// tslint:disable:variable-name Describing an API that's defined elsewhere.
// tslint:disable:no-any describes the API as best we are able today
export {isPath};
* Returns true if the given string is a structured data path (has dots).
* Example:
* ```
* isPath('foo.bar.baz') // true
* isPath('foo') // false
* ```
* @returns True if the string contained one or more dots
declare function isPath(path: string): boolean;
export {root};
* Returns the root property name for the given path.
* Example:
* ```
* root('foo.bar.baz') // 'foo'
* root('foo') // 'foo'
* ```
* @returns Root property name
declare function root(path: string): string;
export {isAncestor};
* Given `base` is `foo.bar`, `foo` is an ancestor, `foo.bar` is not
* Returns true if the given path is an ancestor of the base path.
* Example:
* ```
* isAncestor('foo.bar', 'foo') // true
* isAncestor('foo.bar', 'foo.bar') // false
* isAncestor('foo.bar', 'foo.bar.baz') // false
* ```
* @returns True if `path` is an ancestor of `base`.
declare function isAncestor(base: string, path: string): boolean;
export {isDescendant};
* Given `base` is `foo.bar`, `foo.bar.baz` is an descendant
* Example:
* ```
* isDescendant('foo.bar', 'foo.bar.baz') // true
* isDescendant('foo.bar', 'foo.bar') // false
* isDescendant('foo.bar', 'foo') // false
* ```
* @returns True if `path` is a descendant of `base`.
declare function isDescendant(base: string, path: string): boolean;
export {translate};
* Replaces a previous base path with a new base path, preserving the
* remainder of the path.
* User must ensure `path` has a prefix of `base`.
* Example:
* ```
* translate('foo.bar', 'zot', 'foo.bar.baz') // 'zot.baz'
* ```
* @returns Translated string
declare function translate(base: string, newBase: string, path: string): string;
export {matches};
* @returns True if `path` is equal to `base`
declare function matches(base: string, path: string): boolean;
export {normalize};
* Converts array-based paths to flattened path. String-based paths
* are returned as-is.
* Example:
* ```
* normalize(['foo.bar', 0, 'baz']) // 'foo.bar.0.baz'
* normalize('foo.bar.0.baz') // 'foo.bar.0.baz'
* ```
* @returns Flattened path
declare function normalize(path: string|Array<string|number>): string;
export {split};
* Splits a path into an array of property names. Accepts either arrays
* of path parts or strings.
* Example:
* ```
* split(['foo.bar', 0, 'baz']) // ['foo', 'bar', '0', 'baz']
* split('foo.bar.0.baz') // ['foo', 'bar', '0', 'baz']
* ```
* @returns Array of path parts
declare function split(path: string|Array<string|number>): string[];
export {get};
* Reads a value from a path. If any sub-property in the path is `undefined`,
* this method returns `undefined` (will never throw.
* @returns Value at path, or `undefined` if the path could not be
* fully dereferenced.
declare function get(root: object|null, path: string|Array<string|number>, info?: object|null): any;
export {set};
* Sets a value to a path. If any sub-property in the path is `undefined`,
* this method will no-op.
* @returns The normalized version of the input path
declare function set(root: object|null, path: string|Array<string|number>, value: any): string|undefined;