// tslint:disable:variable-name Describing an API that's defined elsewhere.
// tslint:disable:no-any describes the API as best we are able today
import {ElementMixin} from '../mixins/element-mixin.js';
import {GestureEventListeners} from '../mixins/gesture-event-listeners.js';
import {DirMixin} from '../mixins/dir-mixin.js';
import {dedupingMixin} from '../utils/mixin.js';
import {dom, matchesSelector} from './polymer.dom.js';
import {setTouchAction} from '../utils/gestures.js';
import {Debouncer} from '../utils/debounce.js';
import {timeOut, microTask} from '../utils/async.js';
import {get} from '../utils/path.js';
import {scopeSubtree} from '../utils/scope-subtree.js';
import {findObservedAttributesGetter} from '../mixins/disable-upgrade-mixin.js';
import {register} from '../utils/telemetry.js';
export {LegacyElementMixin};
* Element class mixin that provides Polymer's "legacy" API intended to be
* backward-compatible to the greatest extent possible with the API
* found on the Polymer 1.x `Polymer.Base` prototype applied to all elements
* defined using the `Polymer({...})` function.
declare function LegacyElementMixin<T extends new (...args: any[]) => {}>(base: T): T & LegacyElementMixinConstructor & ElementMixinConstructor & PropertyEffectsConstructor & TemplateStampConstructor & PropertyAccessorsConstructor & PropertiesChangedConstructor & PropertiesMixinConstructor & GestureEventListenersConstructor & DirMixinConstructor;
import {ElementMixinConstructor} from '../mixins/element-mixin.js';
import {PropertyEffectsConstructor, PropertyEffects} from '../mixins/property-effects.js';
import {TemplateStampConstructor, TemplateStamp} from '../mixins/template-stamp.js';
import {PropertyAccessorsConstructor, PropertyAccessors} from '../mixins/property-accessors.js';
import {PropertiesChangedConstructor, PropertiesChanged} from '../mixins/properties-changed.js';
import {PropertiesMixinConstructor, PropertiesMixin} from '../mixins/properties-mixin.js';
import {GestureEventListenersConstructor} from '../mixins/gesture-event-listeners.js';
import {DirMixinConstructor} from '../mixins/dir-mixin.js';
interface LegacyElementMixinConstructor {
new(...args: any[]): LegacyElementMixin;
export {LegacyElementMixinConstructor};
interface LegacyElementMixin extends ElementMixin, PropertyEffects, TemplateStamp, PropertyAccessors, PropertiesChanged, PropertiesMixin, GestureEventListeners, DirMixin {
isAttached: boolean;
_debouncers: {[key: string]: Function|null}|null;
_legacyForceObservedAttributes: boolean|undefined;
* Return the element whose local dom within which this element
* is contained. This is a shorthand for
* `this.getRootNode().host`.
readonly domHost: Node|null;
is: string;
* Overrides the default `Polymer.PropertyEffects` implementation to
* add support for installing `hostAttributes` and `listeners`.
ready(): void;
* Overrides the default `Polymer.PropertyEffects` implementation to
* add support for class initialization via the `_registered` callback.
* This is called only when the first instance of the element is created.
_initializeProperties(): void;
_enableProperties(): void;
* Provides an override implementation of `attributeChangedCallback`
* which adds the Polymer legacy API's `attributeChanged` method.
* @param name Name of attribute.
* @param old Old value of attribute.
* @param value Current value of attribute.
* @param namespace Attribute namespace.
attributeChangedCallback(name: string, old: string|null, value: string|null, namespace: string|null): void;
* Provides an implementation of `connectedCallback`
* which adds Polymer legacy API's `attached` method.
connectedCallback(): void;
* Provides an implementation of `disconnectedCallback`
* which adds Polymer legacy API's `detached` method.
disconnectedCallback(): void;
_canApplyPropertyDefault(property: any): any;
* Legacy callback called during the `constructor`, for overriding
* by the user.
created(): void;
* Sets the value of an attribute.
* @param name The name of the attribute to change.
* @param value The new attribute value.
setAttribute(name: string, value: string): void;
* Removes an attribute.
* @param name The name of the attribute to remove.
removeAttribute(name: string): void;
* Legacy callback called during `connectedCallback`, for overriding
* by the user.
attached(): void;
* Legacy callback called during `disconnectedCallback`, for overriding
* by the user.
detached(): void;
* Legacy callback called during `attributeChangedChallback`, for overriding
* by the user.
* @param name Name of attribute.
* @param old Old value of attribute.
