{{#title Result<T> — Rust ♡ C++}}
# Result\<T\>
Result\<T\> is allowed as the return type of an extern function in either
direction. Its behavior is to translate to/from C++ exceptions. If your codebase
does not use C++ exceptions, or prefers to represent fallibility using something
like outcome\<T\>, leaf::result\<T\>, StatusOr\<T\>, etc then you'll need to
handle the translation of those to Rust Result\<T\> using your own shims for
now. Better support for this is planned.
If an exception is thrown from an `extern "C++"` function that is *not* declared
by the CXX bridge to return Result, the program calls C++'s `std::terminate`.
The behavior is equivalent to the same exception being thrown through a
`noexcept` C++ function.
If a panic occurs in *any* `extern "Rust"` function, regardless of whether it is
declared by the CXX bridge to return Result, a message is logged and the program
calls Rust's `std::process::abort`.
## Returning Result from Rust to C++
An `extern "Rust"` function returning a Result turns into a `throw` in C++ if
the Rust side produces an error.
Note that the return type written inside of cxx::bridge must be written without
a second type parameter. Only the Ok type is specified for the purpose of the
FFI. The Rust *implementation* (outside of the bridge module) may pick any error
type as long as it has a std::fmt::Display impl.
# use std::io;
mod ffi {
extern "Rust" {
fn fallible1(depth: usize) -> Result<String>;
fn fallible2() -> Result<()>;
fn fallible1(depth: usize) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
if depth == 0 {
return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("fallible1 requires depth > 0"));
fn fallible2() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
The exception that gets thrown by CXX on the C++ side is always of type
`rust::Error` and has the following C++ public API. The `what()` member function
gives the error message according to the Rust error's std::fmt::Display impl.
// rust/cxx.h
...namespace rust {
class Error final : public std::exception {
Error(const Error &);
Error(Error &&) noexcept;
~Error() noexcept;
Error &operator=(const Error &);
Error &operator=(Error &&) noexcept;
const char *what() const noexcept override;
...} // namespace rust
## Returning Result from C++ to Rust
An `extern "C++"` function returning a Result turns into a `catch` in C++ that
converts the exception into an Err for Rust.
Note that the return type written inside of cxx::bridge must be written without
a second type parameter. Only the Ok type is specified for the purpose of the
FFI. The resulting error type created by CXX when an `extern "C++"` function
throws will always be of type **[`cxx::Exception`]**.
[`cxx::Exception`]: https://docs.rs/cxx/*/cxx/struct.Exception.html
# use std::process;
mod ffi {
unsafe extern "C++" {
fn fallible1(depth: usize) -> Result<String>;
fn fallible2() -> Result<()>;
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = ffi::fallible1(99) {
eprintln!("Error: {}", err);
The specific set of caught exceptions and the conversion to error message are
both customizable. The way you do this is by defining a template function
`rust::behavior::trycatch` with a suitable signature inside any one of the
headers `include!`'d by your cxx::bridge.
The template signature is required to be:
namespace rust {
namespace behavior {
template <typename Try, typename Fail>
static void trycatch(Try &&func, Fail &&fail) noexcept;
} // namespace behavior
} // namespace rust
The default `trycatch` used by CXX if you have not provided your own is the
following. You must follow the same pattern: invoke `func` with no arguments,
catch whatever exception(s) you want, and invoke `fail` with the error message
you'd like for the Rust error to have.
...#include <exception>
...namespace rust {
...namespace behavior {
template <typename Try, typename Fail>
static void trycatch(Try &&func, Fail &&fail) noexcept try {
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
...} // namespace behavior
...} // namespace rust