// tslint:disable:variable-name Describing an API that's defined elsewhere.
// tslint:disable:no-any describes the API as best we are able today
import {dedupingMixin} from '../utils/mixin.js';
import {root, isAncestor, isDescendant, get, translate, isPath, set, normalize} from '../utils/path.js';
import {camelToDashCase, dashToCamelCase} from '../utils/case-map.js';
import {PropertyAccessors} from './property-accessors.js';
import {TemplateStamp} from './template-stamp.js';
export {PropertyEffects};
* Element class mixin that provides meta-programming for Polymer's template
* binding and data observation (collectively, "property effects") system.
* This mixin uses provides the following key static methods for adding
* property effects to an element class:
* - `addPropertyEffect`
* - `createPropertyObserver`
* - `createMethodObserver`
* - `createNotifyingProperty`
* - `createReadOnlyProperty`
* - `createReflectedProperty`
* - `createComputedProperty`
* - `bindTemplate`
* Each method creates one or more property accessors, along with metadata
* used by this mixin's implementation of `_propertiesChanged` to perform
* the property effects.
* Underscored versions of the above methods also exist on the element
* prototype for adding property effects on instances at runtime.
* Note that this mixin overrides several `PropertyAccessors` methods, in
* many cases to maintain guarantees provided by the Polymer 1.x features;
* notably it changes property accessors to be synchronous by default
* whereas the default when using `PropertyAccessors` standalone is to be
* async by default.
declare function PropertyEffects<T extends new (...args: any[]) => {}>(base: T): T & PropertyEffectsConstructor & TemplateStampConstructor & PropertyAccessorsConstructor & PropertiesChangedConstructor;
import {TemplateStampConstructor} from './template-stamp.js';
import {PropertyAccessorsConstructor} from './property-accessors.js';
import {PropertiesChangedConstructor, PropertiesChanged} from './properties-changed.js';
interface PropertyEffectsConstructor {
new(...args: any[]): PropertyEffects;
* Overrides default `TemplateStamp` implementation to add support for
* parsing bindings from `TextNode`'s' `textContent`. A `bindings`
* array is added to `nodeInfo` and populated with binding metadata
* with information capturing the binding target, and a `parts` array
* with one or more metadata objects capturing the source(s) of the
* binding.
* @param node Node to parse
* @param templateInfo Template metadata for current template
* @param nodeInfo Node metadata for current template node
* @returns `true` if the visited node added node-specific
* metadata to `nodeInfo`
_parseTemplateNode(node: Node|null, templateInfo: TemplateInfo|null, nodeInfo: NodeInfo|null): boolean;
* Overrides default `TemplateStamp` implementation to add support for
* binding the properties that a nested template depends on to the template
* as `_host_<property>`.
* @param node Node to parse
* @param templateInfo Template metadata for current template
* @param nodeInfo Node metadata for current template node
* @returns `true` if the visited node added node-specific
* metadata to `nodeInfo`
_parseTemplateNestedTemplate(node: Node|null, templateInfo: TemplateInfo|null, nodeInfo: NodeInfo|null): boolean;
* Overrides default `TemplateStamp` implementation to add support for
* parsing bindings from attributes. A `bindings`
* array is added to `nodeInfo` and populated with binding metadata
* with information capturing the binding target, and a `parts` array
* with one or more metadata objects capturing the source(s) of the
* binding.
* @param node Node to parse
* @param templateInfo Template metadata for current template
* @param nodeInfo Node metadata for current template node
* @param name Attribute name
* @param value Attribute value
* @returns `true` if the visited node added node-specific
* metadata to `nodeInfo`
_parseTemplateNodeAttribute(node: Element|null, templateInfo: TemplateInfo|null, nodeInfo: NodeInfo|null, name: string, value: string): boolean;
* Ensures an accessor exists for the specified property, and adds
* to a list of "property effects" that will run when the accessor for
* the specified property is set. Effects are grouped by "type", which
* roughly corresponds to a phase in effect processing. The effect
* metadata should be in the following form:
* {
* fn: effectFunction, // Reference to function to call to perform effect
* info: { ... } // Effect metadata passed to function
* trigger: { // Optional triggering metadata; if not provided
* name: string // the property is treated as a wildcard
* structured: boolean
* wildcard: boolean
* }
* }
* Effects are called from `_propertiesChanged` in the following order by
* type:
* Effect functions are called with the following signature:
* effectFunction(inst, path, props, oldProps, info, hasPaths)
* @param property Property that should trigger the effect
* @param type Effect type, from this.PROPERTY_EFFECT_TYPES
* @param effect Effect metadata object
addPropertyEffect(property: string, type: string, effect?: object|null): void;
* Creates a single-property observer for the given property.
