// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/reporting/metrics_reporting/apps/app_usage_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/reporting/metrics_reporting/cros_healthd_sampler_handlers/cros_healthd_sampler_handler.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/reporting/metrics_reporting/cros_reporting_settings.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/status_collector/managed_session_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/settings/device_settings_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/reporting/local_state_reporting_settings.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/reporting/metric_reporting_manager_delegate_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/reporting/user_reporting_settings.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/reporting/websites/website_usage_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd_probe.mojom.h"
#include "components/reporting/metrics/event_driven_telemetry_collector_pool.h"
#include "components/reporting/metrics/periodic_event_collector.h"
#include "components/reporting/proto/synced/record_constants.pb.h"
namespace reporting {
class MetricEventObserver;
class MetricEventObserverManager;
class MetricReportQueue;
class CollectorBase;
class Sampler;
class FatalCrashEventsObserver;
// Class to initialize and start info, event, and telemetry collection and
// reporting.
class MetricReportingManager : public policy::ManagedSessionService::Observer,
public ::ash::DeviceSettingsService::Observer,
public EventDrivenTelemetryCollectorPool {
// Delegate class for dependencies and behaviors that need to be overridden
// for testing purposes.
class Delegate : public metrics::MetricReportingManagerDelegateBase {
Delegate() = default;
Delegate(const Delegate& other) = delete;
Delegate& operator=(const Delegate& other) = delete;
~Delegate() override = default;
bool IsUserAffiliated(Profile& profile) const override;
virtual bool IsDeprovisioned() const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Sampler> GetHttpsLatencySampler() const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Sampler> GetNetworkTelemetrySampler() const;
// Returns app service availability for the given profile. Not all profiles
// can run apps (for example, non-guest incognito profiles).
virtual bool IsAppServiceAvailableForProfile(Profile* profile) const;
static std::unique_ptr<MetricReportingManager> Create(
policy::ManagedSessionService* managed_session_service);
static std::unique_ptr<MetricReportingManager> CreateForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
policy::ManagedSessionService* managed_session_service);
~MetricReportingManager() override;
// ManagedSessionService::Observer:
void OnLogin(Profile* profile) override;
// DeviceSettingsService::Observer:
void DeviceSettingsUpdated() override;
// EventDrivenTelemetryCollectorPool:
std::vector<raw_ptr<CollectorBase, VectorExperimental>>
GetTelemetryCollectors(MetricEventType event_type) override;
// Can be nullptr of the feature flag is not enabled.
FatalCrashEventsObserver* fatal_crash_events_observer();
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
policy::ManagedSessionService* managed_session_service);
void Shutdown();
// Init telemetry samplers that it is allowed to be used even before login.
void InitDeviceTelemetrySamplers();
// Init collectors that need to start on startup after a delay, should
// only be scheduled once on construction.
void DelayedInit();
// Init samplers, collectors and event observers that need to start after an
// affiliated user login with no delay, should only be called once on login.
void InitOnAffiliatedLogin(Profile* profile);
// Init telemetry samplers that can only be used in affiliated users sessions.
void InitTelemetrySamplersOnAffiliatedLogin();
// Init collectors and event observers that need to start after an affiliated
// user login with a delay, should only be scheduled once on login.
void DelayedInitOnAffiliatedLogin(Profile* profile);
// Initializes an info data collector. An info data collector is always
// one-shot, i.e., only collects once. The report queue is always
// `info_report_queue_`.
// `sampler` is the sampler that collects info.
// `enable_setting_path` is the name of the setting that enables or disables
// the collection.
// `enable_default_value` indicates whether the setting is enabled by default.
void InitInfoCollector(std::unique_ptr<Sampler> sampler,
const std::string& enable_setting_path,
bool setting_enabled_default_value);
// Initializes a telemetry data collector that collects once.
// `collector_name` is the name of the collector.
// `sampler` is the sampler that collects telemetry.
// `metric_report_queue` is the report queue to use.
// `enable_setting_path` is the name of the setting that enables or disables
// the collection.
// `enable_default_value` indicates whether the setting is enabled by default.
// `init_delay` is the initial delay before the first collection occurs.
void InitOneShotTelemetryCollector(const std::string& collector_name,
Sampler* sampler,
MetricReportQueue* metric_report_queue,
const std::string& enable_setting_path,
bool enable_default_value,
base::TimeDelta init_delay);
// Initializes a telemetry data collector that is manually triggered. See
// `ManualCollector`.
// `collector_name` is the name of the collector.
// `sampler` is the sampler that collects telemetry.
// `metric_report_queue` is the report queue to use.
// `enable_setting_path` is the name of the setting that enables or disables
// the collection.
// `enable_default_value` indicates whether the setting is enabled by default.
void InitManualTelemetryCollector(const std::string& collector_name,
Sampler* sampler,
MetricReportQueue* metric_report_queue,
const std::string& enable_setting_path,
bool enable_default_value);
// Initializes a telemetry data collector that collects periodically.
// `collector_name is the name of the collector.
// `sampler is the sampler that collects telemetry.
// `metric_report_queue is the report queue to use.
// `enable_setting_path` is the name of the setting that enables or disables
// the collection.
