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<body id='indexfile'>

<div id='header'>
    <div class='content'>
        <h1>{{ title|escape }}:
            <span class='pc_cov'>{{totals.pc_covered_str}}%</span>
        <img id='keyboard_icon' src='keybd_closed.png'>

<div class='help_panel'>
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    <p class='legend'>Hot-keys on this page</p>
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        <span class='key'>n</span>
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        <span class='key'>x</span>
        {% if arcs %}
        <span class='key'>b</span>
        <span class='key'>p</span>
        {% endif %}
        <span class='key'>c</span> &nbsp; change column sorting

<div id='index'>
    <table class='index'>
            {# The title='' attr doesn't work in Safari. #}
            <tr class='tablehead' title='Click to sort'>
                <th class='name left headerSortDown shortkey_n'>Module</th>
                <th class='shortkey_s'>statements</th>
                <th class='shortkey_m'>missing</th>
                <th class='shortkey_x'>excluded</th>
                {% if arcs %}
                <th class='shortkey_b'>branches</th>
                <th class='shortkey_p'>partial</th>
                {% endif %}
                <th class='right shortkey_c'>coverage</th>
        {# HTML syntax requires thead, tfoot, tbody #}
            <tr class='total'>
                <td class='name left'>Total</td>
                {% if arcs %}
                {% endif %}
                <td class='right'>{{totals.pc_covered_str}}%</td>
            {% for file in files %}
            <tr class='file'>
                <td class='name left'><a href='{{file.html_filename}}'>{{}}</a></td>
                {% if arcs %}
                {% endif %}
                <td class='right'>{{file.nums.pc_covered_str}}%</td>
            {% endfor %}

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            <a class='nav' href='{{__url__}}'> v{{__version__}}</a>
