
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "puffin/src/huffman_table.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

#include "puffin/src/logging.h"


namespace puffin {

// Permutations of input Huffman code lengths (used only to read code lengths
// necessary for reading Huffman table.)
const uint8_t kPermutations[19] =;

// The bases of each alphabet which is added to the integer value of extra
// bits that comes after the Huffman code in the input to create the given
// length value. The last element is a guard.
const uint16_t kLengthBases[30] =;

// Number of extra bits that comes after the associating Huffman code.
const uint8_t kLengthExtraBits[29] =;

// Same as |kLengthBases| but for the distances instead of lengths. The last
// element is a guard.
const uint16_t kDistanceBases[31] =;

// Same as |kLengthExtraBits| but for distances instead of lengths.
const uint8_t kDistanceExtraBits[30] =;

// 288 is the maximum number of needed huffman codes for an alphabet. Fixed
// huffman table needs 288 and dynamic huffman table needs maximum 286.
// 286 = 256 (coding a byte) +
//         1 (coding the end of block symbole) +
//        29 (coding the lengths)
HuffmanTable::HuffmanTable() :{}

bool HuffmanTable::InitHuffmanCodes(const Buffer& lens, size_t* max_bits) {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildHuffmanCodes(const Buffer& lens,
                                     vector<uint16_t>* hcodes,
                                     size_t* max_bits) {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildHuffmanReverseCodes(const Buffer& lens,
                                            vector<uint16_t>* rcodes,
                                            size_t* max_bits) {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildFixedHuffmanTable() {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildDynamicHuffmanTable(BitReaderInterface* br,
                                            uint8_t* buffer,
                                            size_t* length) {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildHuffmanCodeLengths(BitReaderInterface* br,
                                           uint8_t* buffer,
                                           size_t* length,
                                           size_t max_bits,
                                           size_t num_codes,
                                           Buffer* lens) {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildDynamicHuffmanTable(const uint8_t* buffer,
                                            size_t length,
                                            BitWriterInterface* bw) {}

bool HuffmanTable::BuildHuffmanCodeLengths(const uint8_t* buffer,
                                           size_t* length,
                                           BitWriterInterface* bw,
                                           size_t num_codes,
                                           Buffer* lens) {}

string BlockTypeToString(BlockType type) {}

}  // namespace puffin