// tslint:disable:variable-name Describing an API that's defined elsewhere.
// tslint:disable:no-any describes the API as best we are able today
import {PropertyEffects} from '../mixins/property-effects.js';
import {MutableData} from '../mixins/mutable-data.js';
export {showHideChildren};
declare function showHideChildren(): void;
declare class TemplateInstanceBase extends
HTMLElement) {
root: StampedTemplate;
children: any;
* Find the parent model of this template instance. The parent model
* is either another templatize instance that had option `parentModel: true`,
* or else the host element.
readonly parentModel: PropertyEffects;
_methodHost: PropertyEffects;
* Override point for adding custom or simulated event handling.
* @param node Node to add event listener to
* @param eventName Name of event
* @param handler Listener function to add
_addEventListenerToNode(node: Node, eventName: string, handler: (p0: Event) => void): void;
* Overrides default property-effects implementation to intercept
* textContent bindings while children are "hidden" and cache in
* private storage for later retrieval.
* @param node The node to set a property on
* @param prop The property to set
* @param value The value to set
_setUnmanagedPropertyToNode(node: Node, prop: string, value: any): void;
* Forwards a host property to this instance. This method should be
* called on instances from the `options.forwardHostProp` callback
* to propagate changes of host properties to each instance.
* Note this method enqueues the change, which are flushed as a batch.
* @param prop Property or path name
* @param value Value of the property to forward
forwardHostProp(prop: string, value: any): void;
* Shows or hides the template instance top level child elements. For
* text nodes, `textContent` is removed while "hidden" and replaced when
* "shown."
* @param hide Set to true to hide the children;
* set to false to show them.
_showHideChildren(hide: boolean): void;
* Stub of HTMLElement's `dispatchEvent`, so that effects that may
* dispatch events safely no-op.
* @param event Event to dispatch
* @returns Always true.
dispatchEvent(event: Event|null): boolean;
declare class templatizerBase extends TemplateInstanceBase {
export {templatize};
* Returns an anonymous `PropertyEffects` class bound to the
* `<template>` provided. Instancing the class will result in the
* template being stamped into a document fragment stored as the instance's
* `root` property, after which it can be appended to the DOM.
* Templates may utilize all Polymer data-binding features as well as
* declarative event listeners. Event listeners and inline computing
* functions in the template will be called on the host of the template.
* The constructor returned takes a single argument dictionary of initial
* property values to propagate into template bindings. Additionally
* host properties can be forwarded in, and instance properties can be
* notified out by providing optional callbacks in the `options` dictionary.
* Valid configuration in `options` are as follows:
* - `forwardHostProp(property, value)`: Called when a property referenced
* in the template changed on the template's host. As this library does
* not retain references to templates instanced by the user, it is the
* templatize owner's responsibility to forward host property changes into
* user-stamped instances. The `instance.forwardHostProp(property, value)`
* method on the generated class should be called to forward host
* properties into the template to prevent unnecessary property-changed
* notifications. Any properties referenced in the template that are not
* defined in `instanceProps` will be notified up to the template's host
* automatically.
* - `instanceProps`: Dictionary of property names that will be added
* to the instance by the templatize owner. These properties shadow any
* host properties, and changes within the template to these properties
* will result in `notifyInstanceProp` being called.
* - `mutableData`: When `true`, the generated class will skip strict
* dirty-checking for objects and arrays (always consider them to be
* "dirty").
* - `notifyInstanceProp(instance, property, value)`: Called when
* an instance property changes. Users may choose to call `notifyPath`
* on e.g. the owner to notify the change.
* - `parentModel`: When `true`, events handled by declarative event listeners
* (`on-event="handler"`) will be decorated with a `model` property pointing
* to the template instance that stamped it. It will also be returned
* from `instance.parentModel` in cases where template instance nesting
* causes an inner model to shadow an outer model.
* All callbacks are called bound to the `owner`. Any context
* needed for the callbacks (such as references to `instances` stamped)
* should be stored on the `owner` such that they can be retrieved via
* `this`.
* When `options.forwardHostProp` is declared as an option, any properties
* referenced in the template will be automatically forwarded from the host of
* the `<template>` to instances, with the exception of any properties listed in
* the `options.instanceProps` object. `instanceProps` are assumed to be
* managed by the owner of the instances, either passed into the constructor
* or set after the fact. Note, any properties passed into the constructor will
* always be set to the instance (regardless of whether they would normally
* be forwarded from the host).
* Note that `templatize()` can be run only once for a given `<template>`.
* Further calls will result in an error. Also, there is a special
* behavior if the template was duplicated through a mechanism such as
* `<dom-repeat>` or `<test-fixture>`. In this case, all calls to
* `templatize()` return the same class for all duplicates of a template.
* The class returned from `templatize()` is generated only once using
* the `options` from the first call. This means that any `options`
* provided to subsequent calls will be ignored. Therefore, it is very
* important not to close over any variables inside the callbacks. Also,
* arrow functions must be avoided because they bind the outer `this`.
* Inside the callbacks, any contextual information can be accessed
* through `this`, which points to the `owner`.
* @returns Generated class bound
* to the template provided
declare function templatize(template: HTMLTemplateElement, owner?: PropertyEffects|null, options?: object|null): {new(p0?: object|null): TemplateInstanceBase};
declare class baseClass extends TemplateInstanceBase {
export {modelForElement};
* Returns the template "model" associated with a given element, which
* serves as the binding scope for the template instance the element is
* contained in. A template model is an instance of
* `TemplateInstanceBase`, and should be used to manipulate data
* associated with this template instance.
* Example:
* let model = modelForElement(el);
* if (model.index < 10) {
* model.set('item.checked', true);
* }
* @returns Template instance representing the
* binding scope for the element
declare function modelForElement(template: HTMLElement|null, node?: Node|null): TemplateInstanceBase|null;
export {TemplateInstanceBase};
import {StampedTemplate} from '../../interfaces';