* @param property Property name
* @param method Function or name of observer method to call
* @param dynamicFn Whether the method name should be included as
* a dependency to the effect.
createPropertyObserver(property: string, method: string|((p0: any, p1: any) => any), dynamicFn?: boolean): void;
* Creates a multi-property "method observer" based on the provided
* expression, which should be a string in the form of a normal JavaScript
* function signature: `'methodName(arg1, [..., argn])'`. Each argument
* should correspond to a property or path in the context of this
* prototype (or instance), or may be a literal string or number.
* @param expression Method expression
* @param dynamicFn Boolean or object map indicating
* @returns whether method names should be included as a dependency to the effect.
createMethodObserver(expression: string, dynamicFn?: boolean|object|null): void;
* Causes the setter for the given property to dispatch `<property>-changed`
* events to notify of changes to the property.
* @param property Property name
createNotifyingProperty(property: string): void;
* Creates a read-only accessor for the given property.
* To set the property, use the protected `_setProperty` API.
* To create a custom protected setter (e.g. `_setMyProp()` for
* property `myProp`), pass `true` for `protectedSetter`.
* Note, if the property will have other property effects, this method
* should be called first, before adding other effects.
* @param property Property name
* @param protectedSetter Creates a custom protected setter
* when `true`.
createReadOnlyProperty(property: string, protectedSetter?: boolean): void;
* Causes the setter for the given property to reflect the property value
* to a (dash-cased) attribute of the same name.
* @param property Property name
createReflectedProperty(property: string): void;
* Creates a computed property whose value is set to the result of the
* method described by the given `expression` each time one or more
* arguments to the method changes. The expression should be a string
* in the form of a normal JavaScript function signature:
* `'methodName(arg1, [..., argn])'`
* @param property Name of computed property to set
* @param expression Method expression
* @param dynamicFn Boolean or object map indicating whether
* method names should be included as a dependency to the effect.
createComputedProperty(property: string, expression: string, dynamicFn?: boolean|object|null): void;
* Parses the provided template to ensure binding effects are created
* for them, and then ensures property accessors are created for any
* dependent properties in the template. Binding effects for bound
* templates are stored in a linked list on the instance so that
* templates can be efficiently stamped and unstamped.
* @param template Template containing binding
* bindings
* @returns Template metadata object
bindTemplate(template: HTMLTemplateElement): TemplateInfo;
* Adds a property effect to the given template metadata, which is run
* at the "propagate" stage of `_propertiesChanged` when the template
* has been bound to the element via `_bindTemplate`.
* The `effect` object should match the format in `_addPropertyEffect`.
* @param templateInfo Template metadata to add effect to
* @param prop Property that should trigger the effect
* @param effect Effect metadata object
_addTemplatePropertyEffect(templateInfo: object|null, prop: string, effect?: object|null): void;
* Called to parse text in a template (either attribute values or
* textContent) into binding metadata.
* Any overrides of this method should return an array of binding part
* metadata representing one or more bindings found in the provided text
* and any "literal" text in between. Any non-literal parts will be passed
* to `_evaluateBinding` when any dependencies change. The only required
* fields of each "part" in the returned array are as follows:
* - `dependencies` - Array containing trigger metadata for each property
* that should trigger the binding to update
* - `literal` - String containing text if the part represents a literal;
* in this case no `dependencies` are needed
* Additional metadata for use by `_evaluateBinding` may be provided in
* each part object as needed.
* The default implementation handles the following types of bindings
* (one or more may be intermixed with literal strings):
* - Property binding: `[[prop]]`
* - Path binding: `[[object.prop]]`
* - Negated property or path bindings: `[[!prop]]` or `[[!object.prop]]`
* - Two-way property or path bindings (supports negation):
* `{{prop}}`, `{{object.prop}}`, `{{!prop}}` or `{{!object.prop}}`
* - Inline computed method (supports negation):
* `[[compute(a, 'literal', b)]]`, `[[!compute(a, 'literal', b)]]`
* The default implementation uses a regular expression for best
* performance. However, the regular expression uses a white-list of
* allowed characters in a data-binding, which causes problems for
* data-bindings that do use characters not in this white-list.
