// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains some utilities that are used by both CRD related
// remote commands (`FETCH_CRD_AVAILABILITY_INFO` and
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/errors.h"
namespace policy {
// The current active session type on the device, or `NO_SESSION` if no user
// is currently logged in.
using ::enterprise_management::UserSessionType;
// The type of the CRD session.
using ::enterprise_management::CrdSessionType;
using ::enterprise_management::StartCrdSessionResultCode;
// Extended version of `StartCrdSessionResultCode`, which contains extra values
// that we want to log to UMA.
// This enum can't be renumbered because it's logged to UMA.
// NOTE: Whenever this enum is updated, please also update
// EnterpriseCrdSessionResultCode in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/enterprise/enums.xml to keep them in sync.
enum class ExtendedStartCrdSessionResultCode {
// Successfully obtained access code.
kSuccess = 0,
// Failed as required services are not launched on the device.
// Failure as the current user type does not support remotely starting CRD.
kFailureUnsupportedUserType = 2,
// Failed as device is currently in use and no interruptUser flag is set.
kFailureNotIdle = 3,
// Failed as we could not get OAuth token for whatever reason.
kFailureNoOauthToken = 4,
// Failed as we could not get ICE configuration for whatever reason.
// deprecated FAILURE_NO_ICE_CONFIG = 5,
// Failure during attempt to start CRD host and obtain CRD token.
kFailureCrdHostError = 6,
// Failure to start a curtained session as we're not in a managed
// environment.
kFailureUnmanagedEnvironment = 7,
// Failed because RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections
// policy is disabled.
kFailureDisabledByPolicy = 8,
// Failure to start because client device is unreachable.
kFailurePeerIsOffline = 9,
// Failure to start the session because the local user on the host device
// rejected the support session request.
kFailureSessionRejected = 10,
// Failure to start because the protocol doesn't match between the host and
// the client device.
kFailureIncompatibleProtocol = 11,
// Failure to start the session because authentication failed.
kFailureAuthenticationFailed = 12,
// Failure to start the session because the admin user's domain is blocked by
// policy or if the username is invalid.
kFailureInvalidAccount = 13,
// Failure when webrtc operations failed while establishing a channel
// connection.
kFailureChannelConnectionError = 14,
// Failure when the register-support-host request is failed or disconnected
// before registration succeeds.
kFailureSignalingError = 15,
// Failure when the register-support-host request timeout.
kFailureSignalingTimeout = 16,
// Failure while starting the session as host was overloaded with failed login
// attempts.
kFailureHostOverload = 17,
// Failure on the host device when the maximum session length is reached.
kFailureMaxSessionLength = 18,
// Failure as the host could not create a desktop environment (for instance
// the curtain could not be initialized).
kFailureHostConfigurationError = 19,
// Failure as the certificate generation on the host device has failed.
kFailureHostCertificateError = 20,
// Failure as the registration support host failed to parse the received
// response.
kFailureHostRegistrationError = 21,
// Failure to start the session as there is an existing admin session ongoing
// on the host device.
kFailureExistingAdminSession = 22,
// Failure because the client is authorized to connect to the host device due
// to a policy defined by third party auth service has failed.
kFailureAuthzPolicyCheckFailed = 23,
// Failure because the client is not authorized to connect to the host device
// based on their current location due to a policy defined by the third party
// auth service.
kFailureLocationAuthzPolicyCheckFailed = 24,
// Failure to start the session as the admin user is not authorized for
// starting a remote desktop session.
kFailureUnauthorizedAccount = 25,
// Failure as the host is unable to load the device policy.
kFailureHostPolicyError = 26,
// Failure as Indicates the remote support host could not start as the user's
// domain is not included in the device policy allowlist.
kFailureHostInvalidDomainError = 27,
// Host session was disconnected without any error.
kHostSessionDisconnected = 28,
kFailureUnknownError = 29,
// Failure because a policy defined by the third party auth service no longer
// permits the connection.
kFailureReauthzPolicyCheckFailed = 30,
// Failed to find an authentication method that is supported by both the host
// and the client.
kFailureNoCommonAuthMethod = 31,
kMaxValue = kFailureNoCommonAuthMethod
// Translates the error code.
ExtendedStartCrdSessionResultCode ToExtendedStartCrdSessionResultCode(
remoting::protocol::ErrorCode error_code);
StartCrdSessionResultCode ToStartCrdSessionResultCode(
ExtendedStartCrdSessionResultCode error_code);
// Returns the time since the last user activity on this device.
// Returns `TimeDelta::Max()` if there was no user activity since the last
// reboot.
base::TimeDelta GetDeviceIdleTime();
// Returns the type of the currently active user session.
UserSessionType GetCurrentUserSessionType();
// Returns if a remote admin is allowed to start a 'CRD remote support' session
// when an user session of the given type is active.
bool UserSessionSupportsRemoteSupport(UserSessionType user_session);
// Returns if a remote admin is allowed to start a 'CRD remote access' session
// when an user session of the given type is active.
bool UserSessionSupportsRemoteAccess(UserSessionType user_session);
// Returns if a remote admin is allowed by policy to start a 'CRD remote access'
// session when no user is present at the device.
bool IsRemoteAccessAllowedByPolicy(const PrefService& policy_service);
// Returns if a remote admin is allowed by policy to start a 'CRD remote
// support' session when no user is present at the device.
bool IsRemoteSupportAllowedByPolicy(const PrefService& policy_service);
const char* UserSessionTypeToString(UserSessionType value);
const char* CrdSessionTypeToString(CrdSessionType value);
// Returns asynchronously if the ChromeOS device is in a managed environment.
// We consider the device's environment to be managed if there is a
// * active (connected) network
// * with a policy ONC source set (meaning the network is managed)
// * which is not cellular
// The reasoning is that these conditions will only be met if the device is in
// an office building or a store, and these conditions will not be met if the
// device is in a private setting like an user's home.
using ManagedEnvironmentResultCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
void CalculateIsInManagedEnvironmentAsync(
ManagedEnvironmentResultCallback result_callback);
} // namespace policy