the current value.
    value: {type: Number, value: 0, notify: true, reflectToAttribute: true},

     * The number that indicates the minimum value of the range.
    min: {type: Number, value: 0, notify: true},

     * The number that indicates the maximum value of the range.
    max: {type: Number, value: 100, notify: true},

     * Specifies the value granularity of the range's value.
    step: {type: Number, value: 1, notify: true},

     * Returns the ratio of the value.
    ratio: {type: Number, value: 0, readOnly: true, notify: true},

  observers: ['_update(value, min, max, step)'],

  _calcRatio: function(value) {
    return (this._clampValue(value) - this.min) / (this.max - this.min);

  _clampValue: function(value) {
    return Math.min(this.max, Math.max(this.min, this._calcStep(value)));

  _calcStep: function(value) {
    // polymer/issues/2493
    value = parseFloat(value);

    if (!this.step) {
      return value;

    var numSteps = Math.round((value - this.min) / this.step);
    if (this.step < 1) {
       * For small values of this.step, if we calculate the step using
       * `Math.round(value / step) * step` we may hit a precision point issue
       * eg. 0.1 * 0.2 =  0.020000000000000004
       * as a work around we can divide by the reciprocal of `step`
      return numSteps / (1 / this.step) + this.min;
    } else {
      return numSteps * this.step + this.min;

  _validateValue: function() {
    var v = this._clampValue(this.value);
    this.value = this.oldValue = isNaN(v) ? this.oldValue : v;
    return this.value !== v;

  _update: function() {
    this._setRatio(this._calcRatio(this.value) * 100);