* Instead of updating the white-list with all allowed characters,
* there is a StrictBindingParser (see lib/mixins/strict-binding-parser)
* that uses a state machine instead. This state machine is able to handle
* all characters. However, it is slightly less performant, therefore we
* extracted it into a separate optional mixin.
* @param text Text to parse from attribute or textContent
* @param templateInfo Current template metadata
* @returns Array of binding part metadata
_parseBindings(text: string, templateInfo: object|null): BindingPart[]|null;
* Called to evaluate a previously parsed binding part based on a set of
* one or more changed dependencies.
* @param inst Element that should be used as
* scope for binding dependencies
* @param part Binding part metadata
* @param path Property/path that triggered this effect
* @param props Bag of current property changes
* @param oldProps Bag of previous values for changed properties
* @param hasPaths True with `props` contains one or more paths
* @returns Value the binding part evaluated to
_evaluateBinding(inst: PropertyEffects, part: BindingPart|null, path: string, props: object|null, oldProps: object|null, hasPaths: boolean): any;
export {PropertyEffectsConstructor};
interface PropertyEffects extends TemplateStamp, PropertyAccessors, PropertiesChanged {
_overrideLegacyUndefined: boolean;
* Stamps the provided template and performs instance-time setup for
* Polymer template features, including data bindings, declarative event
* listeners, and the `this.$` map of `id`'s to nodes. A document fragment
* is returned containing the stamped DOM, ready for insertion into the
* DOM.
* This method may be called more than once; however note that due to
* `shadycss` polyfill limitations, only styles from templates prepared
* using `ShadyCSS.prepareTemplate` will be correctly polyfilled (scoped
* to the shadow root and support CSS custom properties), and note that
* `ShadyCSS.prepareTemplate` may only be called once per element. As such,
* any styles required by in runtime-stamped templates must be included
* in the main element template.
* @param template Template to stamp
* @param templateInfo Optional bound template info associated
* with the template to be stamped; if omitted the template will be
* automatically bound.
* @returns Cloned template content
_stampTemplate(template: HTMLTemplateElement, templateInfo?: TemplateInfo|null): StampedTemplate;
* Overrides `PropertyAccessors` so that property accessor
* side effects are not enabled until after client dom is fully ready.
* Also calls `_flushClients` callback to ensure client dom is enabled
* that was not enabled as a result of flushing properties.
ready(): void;
_initializeProperties(): void;
* Overrides `PropertyAccessors` implementation to avoid setting
* `_setProperty`'s `shouldNotify: true`.
* @param props Properties to initialize on the instance
_initializeInstanceProperties(props: object|null): void;
* Overrides base implementation to ensure all accessors set `shouldNotify`
* to true, for per-property notification tracking.
* @param property Name of the property
* @param value Value to set
_setProperty(property: string, value: any): void;
* Overrides the `PropertiesChanged` implementation to introduce special
* dirty check logic depending on the property & value being set:
* 1. Any value set to a path (e.g. 'obj.prop': 42 or 'obj.prop': {...})
* Stored in `__dataTemp`, dirty checked against `__dataTemp`
* 2. Object set to simple property (e.g. 'prop': {...})
* Stored in `__dataTemp` and `__data`, dirty checked against
* `__dataTemp` by default implementation of `_shouldPropertyChange`
* 3. Primitive value set to simple property (e.g. 'prop': 42)
* Stored in `__data`, dirty checked against `__data`
* The dirty-check is important to prevent cycles due to two-way
* notification, but paths and objects are only dirty checked against any
* previous value set during this turn via a "temporary cache" that is
* cleared when the last `_propertiesChanged` exits. This is so:
* a. any cached array paths (e.g. 'array.3.prop') may be invalidated
* due to array mutations like shift/unshift/splice; this is fine
* since path changes are dirty-checked at user entry points like `set`
* b. dirty-checking for objects only lasts one turn to allow the user
* to mutate the object in-place and re-set it with the same identity
* and have all sub-properties re-propagated in a subsequent turn.
* The temp cache is not necessarily sufficient to prevent invalid array
* paths, since a splice can happen during the same turn (with pathological
* user code); we could introduce a "fixup" for temporarily cached array
* paths if needed: https://github.com/Polymer/polymer/issues/4227
* @param property Name of the property
* @param value Value to set
* @param shouldNotify True if property should fire notification
* event (applies only for `notify: true` properties)
* @returns Returns true if the property changed
_setPendingProperty(property: string, value: any, shouldNotify?: boolean): boolean;
* Overrides `PropertyAccessor`'s default async queuing of
* `_propertiesChanged`: if `__dataReady` is false (has not yet been
* manually flushed), the function no-ops; otherwise flushes
* `_propertiesChanged` synchronously.
