
 * This file was automatically generated by
 * To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
 *   paper-tooltip.js

import {Polymer} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer-fn.js';

import {dom} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';

import {html} from '../polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js';

import {LegacyElementMixin} from '../polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';

 * Material design:
 * [Tooltips](
 * `<paper-tooltip>` is a label that appears on hover and focus when the user
 * hovers over an element with the cursor or with the keyboard. It will be centered
 * to an anchor element specified in the `for` attribute, or, if that doesn't
 * exist, centered to the parent node containing it.
 * Example:
 *     <div style="display:inline-block">
 *       <button>Click me!</button>
 *       <paper-tooltip>Tooltip text</paper-tooltip>
 *     </div>
 *     <div>
 *       <button id="btn">Click me!</button>
 *       <paper-tooltip for="btn">Tooltip text</paper-tooltip>
 *     </div>
 * The tooltip can be positioned on the top|bottom|left|right of the anchor using
 * the `position` attribute. The default position is bottom.
 *     <paper-tooltip for="btn" position="left">Tooltip text</paper-tooltip>
 *     <paper-tooltip for="btn" position="top">Tooltip text</paper-tooltip>
 * ### Styling
 * The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:
 * Custom property | Description | Default
 * ----------------|-------------|----------
 * `--paper-tooltip-background` | The background color of the tooltip | `#616161`
 * `--paper-tooltip-opacity` | The opacity of the tooltip | `0.9`
 * `--paper-tooltip-text-color` | The text color of the tooltip | `white`
 * `--paper-tooltip` | Mixin applied to the tooltip | `{}`
 * `--paper-tooltip-delay-in` | Delay before tooltip starts to fade in | `500`
 * `--paper-tooltip-delay-out` | Delay before tooltip starts to fade out | `0`
 * `--paper-tooltip-duration-in` | Timing for animation when showing tooltip | `500`
 * `--paper-tooltip-duration-out` | Timing for animation when hiding tooltip | `0`
 * `--paper-tooltip-animation` | Mixin applied to the tooltip animation | `{}`
interface PaperTooltipElement extends LegacyElementMixin, HTMLElement {

   * The id of the element that the tooltip is anchored to. This element
   * must be a sibling of the tooltip. If this property is not set,
   * then the tooltip will be centered to the parent node containing it.
  for: string|null|undefined;

   * Set this to true if you want to manually control when the tooltip
   * is shown or hidden.
  manualMode: boolean|null|undefined;

   * Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.
  position: string|null|undefined;

   * If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.
  fitToVisibleBounds: boolean|null|undefined;

   * The spacing between the top of the tooltip and the element it is
   * anchored to.
  offset: number|null|undefined;

   * This property is deprecated, but left over so that it doesn't
   * break exiting code. Please use `offset` instead. If both `offset` and
   * `marginTop` are provided, `marginTop` will be ignored.
  marginTop: number|null|undefined;

   * The delay that will be applied before the `entry` animation is
   * played when showing the tooltip.
  animationDelay: number|null|undefined;

   * The animation that will be played on entry.  This replaces the
   * deprecated animationConfig.  Entries here will override the
   * animationConfig settings.  You can enter your own animation
   * by setting it to the css class name.
  animationEntry: string|null|undefined;

   * The animation that will be played on exit.  This replaces the
   * deprecated animationConfig.  Entries here will override the
   * animationConfig settings.  You can enter your own animation
   * by setting it to the css class name.
  animationExit: string|null|undefined;

   * This property is deprecated.  Use --paper-tooltip-animation to change the
   * animation. The entry and exit animations that will be played when showing
   * and hiding the tooltip. If you want to override this, you must ensure
   * that your animationConfig has the exact format below.
  animationConfig: object|null|undefined;
  _showing: boolean;
  hostAttributes: object|null;

   * Returns the target element that this tooltip is anchored to. It is
   * either the element given by the `for` attribute, or the immediate parent
   * of the tooltip.
  target: any;
  attached(): void;
  detached(): void;

   * Replaces Neon-Animation playAnimation - just calls show and hide.
   * @param type Either `entry` or `exit`
  playAnimation(type: string): void;

   * Cancels the animation and either fully shows or fully hides tooltip
  cancelAnimation(): void;

   * Shows the tooltip programatically
  show(): void;

   * Hides the tooltip programatically
  hide(): void;
  updatePosition(): void;
  _addListeners(): void;
  _findTarget(): void;
  _delayChange(newValue: any): void;
  _manualModeChanged(): void;
  _cancelAnimation(): void;
  _onAnimationFinish(): void;
  _onAnimationEnd(): void;
  _getAnimationType(type: any): any;
  _removeListeners(): void;

export {PaperTooltipElement};

declare global {

  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    "paper-tooltip": PaperTooltipElement;