
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


  <name>Protocol Buffers [Util]</name>
  <description>Utilities for Protocol Buffers</description>


    <!-- Use the core proto dir so that we can call the core generation script -->

          <!-- Generate the test protos -->
                <!-- Generate all of the test protos from the core module -->
                <ant antfile="../core/generate-test-sources-build.xml"/>

                <!-- Generate additional test protos for this module -->
                <exec executable="${protoc}">
                  <arg value="--java_out=${generated.testsources.dir}"/>
                  <arg value="--proto_path=${protobuf.source.dir}"/>
                  <arg value="--proto_path=src/test/proto"/>
                  <arg value="src/test/proto/com/google/protobuf/util/json_test.proto"/>

      <!-- Add the generated test sources to the build -->
      <!-- Configure the OSGI bundle -->
            <Automatic-Module-Name></Automatic-Module-Name> <!-- Java9+ Jigsaw module name -->

      <!-- Configure the fat jar to include all dependencies -->