_invalidateProperties(): void;
* Implements `PropertyAccessors`'s properties changed callback.
* Runs each class of effects for the batch of changed properties in
* a specific order (compute, propagate, reflect, observe, notify).
* @param currentProps Bag of all current accessor values
* @param changedProps Bag of properties changed since the last
* call to `_propertiesChanged`
* @param oldProps Bag of previous values for each property
* in `changedProps`
_propertiesChanged(currentProps: object, changedProps: object|null, oldProps: object|null): void;
* Overrides `PropertyAccessors` implementation to provide a
* more efficient implementation of initializing properties from
* the prototype on the instance.
* @param props Properties to initialize on the prototype
_initializeProtoProperties(props: object|null): void;
_registerHost(): void;
* Equivalent to static `addPropertyEffect` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param property Property that should trigger the effect
* @param type Effect type, from this.PROPERTY_EFFECT_TYPES
* @param effect Effect metadata object
_addPropertyEffect(property: string, type: string, effect?: object|null): void;
* Removes the given property effect.
* @param property Property the effect was associated with
* @param type Effect type, from this.PROPERTY_EFFECT_TYPES
* @param effect Effect metadata object to remove
_removePropertyEffect(property: string, type: string, effect?: object|null): void;
* Returns whether the current prototype/instance has a property effect
* of a certain type.
* @param property Property name
* @param type Effect type, from this.PROPERTY_EFFECT_TYPES
* @returns True if the prototype/instance has an effect of this
* type
_hasPropertyEffect(property: string, type?: string): boolean;
* Returns whether the current prototype/instance has a "read only"
* accessor for the given property.
* @param property Property name
* @returns True if the prototype/instance has an effect of this
* type
_hasReadOnlyEffect(property: string): boolean;
* Returns whether the current prototype/instance has a "notify"
* property effect for the given property.
* @param property Property name
* @returns True if the prototype/instance has an effect of this
* type
_hasNotifyEffect(property: string): boolean;
* Returns whether the current prototype/instance has a "reflect to
* attribute" property effect for the given property.
* @param property Property name
* @returns True if the prototype/instance has an effect of this
* type
_hasReflectEffect(property: string): boolean;
* Returns whether the current prototype/instance has a "computed"
* property effect for the given property.
* @param property Property name
* @returns True if the prototype/instance has an effect of this
* type
_hasComputedEffect(property: string): boolean;
* Sets a pending property or path. If the root property of the path in
* question had no accessor, the path is set, otherwise it is enqueued
* via `_setPendingProperty`.
* This function isolates relatively expensive functionality necessary
* for the public API (`set`, `setProperties`, `notifyPath`, and property
* change listeners via {{...}} bindings), such that it is only done
* when paths enter the system, and not at every propagation step. It
* also sets a `__dataHasPaths` flag on the instance which is used to
* fast-path slower path-matching code in the property effects host paths.
* `path` can be a path string or array of path parts as accepted by the
* public API.
* @param path Path to set
* @param value Value to set
* @param shouldNotify Set to true if this change should
* cause a property notification event dispatch
* @param isPathNotification If the path being set is a path
* notification of an already changed value, as opposed to a request
* to set and notify the change. In the latter `false` case, a dirty
* check is performed and then the value is set to the path before
* enqueuing the pending property change.
* @returns Returns true if the property/path was enqueued in
* the pending changes bag.
_setPendingPropertyOrPath(path: string|Array<number|string>, value: any, shouldNotify?: boolean, isPathNotification?: boolean): boolean;
* Applies a value to a non-Polymer element/node's property.
* The implementation makes a best-effort at binding interop:
* Some native element properties have side-effects when
* re-setting the same value (e.g. setting `<input>.value` resets the
* cursor position), so we do a dirty-check before setting the value.
* However, for better interop with non-Polymer custom elements that
* accept objects, we explicitly re-set object changes coming from the
* Polymer world (which may include deep object changes without the
* top reference changing), erring on the side of providing more
* information.
* Users may override this method to provide alternate approaches.
* @param node The node to set a property on
* @param prop The property to set
* @param value The value to set
_setUnmanagedPropertyToNode(node: Node, prop: string, value: any): void;
* Enqueues the given client on a list of pending clients, whose
* pending property changes can later be flushed via a call to
* `_flushClients`.
