use alloc::vec::Vec;
use crate::{nfa::noncontiguous, util::primitives::StateID};
/// Remappable is a tightly coupled abstraction that facilitates remapping
/// state identifiers in DFAs.
/// The main idea behind remapping state IDs is that DFAs often need to check
/// if a certain state is a "special" state of some kind (like a match state)
/// during a search. Since this is extremely perf critical code, we want this
/// check to be as fast as possible. Partitioning state IDs into, for example,
/// into "non-match" and "match" states means one can tell if a state is a
/// match state via a simple comparison of the state ID.
/// The issue is that during the DFA construction process, it's not
/// particularly easy to partition the states. Instead, the simplest thing is
/// to often just do a pass over all of the states and shuffle them into their
/// desired partitionings. To do that, we need a mechanism for swapping states.
/// Hence, this abstraction.
/// Normally, for such little code, I would just duplicate it. But this is a
/// key optimization and the implementation is a bit subtle. So the abstraction
/// is basically a ham-fisted attempt at DRY. The only place we use this is in
/// the dense and one-pass DFAs.
/// See also src/dfa/ for a more detailed explanation of how dense
/// DFAs are partitioned.
pub(crate) trait Remappable: core::fmt::Debug {
/// Return the total number of states.
fn state_len(&self) -> usize;
/// Swap the states pointed to by the given IDs. The underlying finite
/// state machine should be mutated such that all of the transitions in
/// `id1` are now in the memory region where the transitions for `id2`
/// were, and all of the transitions in `id2` are now in the memory region
/// where the transitions for `id1` were.
/// Essentially, this "moves" `id1` to `id2` and `id2` to `id1`.
/// It is expected that, after calling this, the underlying state machine
/// will be left in an inconsistent state, since any other transitions
/// pointing to, e.g., `id1` need to be updated to point to `id2`, since
/// that's where `id1` moved to.
/// In order to "fix" the underlying inconsistent state, a `Remapper`
/// should be used to guarantee that `remap` is called at the appropriate
/// time.
fn swap_states(&mut self, id1: StateID, id2: StateID);
/// This must remap every single state ID in the underlying value according
/// to the function given. For example, in a DFA, this should remap every
/// transition and every starting state ID.
fn remap(&mut self, map: impl Fn(StateID) -> StateID);
/// Remapper is an abstraction the manages the remapping of state IDs in a
/// finite state machine. This is useful when one wants to shuffle states into
/// different positions in the machine.
/// One of the key complexities this manages is the ability to correctly move
/// one state multiple times.
/// Once shuffling is complete, `remap` must be called, which will rewrite
/// all pertinent transitions to updated state IDs. Neglecting to call `remap`
/// will almost certainly result in a corrupt machine.
pub(crate) struct Remapper {
/// A map from the index of a state to its pre-multiplied identifier.
/// When a state is swapped with another, then their corresponding
/// locations in this map are also swapped. Thus, its new position will
/// still point to its old pre-multiplied StateID.
/// While there is a bit more to it, this then allows us to rewrite the
/// state IDs in a DFA's transition table in a single pass. This is done
/// by iterating over every ID in this map, then iterating over each
/// transition for the state at that ID and re-mapping the transition from
/// `old_id` to `map[dfa.to_index(old_id)]`. That is, we find the position
/// in this map where `old_id` *started*, and set it to where it ended up
/// after all swaps have been completed.
map: Vec<StateID>,
/// A way to map indices to state IDs (and back).
idx: IndexMapper,
impl Remapper {
/// Create a new remapper from the given remappable implementation. The
/// remapper can then be used to swap states. The remappable value given
/// here must the same one given to `swap` and `remap`.
/// The given stride should be the stride of the transition table expressed
/// as a power of 2. This stride is used to map between state IDs and state
/// indices. If state IDs and state indices are equivalent, then provide
/// a `stride2` of `0`, which acts as an identity.
pub(crate) fn new(r: &impl Remappable, stride2: usize) -> Remapper {
let idx = IndexMapper { stride2 };
let map = (0..r.state_len()).map(|i| idx.to_state_id(i)).collect();
Remapper { map, idx }
/// Swap two states. Once this is called, callers must follow through to
/// call `remap`, or else it's possible for the underlying remappable
/// value to be in a corrupt state.
pub(crate) fn swap(
&mut self,
r: &mut impl Remappable,
id1: StateID,
id2: StateID,
) {
if id1 == id2 {
r.swap_states(id1, id2);, self.idx.to_index(id2));
/// Complete the remapping process by rewriting all state IDs in the
/// remappable value according to the swaps performed.
pub(crate) fn remap(mut self, r: &mut impl Remappable) {
// Update the map to account for states that have been swapped
// multiple times. For example, if (A, C) and (C, G) are swapped, then
// transitions previously pointing to A should now point to G. But if
// we don't update our map, they will erroneously be set to C. All we
// do is follow the swaps in our map until we see our original state
// ID.
// The intuition here is to think about how changes are made to the
// map: only through pairwise swaps. That means that starting at any
// given state, it is always possible to find the loop back to that
// state by following the swaps represented in the map (which might be
// 0 swaps).
// We are also careful to clone the map before starting in order to
// freeze it. We use the frozen map to find our loops, since we need to
// update our map as well. Without freezing it, our updates could break
// the loops referenced above and produce incorrect results.
let oldmap =;
for i in 0..r.state_len() {
let cur_id = self.idx.to_state_id(i);
let mut new_id = oldmap[i];
if cur_id == new_id {
loop {
let id = oldmap[self.idx.to_index(new_id)];
if cur_id == id {[i] = new_id;
new_id = id;
/// A simple type for mapping between state indices and state IDs.
/// The reason why this exists is because state IDs are "premultiplied" in a
/// DFA. That is, in order to get to the transitions for a particular state,
/// one need only use the state ID as-is, instead of having to multiply it by
/// transition table's stride.
/// The downside of this is that it's inconvenient to map between state IDs
/// using a dense map, e.g., Vec<StateID>. That's because state IDs look like
/// `0`, `stride`, `2*stride`, `3*stride`, etc., instead of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`,
/// etc.
/// Since our state IDs are premultiplied, we can convert back-and-forth
/// between IDs and indices by simply unmultiplying the IDs and multiplying the
/// indices.
/// Note that for a sparse NFA, state IDs and indices are equivalent. In this
/// case, we set the stride of the index mapped to be `0`, which acts as an
/// identity.
struct IndexMapper {
/// The power of 2 corresponding to the stride of the corresponding
/// transition table. 'id >> stride2' de-multiplies an ID while 'index <<
/// stride2' pre-multiplies an index to an ID.
stride2: usize,
impl IndexMapper {
/// Convert a state ID to a state index.
fn to_index(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
id.as_usize() >> self.stride2
/// Convert a state index to a state ID.
fn to_state_id(&self, index: usize) -> StateID {
// CORRECTNESS: If the given index is not valid, then it is not
// required for this to panic or return a valid state ID. We'll "just"
// wind up with panics or silent logic errors at some other point. But
// this is OK because if Remappable::state_len is correct and so is
// 'to_index', then all inputs to 'to_state_id' should be valid indices
// and thus transform into valid state IDs.
StateID::new_unchecked(index << self.stride2)
impl Remappable for noncontiguous::NFA {
fn state_len(&self) -> usize {
fn swap_states(&mut self, id1: StateID, id2: StateID) {
noncontiguous::NFA::swap_states(self, id1, id2)
fn remap(&mut self, map: impl Fn(StateID) -> StateID) {
noncontiguous::NFA::remap(self, map)