
 * @license
 * Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
 * The complete set of authors may be found
 * at The complete set of contributors may
 * be found at Code distributed by
 * Google as part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP
 * rights grant found at

import {Base} from '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

const HAS_NEW_MOUSE = (() => {
  let has = false;
  try {
    has = Boolean(new MouseEvent('x'));
  } catch (_) {
  return has;

const HAS_NEW_TOUCH = (() => {
  let has = false;
  try {
    has = Boolean(new TouchEvent('x'));
  } catch (_) {
  return has;

 * Returns the (x,y) coordinates representing the middle of a node.
 * @param {!Element} node An element.
export function middleOfNode(node) {
  const bcr = node.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {y: + (bcr.height / 2), x: bcr.left + (bcr.width / 2)};

 * Returns the (x,y) coordinates representing the top left corner of a node.
 * @param {!Element} node An element.
export function topLeftOfNode(node) {
  const bcr = node.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {y:, x: bcr.left};

 * Returns a list of Touch objects that correspond to an array of positions
 * and a target node. The Touch instances will each have a unique Touch
 * identifier.
 * @param {!Array<{ x: number, y: number }>} xyList A list of (x,y) coordinate
 * objects.
 * @param {!Element} node A target element node.
export function makeTouches(xyList, node) {
  let id = 0;

  return {
    var touchInit =
        {identifier: id++, target: node, clientX: xy.x, clientY: xy.y};

    return HAS_NEW_TOUCH ? new window.Touch(touchInit) : touchInit;

 * Generates and dispatches a TouchEvent of a given type, at a specified
 * position of a target node.
 * @param {string} type The type of TouchEvent to generate.
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }} xy An (x,y) coordinate for the generated
 * TouchEvent.
 * @param {!Element} node The target element node for the generated
 * TouchEvent to be dispatched on.
export function makeSoloTouchEvent(type, xy, node) {
  xy = xy || middleOfNode(node);
  const touches = makeTouches([xy], node);
  const touchEventInit = {
    touches: touches,
    targetTouches: touches,
    changedTouches: touches
  let event;

  if (HAS_NEW_TOUCH) {
    touchEventInit.bubbles = true;
    touchEventInit.cancelable = true;
    event = new TouchEvent(type, touchEventInit);
  } else {
    event = new CustomEvent(type, {
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: true,
      // Allow event to go outside a ShadowRoot.
      composed: true
    for (const property in touchEventInit) {
      event[property] = touchEventInit[property];


 * Fires a mouse event on a specific node, at a given set of coordinates.
 * This event bubbles and is cancellable.
 * @param {string} type The type of mouse event (such as 'tap' or 'down').
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }} xy The (x,y) coordinates the mouse event
 * should be fired from.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the event on.
export function makeMouseEvent(type, xy, node) {
  const props = {
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,
    clientX: xy.x,
    clientY: xy.y,
    // Allow event to go outside a ShadowRoot.
    composed: true,
    // Make this a primary input.
        1  //
  let e;
  if (HAS_NEW_MOUSE) {
    e = new MouseEvent(type, props);
  } else {
    e = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
        null, /* view */
        null, /* detail */
        0,    /* screenX */
        0,    /* screenY */
        false, /*ctrlKey */
        false, /*altKey */
        false, /*shiftKey */
        false, /*metaKey */
        0,     /*button */
        null /*relatedTarget*/);

 * Simulates a mouse move action by firing a `move` mouse event on a
 * specific node, between a set of coordinates.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {Object} fromXY The (x,y) coordinates the dragging should start from.
 * @param {Object} toXY The (x,y) coordinates the dragging should end at.
 * @param {?number=} steps Optional. The numbers of steps in the move motion.
 *    If not specified, the default is 5.
export function move(node, fromXY, toXY, steps) {
  steps = steps || 5;
  var dx = Math.round((fromXY.x - toXY.x) / steps);
  var dy = Math.round((fromXY.y - toXY.y) / steps);
  var xy = {x: fromXY.x, y: fromXY.y};
  for (var i = steps; i > 0; i--) {
    makeMouseEvent('mousemove', xy, node);
    xy.x += dx;
    xy.y += dy;
  makeMouseEvent('mousemove', {x: toXY.x, y: toXY.y}, node);

 * Simulates a mouse dragging action originating in the middle of a specific
 * node.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {?number} dx The horizontal displacement.
 * @param {?number} dy The vertical displacement
 * @param {?number=} steps Optional. The numbers of steps in the dragging
 * motion. If not specified, the default is 5.
export function track(target, dx, dy, steps) {
  dx = dx | 0;
  dy = dy | 0;
  steps = steps || 5;
  var xy = middleOfNode(target);
  var xy2 = {x: xy.x + dx, y: xy.y + dy};
  move(target, xy, xy2, steps);
  up(target, xy2);

 * Fires a `down` mouse event on a specific node, at a given set of coordinates.
 * This event bubbles and is cancellable. If the (x,y) coordinates are
 * not specified, the middle of the node will be used instead.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }=} xy Optional. The (x,y) coordinates the
 * mouse event should be fired from.
export function down(node, xy) {
  xy = xy || middleOfNode(node);
  makeMouseEvent('mousedown', xy, node);