* @param client PropertyEffects client to enqueue
_enqueueClient(client: object|null): void;
* Flushes any clients previously enqueued via `_enqueueClient`, causing
* their `_flushProperties` method to run.
_flushClients(): void;
* Perform any initial setup on client dom. Called before the first
* `_flushProperties` call on client dom and before any element
* observers are called.
_readyClients(): void;
* Sets a bag of property changes to this instance, and
* synchronously processes all effects of the properties as a batch.
* Property names must be simple properties, not paths. Batched
* path propagation is not supported.
* @param props Bag of one or more key-value pairs whose key is
* a property and value is the new value to set for that property.
* @param setReadOnly When true, any private values set in
* `props` will be set. By default, `setProperties` will not set
* `readOnly: true` root properties.
setProperties(props: object|null, setReadOnly?: boolean): void;
* Called to propagate any property changes to stamped template nodes
* managed by this element.
* @param changedProps Bag of changed properties
* @param oldProps Bag of previous values for changed properties
* @param hasPaths True with `props` contains one or more paths
_propagatePropertyChanges(changedProps: object|null, oldProps: object|null, hasPaths: boolean): void;
_runEffectsForTemplate(templateInfo: any, changedProps: any, oldProps: any, hasPaths: any): void;
* Aliases one data path as another, such that path notifications from one
* are routed to the other.
* @param to Target path to link.
* @param from Source path to link.
linkPaths(to: string|Array<string|number>, from: string|Array<string|number>): void;
* Removes a data path alias previously established with `_linkPaths`.
* Note, the path to unlink should be the target (`to`) used when
* linking the paths.
* @param path Target path to unlink.
unlinkPaths(path: string|Array<string|number>): void;
* Notify that an array has changed.
* Example:
* this.items = [ {name: 'Jim'}, {name: 'Todd'}, {name: 'Bill'} ];
* ...
* this.items.splice(1, 1, {name: 'Sam'});
* this.items.push({name: 'Bob'});
* this.notifySplices('items', [
* { index: 1, removed: [{name: 'Todd'}], addedCount: 1,
* object: this.items, type: 'splice' },
* { index: 3, removed: [], addedCount: 1,
* object: this.items, type: 'splice'}
* ]);
* @param path Path that should be notified.
* @param splices Array of splice records indicating ordered
* changes that occurred to the array. Each record should have the
* following fields:
* * index: index at which the change occurred
* * removed: array of items that were removed from this index
* * addedCount: number of new items added at this index
* * object: a reference to the array in question
* * type: the string literal 'splice'
* Note that splice records _must_ be normalized such that they are
* reported in index order (raw results from `Object.observe` are not
* ordered and must be normalized/merged before notifying).
notifySplices(path: string, splices: any[]|null): void;
* Convenience method for reading a value from a path.
* Note, if any part in the path is undefined, this method returns
* `undefined` (this method does not throw when dereferencing undefined
* paths).
* @param path Path to the value
* to read. The path may be specified as a string (e.g. `foo.bar.baz`)
* or an array of path parts (e.g. `['foo.bar', 'baz']`). Note that
* bracketed expressions are not supported; string-based path parts
* *must* be separated by dots. Note that when dereferencing array
* indices, the index may be used as a dotted part directly
* (e.g. `users.12.name` or `['users', 12, 'name']`).
* @param root Root object from which the path is evaluated.
* @returns Value at the path, or `undefined` if any part of the path
* is undefined.
get(path: string|Array<string|number>, root?: object|null): any;
* Convenience method for setting a value to a path and notifying any
* elements bound to the same path.
* Note, if any part in the path except for the last is undefined,
* this method does nothing (this method does not throw when
* dereferencing undefined paths).
* @param path Path to the value
* to write. The path may be specified as a string (e.g. `'foo.bar.baz'`)
* or an array of path parts (e.g. `['foo.bar', 'baz']`). Note that
* bracketed expressions are not supported; string-based path parts
* *must* be separated by dots. Note that when dereferencing array
* indices, the index may be used as a dotted part directly
* (e.g. `'users.12.name'` or `['users', 12, 'name']`).
* @param value Value to set at the specified path.
* @param root Root object from which the path is evaluated.
* When specified, no notification will occur.
set(path: string|Array<string|number>, value: any, root?: object|null): void;
* Adds items onto the end of the array at the path specified.
* The arguments after `path` and return value match that of
* `Array.prototype.push`.
* This method notifies other paths to the same array that a
* splice occurred to the array.
