// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {dom} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '../polymer/polymer-element.js';
export {PaperRippleMixin};
* Note: This file is forked from Polymer's paper-ripple-behavior.d.ts
* `PaperRippleMixin` dynamically implements a ripple when the element has
* focus via pointer or keyboard.
* NOTE: This behavior is intended to be used in conjunction with and after
* `IronButtonState` and `IronControlState`.
export interface PaperRippleMixinInterface {
* If true, the element will not produce a ripple effect when interacted
* with via the pointer.
noink: boolean|null|undefined;
_rippleContainer: Element|null|undefined;
* Ensures a `<paper-ripple>` element is available when the element is
* focused.
_buttonStateChanged(): void;
* In addition to the functionality provided in `IronButtonState`, ensures
* a ripple effect is created when the element is in a `pressed` state.
_downHandler(event: any): void;
* Ensures this element contains a ripple effect. For startup efficiency
* the ripple effect is dynamically on demand when needed.
* @param optTriggeringEvent (optional) event that triggered the
* ripple.
ensureRipple(optTriggeringEvent?: Event): void;
* Returns the `<paper-ripple>` element used by this element to create
* ripple effects. The element's ripple is created on demand, when
* necessary, and calling this method will force the
* ripple to be created.
getRipple(): any;
* Returns true if this element currently contains a ripple effect.
hasRipple(): boolean;
* Create the element's ripple effect via creating a `<paper-ripple>`.
* Override this method to customize the ripple element.
* @returns Returns a `<paper-ripple>` element.
_createRipple(): PaperRippleElement;
_noinkChanged(noink: any): void;
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
declare const PaperRippleMixin: <T extends Constructor<PolymerElement>>(
superClass: T) => T & Constructor<PaperRippleMixinInterface>;
import {PaperRippleElement} from '../paper-ripple/paper-ripple.js';