
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "puffin/memory_stream.h"
#include "puffin/src/bit_reader.h"
#include "puffin/src/bit_writer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/common.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/huffer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/puffer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/utils.h"
#include "puffin/src/logging.h"
#include "puffin/src/puff_reader.h"
#include "puffin/src/puff_writer.h"
#include "puffin/src/puffin_stream.h"
#include "puffin/src/unittest_common.h"


namespace puffin {

namespace {

// Uncompressed deflate block.
const Buffer kRawEmpty =;
const Buffer kRaw1 =;
const Buffer kRaw2 =;
const Buffer kRaw5 =;

}  // namespace

class PuffinTest : public ::testing::Test {};

// Tests a simple buffer with uncompressed deflate block.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, UncompressedTest) {}

// Tests a simple buffer with uncompressed deflate block with length zero.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, ZeroLengthUncompressedTest) {}

// Tests a Fixed Huffman table compressed buffer with only one literal.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, OneLiteralFixedHuffmanTableTest) {}

// Tests deflate of an empty buffer.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, EmptyTest) {}

// Tests a simple buffer with compress deflate block using fixed Huffman table.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, FixedHuffmanTableCompressedTest) {}

// Tests that uncompressed deflate blocks are not ignored when the output
// deflate location pointer is null.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, NoIgnoreUncompressedBlocksTest) {}

// Tests that uncompressed deflate blocks are ignored when the output
// deflate location pointer is valid.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, IgnoreUncompressedBlocksTest) {}

namespace {
// It is actuall the content of the copyright header.
const Buffer kDynamicHTRaw =;

// Dynamic huffman compressed deflate.
const Buffer kDynamicHTDeflate =;

const Buffer kDynamicHTPuff =;
}  // namespace

// Tests a compressed deflate block using dynamic Huffman table.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, DynamicHuffmanTableTest) {}

// Tests an uncompressed deflate block with invalid LEN/NLEN.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, PuffInvalidUncompressedLengthDeflateTest) {}

// Tests puffing a block with invalid block header.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, PuffInvalidBlockHeaderDeflateTest) {}

// Tests puffing a block with final block bit unset so it returns false.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, PuffDeflateNoFinalBlockBitTest) {}

// Tests two deflate buffers concatenated, neither have their final bit set.  It
// is a valid deflate and puff buffer.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, MultipleDeflateBufferNoFinabBitsTest) {}

// Tests two deflate buffers concatenated, the first one has final bit set,
// second one not. It is a valid deflate and puff buffer.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, MultipleDeflateBufferOneFinalBitTest) {}

// Tests two deflate buffers concatenated, both have final bits set. It is a
// valid deflate and puff buffer.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, MultipleDeflateBufferBothFinalBitTest) {}

// When locating deflates, the puffer has to end when it hit a final block. Test
// that with two deflate buffers concatenated and both have final bits set.
TEST_F(PuffinTest, EndOnFinalBitTest) {}

// TODO(ahassani): Add unittests for Failhuff too.

namespace {
// The following is a sequence of bits starting from the top right and ends in
// bottom left. It represents the bits in |kGapDeflates|. Bits inside the
// brackets (including bits exactly under brackets) represent a deflate stream.
//       }   {                  } {                  }{                  }
// 11000101 10000000 10001100 01010000 00010001 10001000 00000100 01100010
//   0xC5     0x80     0x8C     0x50     0x11     0x88     0x04     0x62
//      }         {                  } {                  }   {
// 10001011 11111100 00000100 01100010 00000001 00011000 10111000 00001000
//   0x8B     0xFC     0x04     0x62     0x01     0x18     0xB8     0x08
//      }   {                  }         {                  }{
// 10001011 00000001 00011000 10111111 11000000 01000110 00100000 00010001
//   0x8B     0x01     0x18     0xBF     0xC0     0x46     0x20     0x11
//       {                  }          {                  }  {
// 11111100 00000100 01100010 11111111 00000001 00011000 10110000 00010001
//   0xFC     0x04     0x62     0xFF     0x01     0x18     0xB0     0x11
const Buffer kGapDeflates =;

const Buffer kGapPuffs =;                                     // raw   95

// The fifth deflate (and its puff in kGapPuffExtents) is for zero length
// deflate corner case.
const vector<BitExtent> kGapSubblockDeflateExtents =;

const vector<ByteExtent> kGapPuffExtents =;
}  // namespace

TEST_F(PuffinTest, BitExtentPuffAndHuffTest) {}

TEST_F(PuffinTest, ExcludeBadDistanceCaches) {}

TEST_F(PuffinTest, NoExcludeBadDistanceCaches) {}

}  // namespace puffin