* This file contains the types that are required for compilation of the
* Polymer generated type declarations, but which could not themselves be
* automatically generated.
// Types from "externs/polymer-externs.js"
export interface PolymerElementPropertiesMeta {
type?: Function;
value?: any;
readOnly?: boolean;
computed?: string;
reflectToAttribute?: boolean;
notify?: boolean;
observer?: string|((val: any, old: any) => void);
export type PolymerElementProperties = {
[key: string]: PolymerElementPropertiesMeta|Function;
// TODO Document these properties.
export interface PolymerInit {
is: string;
extends?: string;
properties?: PolymerElementProperties;
observers?: string[];
_template?: HTMLTemplateElement|(() => HTMLTemplateElement);
hostAttributes?: {[key: string]: any};
listeners?: {[key: string]: string};
behaviors?: BehaviorInit | BehaviorInit[];
// Lifecycle methods
registered?(): void;
created?(): void;
attached?(): void;
detached?(): void;
ready?(): void;
attributeChanged?(name: string, old?: string, value?: string): void;
// Allow any other user-defined properties
[others: string]: any;
export type BehaviorInit = Pick<
Exclude<keyof PolymerInit, "is" | "extends" | "_template">
* The object passed to ".*" wildcard obsevers. A record of a change made to an
* object.
* @template B The object matching the non-wildcard portion of the path.
* @template V Additional types that could be set at the path.
export interface PolymerDeepPropertyChange<B, V> {
/** Path to the property that changed. */
path: string;
/** The object matching the non-wildcard portion of the path. */
base: B;
/** New value of the path that changed. */
value: B|V;
* A record of changes made to an array.
* @template T The type of the array being observed.
export interface PolymerSplice<T extends Array<{}|null|undefined>> {
/** Position where the splice started. */
index: number;
/** Array of removed items. */
removed: T;
/** Number of new items inserted at index. */
addedCount: number;
/** A reference to the array in question. */
object: T;
/** The string literal 'splice'. */
type: 'splice';
* The object passed to ".splices" observers. A set of mutations made to the
* array.
* @template T The type of the array being observed.
export interface PolymerSpliceChange<T extends Array<{}|null|undefined>> {
indexSplices: Array<PolymerSplice<T>>;
// Types from "externs/polymer-internal-shared-types.js"
export interface StampedTemplate extends DocumentFragment {
__noInsertionPoint: boolean;
nodeList: Node[];
$: {[key: string]: Node};
templateInfo?: TemplateInfo;
export interface NodeInfo {
id: string;
events: {name: string, value: string}[];
hasInsertionPoint: boolean;
templateInfo: TemplateInfo;
parentInfo: NodeInfo;
parentIndex: number;
infoIndex: number;
bindings: Binding[];
export interface TemplateInfo {
nodeInfoList: NodeInfo[];
nodeList: Node[];
stripWhitespace: boolean;
hasInsertionPoint?: boolean;
hostProps: Object;
propertyEffects: Object;
childNodes: Node[];
wasPreBound: boolean;
export interface LiteralBindingPart {
literal: string;
compoundIndex?: number;
export interface MethodArg {
literal: boolean;
name: string;
value: string|number;
rootProperty?: string;
structured?: boolean;
wildcard?: boolean;
export interface MethodSignature {
methodName: string;
static: boolean;
args: MethodArg[];
dynamicFn?: boolean;
export interface ExpressionBindingPart {
mode: string;
negate: boolean;
source: string;
dependencies: Array<MethodArg|string>;
customEvent: boolean;
signature: Object|null;
event: string;
export type BindingPart = LiteralBindingPart|ExpressionBindingPart;
export interface Binding {
kind: string;
target: string;
parts: BindingPart[];
literal?: string;
isCompound: boolean;
listenerEvent?: string;
listenerNegate?: boolean;
export interface AsyncInterface {
run: (fn: Function, delay?: number) => number;
cancel: (handle: number) => void;
// Types from "lib/utils/gestures.html"
export interface GestureRecognizer {
reset: () => void;
mousedown?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
mousemove?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
mouseup?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
touchstart?: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
touchmove?: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
touchend?: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
click?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
* Not defined in the TypeScript DOM library.
* See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IdleDeadline
export interface IdleDeadline {
didTimeout: boolean;
timeRemaining(): number;
export interface PolymerElementConstructor {
new (): HTMLElement;
is?: string;
extends?: string;
properties?: PolymerElementProperties;
observers?: string[];
template?: string|HTMLTemplateElement|null;