require 'test/unit'
require 'google/protobuf/well_known_types'
class TestWellKnownTypes < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_timestamp
ts = Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new
assert_equal Time.at(0), ts.to_time
ts.seconds = 12345
assert_equal Time.at(12345), ts.to_time
assert_equal 12345, ts.to_i
# millisecond accuracy
time = Time.at(123456, 654321)
resp = ts.from_time(time)
assert_equal 123456, ts.seconds
assert_equal 654321000, ts.nanos
assert_equal time, ts.to_time
assert_equal resp, ts
# nanosecond accuracy
time = Time.at(123456, Rational(654321321, 1000))
resp = ts.from_time(time)
assert_equal 123456, ts.seconds
assert_equal 654321321, ts.nanos
assert_equal time, ts.to_time
assert_equal resp, ts
# Class based initialisation using from_time
time = Time.at(123456, Rational(654321321, 1000))
ts = Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.from_time(time)
assert_equal 123456, ts.seconds
assert_equal 654321321, ts.nanos
assert_equal time, ts.to_time
# Instance method returns the same value as class method
assert_equal Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new.from_time(time),
def test_duration
duration = Google::Protobuf::Duration.new(seconds: 123, nanos: 456)
assert_equal 123.000000456, duration.to_f
def test_struct
struct = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new
substruct = {
"subkey" => 999,
"subkey2" => false
sublist = ["abc", 123, {"deepkey" => "deepval"}]
struct["number"] = 12345
struct["boolean-true"] = true
struct["boolean-false"] = false
struct["null"] = nil
struct["string"] = "abcdef"
struct["substruct"] = substruct
struct["sublist"] = sublist
assert_equal 12345, struct["number"]
assert_equal true, struct["boolean-true"]
assert_equal false, struct["boolean-false"]
assert_equal nil, struct["null"]
assert_equal "abcdef", struct["string"]
assert_equal true, struct.has_key?("null")
assert_equal false, struct.has_key?("missing_key")
should_equal = {
"number" => 12345,
"boolean-true" => true,
"boolean-false" => false,
"null" => nil,
"string" => "abcdef",
"substruct" => {
"subkey" => 999,
"subkey2" => false
"sublist" => ["abc", 123, {"deepkey" => "deepval"}]
list = struct["sublist"]
assert_equal "abc", list[0]
assert_equal 123, list[1]
assert_equal({"deepkey" => "deepval"}, list[2].to_h)
# to_h returns a fully-flattened Ruby structure (Hash and Array).
assert_equal(should_equal, struct.to_h)
# Test that we can safely access a missing key
assert_equal(nil, struct["missing_key"])
# Test that we can assign Struct and ListValue directly.
struct["substruct"] = Google::Protobuf::Struct.from_hash(substruct)
struct["sublist"] = Google::Protobuf::ListValue.from_a(sublist)
assert_equal(should_equal, struct.to_h)
struct["sublist"] << nil
should_equal["sublist"] << nil
assert_equal(should_equal, struct.to_h)
assert_equal(should_equal["sublist"].length, struct["sublist"].length)
assert_raise Google::Protobuf::UnexpectedStructType do
struct[123] = 5
assert_raise Google::Protobuf::UnexpectedStructType do
struct[5] = Time.new
assert_raise Google::Protobuf::UnexpectedStructType do
struct[5] = [Time.new]
assert_raise Google::Protobuf::UnexpectedStructType do
struct[5] = {123 => 456}
assert_raise Google::Protobuf::UnexpectedStructType do
struct = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new
struct.fields["foo"] = Google::Protobuf::Value.new
# Tries to return a Ruby value for a Value class whose type
# hasn't been filled in.
def test_any
ts = Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new(seconds: 12345, nanos: 6789)
any = Google::Protobuf::Any.new
assert any.is(Google::Protobuf::Timestamp)
assert_equal ts, any.unpack(Google::Protobuf::Timestamp)
any = Google::Protobuf::Any.pack(ts)
assert any.is(Google::Protobuf::Timestamp)
assert_equal ts, any.unpack(Google::Protobuf::Timestamp)
def test_struct_init
s = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new(fields: {'a' => Google::Protobuf::Value.new({number_value: 4.4})})
assert_equal 4.4, s['a']
s = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new(fields: {'a' => {number_value: 2.2}})
assert_equal 2.2, s['a']
s = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new(fields: {a: {number_value: 1.1}})
assert_equal 1.1, s[:a]
def test_struct_nested_init
s = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new(
fields: {
'a' => {string_value: 'A'},
'b' => {struct_value: {
fields: {
'x' => {list_value: {values: [{number_value: 1.0}, {string_value: "ok"}]}},
'y' => {bool_value: true}}}
'c' => {struct_value: {}}
assert_equal 'A', s['a']
assert_equal 'A', s[:a]
expected_b_x = [Google::Protobuf::Value.new(number_value: 1.0), Google::Protobuf::Value.new(string_value: "ok")]
assert_equal expected_b_x, s['b']['x'].values
assert_equal expected_b_x, s[:b][:x].values
assert_equal expected_b_x, s['b'][:x].values
assert_equal expected_b_x, s[:b]['x'].values
assert_equal true, s['b']['y']
assert_equal true, s[:b][:y]
assert_equal true, s[:b]['y']
assert_equal true, s['b'][:y]
assert_equal Google::Protobuf::Struct.new, s['c']
assert_equal Google::Protobuf::Struct.new, s[:c]
s = Google::Protobuf::Struct.new(
fields: {
a: {string_value: 'Eh'},
b: {struct_value: {
fields: {
y: {bool_value: false}}}
assert_equal 'Eh', s['a']
assert_equal 'Eh', s[:a]
assert_equal false, s['b']['y']
assert_equal false, s[:b][:y]
assert_equal false, s['b'][:y]
assert_equal false, s[:b]['y']
def test_b8325
value_field = Google::Protobuf::ListValue.descriptor.lookup("values")
proto = Google::Protobuf::ListValue.new(
values: [Google::Protobuf::Value.new(string_value: "Hello")]
assert_equal '[<Google::Protobuf::Value: string_value: "Hello">]', value_field.get(proto).inspect
def test_from_ruby
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby(nil)
assert_equal pb.null_value, :NULL_VALUE
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby(1.23)
assert_equal pb.number_value, 1.23
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby('1.23')
assert_equal pb.string_value, '1.23'
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby(true)
assert_equal pb.bool_value, true
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby(false)
assert_equal pb.bool_value, false
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby(Google::Protobuf::Struct.from_hash({ 'a' => 1, 'b' => '2', 'c' => [1, 2, 3], 'd' => nil, 'e' => true }))
assert_equal pb.struct_value, Google::Protobuf::Struct.from_hash({ 'a' => 1, 'b' => '2', 'c' => [1, 2, 3], 'd' => nil, 'e' => true })
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby({ 'a' => 1, 'b' => '2', 'c' => [1, 2, 3], 'd' => nil, 'e' => true })
assert_equal pb.struct_value, Google::Protobuf::Struct.from_hash({ 'a' => 1, 'b' => '2', 'c' => [1, 2, 3], 'd' => nil, 'e' => true })
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby(Google::Protobuf::ListValue.from_a([1, 2, 3]))
assert_equal pb.list_value, Google::Protobuf::ListValue.from_a([1, 2, 3])
pb = Google::Protobuf::Value.from_ruby([1, 2, 3])
assert_equal pb.list_value, Google::Protobuf::ListValue.from_a([1, 2, 3])