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import '../polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
* `NeonAnimatableBehavior` is implemented by elements containing
* animations for use with elements implementing
* `NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior`.
* @polymerBehavior
export const NeonAnimatableBehavior = {
properties: {
* Animation configuration. See README for more info.
animationConfig: {type: Object},
* Convenience property for setting an 'entry' animation. Do not set
* `animationConfig.entry` manually if using this. The animated node is set
* to `this` if using this property.
entryAnimation: {
observer: '_entryAnimationChanged',
type: String,
* Convenience property for setting an 'exit' animation. Do not set
* `animationConfig.exit` manually if using this. The animated node is set
* to `this` if using this property.
exitAnimation: {
observer: '_exitAnimationChanged',
type: String,
_entryAnimationChanged: function() {
this.animationConfig = this.animationConfig || {};
this.animationConfig['entry'] = [{name: this.entryAnimation, node: this}];
_exitAnimationChanged: function() {
this.animationConfig = this.animationConfig || {};
this.animationConfig['exit'] = [{name: this.exitAnimation, node: this}];
_copyProperties: function(config1, config2) {
// shallowly copy properties from config2 to config1
for (var property in config2) {
config1[property] = config2[property];
_cloneConfig: function(config) {
var clone = {isClone: true};
this._copyProperties(clone, config);
return clone;
_getAnimationConfigRecursive: function(type, map, allConfigs) {
if (!this.animationConfig) {
if (this.animationConfig.value &&
typeof this.animationConfig.value === 'function') {
'Please put \'animationConfig\' inside of your components \'properties\' object instead of outside of it.'));
// type is optional
var thisConfig;
if (type) {
thisConfig = this.animationConfig[type];
} else {
thisConfig = this.animationConfig;
if (!Array.isArray(thisConfig)) {
thisConfig = [thisConfig];
// iterate animations and recurse to process configurations from child nodes
if (thisConfig) {
for (var config, index = 0; config = thisConfig[index]; index++) {
if (config.animatable) {
config.type || type, map, allConfigs);
} else {
if (config.id) {
var cachedConfig = map[config.id];
if (cachedConfig) {
// merge configurations with the same id, making a clone lazily
if (!cachedConfig.isClone) {
map[config.id] = this._cloneConfig(cachedConfig);
cachedConfig = map[config.id];
this._copyProperties(cachedConfig, config);
} else {
// put any configs with an id into a map
map[config.id] = config;
} else {
* An element implementing `NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior` calls this
* method to configure an animation with an optional type. Elements
* implementing `NeonAnimatableBehavior` should define the property
* `animationConfig`, which is either a configuration object or a map of
* animation type to array of configuration objects.
getAnimationConfig: function(type) {
var map = {};
var allConfigs = [];
this._getAnimationConfigRecursive(type, map, allConfigs);
// append the configurations saved in the map to the array
for (var key in map) {
return allConfigs;