* @param path Path to array.
* @param items Items to push onto array
* @returns New length of the array.
push(path: string|Array<string|number>, ...items: any[]): number;
* Removes an item from the end of array at the path specified.
* The arguments after `path` and return value match that of
* `Array.prototype.pop`.
* This method notifies other paths to the same array that a
* splice occurred to the array.
* @param path Path to array.
* @returns Item that was removed.
pop(path: string|Array<string|number>): any;
* Starting from the start index specified, removes 0 or more items
* from the array and inserts 0 or more new items in their place.
* The arguments after `path` and return value match that of
* `Array.prototype.splice`.
* This method notifies other paths to the same array that a
* splice occurred to the array.
* @param path Path to array.
* @param start Index from which to start removing/inserting.
* @param deleteCount Number of items to remove.
* @param items Items to insert into array.
* @returns Array of removed items.
splice(path: string|Array<string|number>, start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...items: any[]): any[];
* Removes an item from the beginning of array at the path specified.
* The arguments after `path` and return value match that of
* `Array.prototype.pop`.
* This method notifies other paths to the same array that a
* splice occurred to the array.
* @param path Path to array.
* @returns Item that was removed.
shift(path: string|Array<string|number>): any;
* Adds items onto the beginning of the array at the path specified.
* The arguments after `path` and return value match that of
* `Array.prototype.push`.
* This method notifies other paths to the same array that a
* splice occurred to the array.
* @param path Path to array.
* @param items Items to insert info array
* @returns New length of the array.
unshift(path: string|Array<string|number>, ...items: any[]): number;
* Notify that a path has changed.
* Example:
* this.item.user.name = 'Bob';
* this.notifyPath('item.user.name');
* @param path Path that should be notified.
* @param value Value at the path (optional).
notifyPath(path: string, value?: any): void;
* Equivalent to static `createReadOnlyProperty` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param property Property name
* @param protectedSetter Creates a custom protected setter
* when `true`.
_createReadOnlyProperty(property: string, protectedSetter?: boolean): void;
* Equivalent to static `createPropertyObserver` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param property Property name
* @param method Function or name of observer method
* to call
* @param dynamicFn Whether the method name should be included as
* a dependency to the effect.
_createPropertyObserver(property: string, method: string|((p0: any, p1: any) => any), dynamicFn?: boolean): void;
* Equivalent to static `createMethodObserver` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param expression Method expression
* @param dynamicFn Boolean or object map indicating
* whether method names should be included as a dependency to the effect.
_createMethodObserver(expression: string, dynamicFn?: boolean|object|null): void;
* Equivalent to static `createNotifyingProperty` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param property Property name
_createNotifyingProperty(property: string): void;
* Equivalent to static `createReflectedProperty` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param property Property name
_createReflectedProperty(property: string): void;
* Equivalent to static `createComputedProperty` API but can be called on
* an instance to add effects at runtime. See that method for
* full API docs.
* @param property Name of computed property to set
* @param expression Method expression
* @param dynamicFn Boolean or object map indicating
* whether method names should be included as a dependency to the effect.
_createComputedProperty(property: string, expression: string, dynamicFn?: boolean|object|null): void;
* Equivalent to static `bindTemplate` API but can be called on an instance
* to add effects at runtime. See that method for full API docs.
* This method may be called on the prototype (for prototypical template
* binding, to avoid creating accessors every instance) once per prototype,
* and will be called with `runtimeBinding: true` by `_stampTemplate` to
* create and link an instance of the template metadata associated with a
* particular stamping.
* @param template Template containing binding
* bindings
* @param instanceBinding When false (default), performs
* "prototypical" binding of the template and overwrites any previously
* bound template for the class. When true (as passed from
* `_stampTemplate`), the template info is instanced and linked into the
* list of bound templates.
* @returns Template metadata object; for `runtimeBinding`,
* this is an instance of the prototypical template info
_bindTemplate(template: HTMLTemplateElement, instanceBinding?: boolean): TemplateInfo;
* Removes and unbinds the nodes previously contained in the provided
* DocumentFragment returned from `_stampTemplate`.
* @param dom DocumentFragment previously returned
* from `_stampTemplate` associated with the nodes to be removed
_removeBoundDom(dom: StampedTemplate): void;
import {TemplateInfo} from '../../interfaces';
import {NodeInfo} from '../../interfaces';
import {BindingPart} from '../../interfaces';
import {StampedTemplate} from '../../interfaces';