* @param value Current value of attribute.
attributeChanged(name: string, old: string|null, value: string|null): void;
_takeAttributes(): void;
* Called automatically when an element is initializing.
* Users may override this method to perform class registration time
* work. The implementation should ensure the work is performed
* only once for the class.
_registered(): void;
* Ensures an element has required attributes. Called when the element
* is being readied via `ready`. Users should override to set the
* element's required attributes. The implementation should be sure
* to check and not override existing attributes added by
* the user of the element. Typically, setting attributes should be left
* to the element user and not done here; reasonable exceptions include
* setting aria roles and focusability.
_ensureAttributes(): void;
* Adds element event listeners. Called when the element
* is being readied via `ready`. Users should override to
* add any required element event listeners.
* In performance critical elements, the work done here should be kept
* to a minimum since it is done before the element is rendered. In
* these elements, consider adding listeners asynchronously so as not to
* block render.
_applyListeners(): void;
* Converts a typed JavaScript value to a string.
* Note this method is provided as backward-compatible legacy API
* only. It is not directly called by any Polymer features. To customize
* how properties are serialized to attributes for attribute bindings and
* `reflectToAttribute: true` properties as well as this method, override
* the `_serializeValue` method provided by `Polymer.PropertyAccessors`.
* @param value Value to deserialize
* @returns Serialized value
serialize(value: any): string|undefined;
* Converts a string to a typed JavaScript value.
* Note this method is provided as backward-compatible legacy API
* only. It is not directly called by any Polymer features. To customize
* how attributes are deserialized to properties for in
* `attributeChangedCallback`, override `_deserializeValue` method
* provided by `Polymer.PropertyAccessors`.
* @param value String to deserialize
* @param type Type to deserialize the string to
* @returns Returns the deserialized value in the `type` given.
deserialize(value: string, type: any): any;
* Serializes a property to its associated attribute.
* Note this method is provided as backward-compatible legacy API
* only. It is not directly called by any Polymer features.
* @param property Property name to reflect.
* @param attribute Attribute name to reflect.
* @param value Property value to reflect.
reflectPropertyToAttribute(property: string, attribute?: string, value?: any): void;
* Sets a typed value to an HTML attribute on a node.
* Note this method is provided as backward-compatible legacy API
* only. It is not directly called by any Polymer features.
* @param value Value to serialize.
* @param attribute Attribute name to serialize to.
* @param node Element to set attribute to.
serializeValueToAttribute(value: any, attribute: string, node: Element|null): void;
* Copies own properties (including accessor descriptors) from a source
* object to a target object.
* @param prototype Target object to copy properties to.
* @param api Source object to copy properties from.
* @returns prototype object that was passed as first argument.
extend(prototype: object|null, api: object|null): object|null;
* Copies props from a source object to a target object.
* Note, this method uses a simple `for...in` strategy for enumerating
* properties. To ensure only `ownProperties` are copied from source
* to target and that accessor implementations are copied, use `extend`.
* @param target Target object to copy properties to.
* @param source Source object to copy properties from.
* @returns Target object that was passed as first argument.
mixin(target: object, source: object): object;
* Sets the prototype of an object.
* Note this method is provided as backward-compatible legacy API
* only. It is not directly called by any Polymer features.
* @param object The object on which to set the prototype.
* @param prototype The prototype that will be set on the given
* `object`.
* @returns Returns the given `object` with its prototype set
* to the given `prototype` object.
chainObject(object: object|null, prototype: object|null): object|null;
* Calls `importNode` on the `content` of the `template` specified and
* returns a document fragment containing the imported content.
* @param template HTML template element to instance.
* @returns Document fragment containing the imported
* template content.
instanceTemplate(template: HTMLTemplateElement|null): DocumentFragment;
* Dispatches a custom event with an optional detail value.
* @param type Name of event type.
* @param detail Detail value containing event-specific
* payload.
* @param options Object specifying options. These may include:
* `bubbles` (boolean, defaults to `true`),
* `cancelable` (boolean, defaults to false), and
* `node` on which to fire the event (HTMLElement, defaults to `this`).
* @returns The new event that was fired.
fire(type: string, detail?: any, options?: {bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean, composed?: boolean}): Event;
* Convenience method to add an event listener on a given element,
* late bound to a named method on this element.
* @param node Element to add event listener to.
* @param eventName Name of event to listen for.
* @param methodName Name of handler method on `this` to call.
listen(node: EventTarget|null, eventName: string, methodName: string): void;
* Convenience method to remove an event listener from a given element,
* late bound to a named method on this element.
