// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/remote_commands/crd/crd_remote_command_utils.h"
namespace policy {
class CrdSessionObserver : public base::CheckedObserver {
CrdSessionObserver() = default;
CrdSessionObserver(CrdSessionObserver&) = delete;
CrdSessionObserver& operator=(CrdSessionObserver&) = delete;
~CrdSessionObserver() override = default;
// Invoked when the CRD host has successfully been started.
virtual void OnHostStarted() {}
// Invoked when the CRD host was able to generate an access code.
virtual void OnAccessCodeReceived(const std::string& access_code) {}
// Invoked when the remote admin used the access code to actually start a
// CRD connection.
virtual void OnClientConnecting() {}
virtual void OnClientConnected() {}
// Invoked when the remote admin disconnects.
virtual void OnClientDisconnected() {}
// Invoked when the CRD host stopped, or when it failed to start.
virtual void OnHostStopped(ExtendedStartCrdSessionResultCode result,
const std::string& message) {}
} // namespace policy