 * Fires an `up` mouse event on a specific node, at a given set of coordinates.
 * This event bubbles and is cancellable. If the (x,y) coordinates are
 * not specified, the middle of the node will be used instead.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }=} xy Optional. The (x,y) coordinates the
 * mouse event should be fired from.
export function up(node, xy) {
  xy = xy || middleOfNode(node);
  makeMouseEvent('mouseup', xy, node);

 * Generate a click event on a given node, optionally at a given coordinate.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the click event on.
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }=} xy Optional. The (x,y) coordinates the
 * mouse event should be fired from.
export function click(node, xy) {
  xy = xy || middleOfNode(node);
  makeMouseEvent('click', xy, node);

 * Generate a touchstart event on a given node, optionally at a given
 * coordinate.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the click event on.
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }=} xy Optional. The (x,y) coordinates the
 * touch event should be fired from.
export function touchstart(node, xy) {
  xy = xy || middleOfNode(node);
  makeSoloTouchEvent('touchstart', xy, node);

 * Generate a touchend event on a given node, optionally at a given coordinate.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the click event on.
 * @param {{ x: number, y: number }=} xy Optional. The (x,y) coordinates the
 * touch event should be fired from.
export function touchend(node, xy) {
  xy = xy || middleOfNode(node);
  makeSoloTouchEvent('touchend', xy, node);

 * Simulates a complete mouse click by firing a `down` mouse event, followed
 * by an asynchronous `up` and `tap` events on a specific node. Calls the
 *`callback` after the `tap` event is fired.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {?Function=} callback Optional. The function to be called after the
 *action ends.
 * @param {?{
 *   emulateTouch: boolean
 * }=} options Optional. Configure the emulation fidelity of the mouse events.
export function downAndUp(target, callback, options) {
  if (options && options.emulateTouch) {

  Base.async(function() {
    callback && callback();

 * Fires a 'tap' mouse event on a specific node. This respects the
 * pointer-events set on the node, and will not fire on disabled nodes.
 * @param {!Element} node The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {?{
 *   emulateTouch: boolean
 * }=} options Optional. Configure the emulation fidelity of the mouse event.
export function tap(node, options) {
  // Respect nodes that are disabled in the UI.
  if (window.getComputedStyle(node)['pointer-events'] === 'none') {

  const xy = middleOfNode(node);

  if (options && options.emulateTouch) {
    touchstart(node, xy);
    touchend(node, xy);

  down(node, xy);
  up(node, xy);
  click(node, xy);

 * Focuses a node by firing a `focus` event. This event does not bubble.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
export function focus(target) {'focus', {}, {bubbles: false, node: target});

 * Blurs a node by firing a `blur` event. This event does not bubble.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
export function blur(target) {'blur', {}, {bubbles: false, node: target});

 * Returns a keyboard event. This event bubbles and is cancellable.
 * @param {string} type The type of keyboard event (such as 'keyup' or
 * 'keydown').
 * @param {number} keyCode The keyCode for the event.
 * @param {(string|Array<string>)=} modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
 *     Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
 * @param {string=} key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyboardEventFor(type, keyCode, modifiers, key) {
  const event = new CustomEvent(type, {
    detail: 0,
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,
    // Allow event to go outside a ShadowRoot.
    composed: true

  event.keyCode = keyCode;
  event.code = keyCode;

  modifiers = modifiers || [];
  if (typeof modifiers === 'string') {
    modifiers = [modifiers];
  event.shiftKey = modifiers.indexOf('shift') !== -1;
  event.altKey = modifiers.indexOf('alt') !== -1;
  event.ctrlKey = modifiers.indexOf('ctrl') !== -1;
  event.metaKey = modifiers.indexOf('meta') !== -1;

  event.key = key;

  return event;

 * Fires a keyboard event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
 * cancellable.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {string} type The type of keyboard event (such as 'keyup' or
 * 'keydown').
 * @param {number} keyCode The keyCode for the event.
 * @param {(string|Array<string>)=} modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
 *     Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
 * @param {string=} key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyEventOn(target, type, keyCode, modifiers, key) {
  target.dispatchEvent(keyboardEventFor(type, keyCode, modifiers, key));

 * Fires a 'keydown' event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
 * cancellable.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {number} keyCode The keyCode for the event.
 * @param {(string|Array<string>)=} modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
 *     Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
 * @param {string=} key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyDownOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key) {
  keyEventOn(target, 'keydown', keyCode, modifiers, key);

 * Fires a 'keyup' event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
 * cancellable.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {number} keyCode The keyCode for the event.
 * @param {(string|Array<string>)=} modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
 *     Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
 * @param {string=} key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyUpOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key) {
  keyEventOn(target, 'keyup', keyCode, modifiers, key);

 * Simulates a complete key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event, followed
 * by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
 * @param {number} keyCode The keyCode for the event.
 * @param {(string|Array<string>)=} modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
 *     Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
 * @param {string=} key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function pressAndReleaseKeyOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key) {
  keyDownOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key);
  Base.async(function() {
    keyUpOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key);
  }, 1);

 * Simulates a complete 'enter' key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event,
 * followed by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
export function pressEnter(target) {
  pressAndReleaseKeyOn(target, 13);

 * Simulates a complete 'space' key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event,
 * followed by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
 * @param {!Element} target The node to fire the event on.
export function pressSpace(target) {
  pressAndReleaseKeyOn(target, 32);

 * This global is provided for backwards compatibility and will be removed in
 * the next major version. All users should migrate to importing functions
 * directly from this module instead of accessing them via the global.
window.MockInteractions = {