* @param node Element to remove event listener from.
* @param eventName Name of event to stop listening to.
* @param methodName Name of handler method on `this` to not call
* anymore.
unlisten(node: EventTarget|null, eventName: string, methodName: string): void;
* Override scrolling behavior to all direction, one direction, or none.
* Valid scroll directions:
* - 'all': scroll in any direction
* - 'x': scroll only in the 'x' direction
* - 'y': scroll only in the 'y' direction
* - 'none': disable scrolling for this node
* @param direction Direction to allow scrolling
* Defaults to `all`.
* @param node Element to apply scroll direction setting.
* Defaults to `this`.
setScrollDirection(direction?: string, node?: Element|null): void;
* Convenience method to run `querySelector` on this local DOM scope.
* This function calls `Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector(slctr)`.
* @param slctr Selector to run on this local DOM scope
* @returns Element found by the selector, or null if not found.
$$(slctr: string): Element|null;
* Force this element to distribute its children to its local dom.
* This should not be necessary as of Polymer 2.0.2 and is provided only
* for backwards compatibility.
distributeContent(): void;
* Returns a list of nodes that are the effective childNodes. The effective
* childNodes list is the same as the element's childNodes except that
* any `<content>` elements are replaced with the list of nodes distributed
* to the `<content>`, the result of its `getDistributedNodes` method.
* @returns List of effective child nodes.
getEffectiveChildNodes(): Node[];
* Returns a list of nodes distributed within this element that match
* `selector`. These can be dom children or elements distributed to
* children that are insertion points.
* @param selector Selector to run.
* @returns List of distributed elements that match selector.
queryDistributedElements(selector: string): Node[];
* Returns a list of elements that are the effective children. The effective
* children list is the same as the element's children except that
* any `<content>` elements are replaced with the list of elements
* distributed to the `<content>`.
* @returns List of effective children.
getEffectiveChildren(): Node[];
* Returns a string of text content that is the concatenation of the
* text content's of the element's effective childNodes (the elements
* returned by <a href="#getEffectiveChildNodes>getEffectiveChildNodes</a>.
* @returns List of effective children.
getEffectiveTextContent(): string;
* Returns the first effective childNode within this element that
* match `selector`. These can be dom child nodes or elements distributed
* to children that are insertion points.
* @param selector Selector to run.
* @returns First effective child node that matches selector.
queryEffectiveChildren(selector: string): Node|null;
* Returns a list of effective childNodes within this element that
* match `selector`. These can be dom child nodes or elements distributed
* to children that are insertion points.
* @param selector Selector to run.
* @returns List of effective child nodes that match
* selector.
queryAllEffectiveChildren(selector: string): Node[];
* Returns a list of nodes distributed to this element's `<slot>`.
* If this element contains more than one `<slot>` in its local DOM,
* an optional selector may be passed to choose the desired content.
* @param slctr CSS selector to choose the desired
* `<slot>`. Defaults to `content`.
* @returns List of distributed nodes for the `<slot>`.
getContentChildNodes(slctr?: string): Node[];
* Returns a list of element children distributed to this element's
* `<slot>`.
* If this element contains more than one `<slot>` in its
* local DOM, an optional selector may be passed to choose the desired
* content. This method differs from `getContentChildNodes` in that only
* elements are returned.
* @param slctr CSS selector to choose the desired
* `<content>`. Defaults to `content`.
* @returns List of distributed nodes for the
* `<slot>`.
getContentChildren(slctr?: string): HTMLElement[];
* Checks whether an element is in this element's light DOM tree.
* @param node The element to be checked.
* @returns true if node is in this element's light DOM tree.
isLightDescendant(node: Node|null): boolean;
* Checks whether an element is in this element's local DOM tree.
* @param node The element to be checked.
* @returns true if node is in this element's local DOM tree.
isLocalDescendant(node: Element): boolean;
* No-op for backwards compatibility. This should now be handled by
* ShadyCss library.
* @param container Container element to scope
* @param shouldObserve if true, start a mutation observer for added nodes to the container
* @returns Returns a new MutationObserver on `container` if `shouldObserve` is true.
scopeSubtree(container: Element, shouldObserve?: boolean): MutationObserver|null;
* Returns the computed style value for the given property.
* @param property The css property name.
* @returns Returns the computed css property value for the given
* `property`.
getComputedStyleValue(property: string): string;
* Call `debounce` to collapse multiple requests for a named task into
* one invocation which is made after the wait time has elapsed with
* no new request. If no wait time is given, the callback will be called
* at microtask timing (guaranteed before paint).
