
//! To run this example, execute the following command from the top level of
//! this repository:
//! ```sh
//! cargo run --example term
//! ```

use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
use codespan_reporting::files::SimpleFiles;
use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::StandardStream;
use codespan_reporting::term::{self, ColorArg};
use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
#[structopt(name = "emit")]
pub struct Opts {
    /// Configure coloring of output
        long = "color",
        default_value = "auto",
        possible_values = ColorArg::VARIANTS,
        case_insensitive = true
    pub color: ColorArg,

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let opts = Opts::from_args();
    let mut files = SimpleFiles::new();

    let file_id1 = files.add(
                module Data.Nat where

                data Nat : Type where
                    zero : Nat
                    succ : Nat → Nat

                {-# BUILTIN NATRAL Nat #-}

                infixl 6 _+_ _-_

                _+_ : Nat → Nat → Nat
                zero    + n₂ = n₂
                succ n₁ + n₂ = succ (n₁ + n₂)

                _-_ : Nat → Nat → Nat
                n₁      - zero    = n₁
                zero    - succ n₂ = zero
                succ n₁ - succ n₂ = n₁ - n₂

    let file_id2 = files.add(
                module Test where

                _ : Nat
                _ = 123 + "hello"

    let file_id3 = files.add(
                module FizzBuzz where

                fizz₁ : Nat → String
                fizz₁ num = case (mod num 5) (mod num 3) of
                    0 0 => "FizzBuzz"
                    0 _ => "Fizz"
                    _ 0 => "Buzz"
                    _ _ => num

                fizz₂ : Nat → String
                fizz₂ num =
                    case (mod num 5) (mod num 3) of
                        0 0 => "FizzBuzz"
                        0 _ => "Fizz"
                        _ 0 => "Buzz"
                        _ _ => num

    let diagnostics = [
        // Unknown builtin error
            .with_message("unknown builtin: `NATRAL`")
                Label::primary(file_id1, 96..102).with_message("unknown builtin")
                "there is a builtin with a similar name: `NATURAL`".to_owned()
        // Unused parameter warning
            .with_message("unused parameter pattern: `n₂`")
                Label::primary(file_id1, 285..289).with_message("unused parameter")
            .with_notes(vec!["consider using a wildcard pattern: `_`".to_owned()]),
        // Unexpected type error
            .with_message("unexpected type in application of `_+_`")
                Label::primary(file_id2, 37..44).with_message("expected `Nat`, found `String`"),
                Label::secondary(file_id1, 130..155)
                    .with_message("based on the definition of `_+_`"),
                    expected type `Nat`
                       found type `String`
        // Incompatible match clause error
            .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types")
                Label::primary(file_id3, 163..166).with_message("expected `String`, found `Nat`"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 62..166)
                    .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 41..47)
                    .with_message("expected type `String` found here"),
                    expected type `String`
                       found type `Nat`
        // Incompatible match clause error
            .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types")
                Label::primary(file_id3, 328..331).with_message("expected `String`, found `Nat`"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 211..331)
                    .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 258..268)
                    .with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 284..290)
                    .with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 306..312)
                    .with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
                Label::secondary(file_id3, 186..192)
                    .with_message("expected type `String` found here"),
                    expected type `String`
                       found type `Nat`

    let writer = StandardStream::stderr(opts.color.into());
    let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
    for diagnostic in &diagnostics {
        term::emit(&mut writer.lock(), &config, &files, &diagnostic)?;
