// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "third_party/private_membership/src/internal/testing/regression_test_data/regression_test_data.pb.h"
namespace private_membership::rlwe {
class RlwePlaintextId;
class PrivateMembershipRlweClient;
} // namespace private_membership::rlwe
namespace policy::psm::testing {
using RlweTestCase = private_membership::rlwe::
using RlweClientFactory = base::RepeatingCallback<
const private_membership::rlwe::RlwePlaintextId&)>;
// Load a test case from the test database provided by the
// third_party/private_membership library, i.e. a test case that is also used in
// the EmbeddedPolicyTestServer. This test case can be used to simulate PSM
// requests for members or non-members of the set.
// Note that this function performs a blocking file read.
RlweTestCase LoadTestCase(bool is_member);
// Load a test case from the test database provided by the
// third_party/private_membership library. Based on that test case,
// create a callback as needed by the `AutoEnrollmentController` to create an
// `RlweClient`. The returned callback will ignore the plaintext id and
// instead create an `RlweClient` that will create requests as expected by the
// EmbeddedPolicyTestServer.
RlweClientFactory CreateClientFactory(bool is_member = true);
} // namespace policy::psm::testing