* This file was automatically generated by
* https://github.com/Polymer/tools/tree/master/packages/gen-typescript-declarations
* To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
* mock-interactions.js
export {middleOfNode};
* Returns the (x,y) coordinates representing the middle of a node.
declare function middleOfNode(node: Element): any;
export {topLeftOfNode};
* Returns the (x,y) coordinates representing the top left corner of a node.
declare function topLeftOfNode(node: Element): any;
export {makeTouches};
* Returns a list of Touch objects that correspond to an array of positions
* and a target node. The Touch instances will each have a unique Touch
* identifier.
declare function makeTouches(xyList: Array<{x: number, y: number}>, node: Element): any;
export {makeSoloTouchEvent};
* Generates and dispatches a TouchEvent of a given type, at a specified
* position of a target node.
declare function makeSoloTouchEvent(type: string, xy: {x: number, y: number}, node: Element): void;
export {makeMouseEvent};
* Fires a mouse event on a specific node, at a given set of coordinates.
* This event bubbles and is cancellable.
declare function makeMouseEvent(type: string, xy: {x: number, y: number}, node: Element): void;
export {move};
* Simulates a mouse move action by firing a `move` mouse event on a
* specific node, between a set of coordinates.
declare function move(node: Element, fromXY: object|null, toXY: object|null, steps?: number|null): void;
export {track};
* Simulates a mouse dragging action originating in the middle of a specific
* node.
declare function track(target: Element, dx: number|null, dy: number|null, steps?: number|null): void;
export {down};
* Fires a `down` mouse event on a specific node, at a given set of coordinates.
* This event bubbles and is cancellable. If the (x,y) coordinates are
* not specified, the middle of the node will be used instead.
declare function down(node: Element, xy?: {x: number, y: number}): void;
export {up};
* Fires an `up` mouse event on a specific node, at a given set of coordinates.
* This event bubbles and is cancellable. If the (x,y) coordinates are
* not specified, the middle of the node will be used instead.
declare function up(node: Element, xy?: {x: number, y: number}): void;
export {click};
* Generate a click event on a given node, optionally at a given coordinate.
declare function click(node: Element, xy?: {x: number, y: number}): void;
export {touchstart};
* Generate a touchstart event on a given node, optionally at a given
* coordinate.
declare function touchstart(node: Element, xy?: {x: number, y: number}): void;
export {touchend};
* Generate a touchend event on a given node, optionally at a given coordinate.
declare function touchend(node: Element, xy?: {x: number, y: number}): void;
export {downAndUp};
* Simulates a complete mouse click by firing a `down` mouse event, followed
* by an asynchronous `up` and `tap` events on a specific node. Calls the
* `callback` after the `tap` event is fired.
declare function downAndUp(target: Element, callback?: Function|null, options?: {emulateTouch: boolean}|null): void;
export {tap};
* Fires a 'tap' mouse event on a specific node. This respects the
* pointer-events set on the node, and will not fire on disabled nodes.
declare function tap(node: Element, options?: {emulateTouch: boolean}|null): void;
export {focus};
* Focuses a node by firing a `focus` event. This event does not bubble.
declare function focus(target: Element): void;
export {blur};
* Blurs a node by firing a `blur` event. This event does not bubble.
declare function blur(target: Element): void;
export {keyboardEventFor};
* Returns a keyboard event. This event bubbles and is cancellable.
declare function keyboardEventFor(type: string, keyCode: number, modifiers?: string|string[]|null, key?: string): any;
export {keyEventOn};
* Fires a keyboard event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
* cancellable.
declare function keyEventOn(target: Element, type: string, keyCode: number, modifiers?: string|string[]|null, key?: string): void;
export {keyDownOn};
* Fires a 'keydown' event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
* cancellable.
declare function keyDownOn(target: Element, keyCode: number, modifiers?: string|string[]|null, key?: string): void;
export {keyUpOn};
* Fires a 'keyup' event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
* cancellable.
declare function keyUpOn(target: Element, keyCode: number, modifiers?: string|string[]|null, key?: string): void;
export {pressAndReleaseKeyOn};
* Simulates a complete key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event, followed
* by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
declare function pressAndReleaseKeyOn(target: Element, keyCode: number, modifiers?: string|string[]|null, key?: string): void;
export {pressEnter};
* Simulates a complete 'enter' key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event,
* followed by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
declare function pressEnter(target: Element): void;
export {pressSpace};
* Simulates a complete 'space' key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event,
* followed by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
declare function pressSpace(target: Element): void;