* debouncedClickAction(e) {
* // will not call `processClick` more than once per 100ms
* this.debounce('click', function() {
* this.processClick();
* } 100);
* }
* @param jobName String to identify the debounce job.
* @param callback Function that is called (with `this`
* context) when the wait time elapses.
* @param wait Optional wait time in milliseconds (ms) after the
* last signal that must elapse before invoking `callback`
* @returns Returns a debouncer object on which exists the
* following methods: `isActive()` returns true if the debouncer is
* active; `cancel()` cancels the debouncer if it is active;
* `flush()` immediately invokes the debounced callback if the debouncer
* is active.
debounce(jobName: string, callback: () => void, wait?: number): object;
* Returns whether a named debouncer is active.
* @param jobName The name of the debouncer started with `debounce`
* @returns Whether the debouncer is active (has not yet fired).
isDebouncerActive(jobName: string): boolean;
* Immediately calls the debouncer `callback` and inactivates it.
* @param jobName The name of the debouncer started with `debounce`
flushDebouncer(jobName: string): void;
* Cancels an active debouncer. The `callback` will not be called.
* @param jobName The name of the debouncer started with `debounce`
cancelDebouncer(jobName: string): void;
* Runs a callback function asynchronously.
* By default (if no waitTime is specified), async callbacks are run at
* microtask timing, which will occur before paint.
* @param callback The callback function to run, bound to
* `this`.
* @param waitTime Time to wait before calling the
* `callback`. If unspecified or 0, the callback will be run at microtask
* timing (before paint).
* @returns Handle that may be used to cancel the async job.
async(callback: Function, waitTime?: number): number;
* Cancels an async operation started with `async`.
* @param handle Handle returned from original `async` call to
* cancel.
cancelAsync(handle: number): void;
* Convenience method for creating an element and configuring it.
* @param tag HTML element tag to create.
* @param props Object of properties to configure on the
* instance.
* @returns Newly created and configured element.
create(tag: string, props?: object|null): Element;
* Polyfill for Element.prototype.matches, which is sometimes still
* prefixed.
* @param selector Selector to test.
* @param node Element to test the selector against.
* @returns Whether the element matches the selector.
elementMatches(selector: string, node?: Element): boolean;
* Toggles an HTML attribute on or off.
* @param name HTML attribute name
* @param bool Boolean to force the attribute on or off.
* When unspecified, the state of the attribute will be reversed.
* @returns true if the attribute now exists
toggleAttribute(name: string, bool?: boolean): boolean;
* Toggles a CSS class on or off.
* @param name CSS class name
* @param bool Boolean to force the class on or off.
* When unspecified, the state of the class will be reversed.
* @param node Node to target. Defaults to `this`.
toggleClass(name: string, bool?: boolean, node?: Element|null): void;
* Cross-platform helper for setting an element's CSS `transform` property.
* @param transformText Transform setting.
* @param node Element to apply the transform to.
* Defaults to `this`
transform(transformText: string, node?: Element|null): void;
* Cross-platform helper for setting an element's CSS `translate3d`
* property.
* @param x X offset.
* @param y Y offset.
* @param z Z offset.
* @param node Element to apply the transform to.
* Defaults to `this`.
translate3d(x: number|string, y: number|string, z: number|string, node?: Element|null): void;
* Removes an item from an array, if it exists.
* If the array is specified by path, a change notification is
* generated, so that observers, data bindings and computed
* properties watching that path can update.
* If the array is passed directly, **no change
* notification is generated**.
* @param arrayOrPath Path to array from
* which to remove the item
* (or the array itself).
* @param item Item to remove.
* @returns Array containing item removed.
arrayDelete(arrayOrPath: string|Array<number|string>, item: any): any[]|null;
* Facades `console.log`/`warn`/`error` as override point.
* @param level One of 'log', 'warn', 'error'
* @param args Array of strings or objects to log
_logger(level: string, args: any[]|null): void;
* Facades `console.log` as an override point.
* @param args Array of strings or objects to log
_log(...args: any[]): void;
* Facades `console.warn` as an override point.
* @param args Array of strings or objects to log
_warn(...args: any[]): void;
* Facades `console.error` as an override point.
* @param args Array of strings or objects to log
_error(...args: any[]): void;
* Formats a message using the element type an a method name.
* @param methodName Method name to associate with message
* @param args Array of strings or objects to log
* @returns Array with formatting information for `console`
* logging.
_logf(methodName: string, ...args: any[]): any[];