// `enable_default_value` indicates whether the setting is enabled by default.
// `rate_setting_path` is the name of the setting that controls the rate. Rate
// refers to the time between two consecutive periodic metric collections,
// i.e., the period of the repeated metric collections. See
// `MetricRateController`.
// `default_rate` is the default rate.
// `rate_unit_to_ms` multiplied with the rate in the rate setting results in
// the rate in milliseconds.
// `init_delay` is the initial delay before the first collection occurs.
void InitPeriodicTelemetryCollector(const std::string& collector_name,
Sampler* sampler,
MetricReportQueue* metric_report_queue,
const std::string& enable_setting_path,
bool enable_default_value,
const std::string& rate_setting_path,
base::TimeDelta default_rate,
int rate_unit_to_ms,
base::TimeDelta init_delay);
// Initializes an event data collector that collects periodically.
// `sampler` is the sampler that collects events.
// `event_detector` is the event detector.
// `metric_report_queue` is the report queue to use.
// `enable_setting_path` is the name of the setting that enables or disables
// the collection.
// `enable_default_value` indicates whether the setting is enabled by default.
// `rate_setting_path is the name of the setting that controls the rate. Rate
// refers to the time between two consecutive periodic metric collections,
// i.e., the period of the repeated metric collections. See
// `MetricRateController`.
// `default_rate` is the default rate.
// `rate_unit_to_ms` multiplied with the rate in the rate setting results in
// the rate in milliseconds.
// `init_delay` is the initial delay before the first collection occurs.
void InitPeriodicEventCollector(
Sampler* sampler,
std::unique_ptr<PeriodicEventCollector::EventDetector> event_detector,
MetricReportQueue* metric_report_queue,
const std::string& enable_setting_path,
bool enable_default_value,
const std::string& rate_setting_path,
base::TimeDelta default_rate,
int rate_unit_to_ms,
base::TimeDelta init_delay);
void InitEventObserverManager(
std::unique_ptr<MetricEventObserver> event_observer,
MetricReportQueue* report_queue,
ReportingSettings* reporting_settings,
const std::string& enable_setting_path,
bool setting_enabled_default_value,
base::TimeDelta init_delay);
void UploadTelemetry();
void CreateCrosHealthdInfoCollector(
std::unique_ptr<CrosHealthdSamplerHandler> info_handler,
::ash::cros_healthd::mojom::ProbeCategoryEnum probe_category,
const std::string& setting_path,
bool default_value);
void InitNetworkCollectors(Profile* profile);
void InitNetworkPeriodicCollector(const std::string& collector_name,
std::unique_ptr<Sampler> sampler);
void InitNetworkConfiguredSampler(const std::string& sampler_name,
std::unique_ptr<Sampler> sampler);
// Initializes app telemetry samplers for the given profile.
void InitAppCollectors(Profile* profile);
void InitAudioCollectors();
void InitBootPerformanceCollector();
void InitFatalCrashCollectors();
void InitPeripheralsCollectors();
void InitRuntimeCountersCollectors();
void InitWebsiteMetricCollectors(Profile* profile);
void InitDisplayCollectors();
// Initializes a periodic collector that collects device activity state.
void InitDeviceActivityCollector();
// Initializes a periodic collector that sends out heartbeat signals.
void InitKioskHeartbeatTelemetryCollector();
// Initializes a periodic collector that sends the audience telemetry data
// from the Kiosk vision framework.
void InitKioskVisionTelemetryCollector();
base::TimeDelta GetUploadDelay() const;
std::vector<raw_ptr<CollectorBase, VectorExperimental>>
GetTelemetryCollectorsFromSetting(std::string_view setting_name);
CrosReportingSettings reporting_settings_;
LocalStateReportingSettings local_state_reporting_settings_;
std::unique_ptr<UserReportingSettings> user_reporting_settings_;
// Samplers and queues should be destructed on the same sequence where
// collectors are destructed. Queues should also be destructed on the same
// sequence where event observer managers are destructed, this is currently
// enforced by destructing all of them using the `Shutdown` method if they
// need to be deleted before the destruction of the MetricReportingManager
// instance.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sampler>> samplers_
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> info_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> telemetry_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> user_telemetry_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> event_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> crash_event_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> chrome_crash_event_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> user_event_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> app_event_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> website_event_report_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricReportQueue> kiosk_heartbeat_telemetry_report_queue_;
base::OneShotTimer initial_upload_timer_;
// This collector will be removed with lacros, so we avoid adding it to
// `telemetry_collectors_` to make sure it won't be used for event driven
// telemetry.
std::unique_ptr<CollectorBase> network_bandwidth_collector_;
base::flat_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<CollectorBase>>
telemetry_collectors_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CollectorBase>> info_collectors_
event_observer_managers_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
// Fatal crash event observer. Life time of this object is owned by
// `event_observer_managers_`.
raw_ptr<FatalCrashEventsObserver> fatal_crash_events_observer_
// App usage observer used to observe and collect app usage reports from the
// `AppPlatformMetrics` component.
std::unique_ptr<AppUsageObserver> app_usage_observer_
// Website usage observer used to observe and collect website usage reports
// from the `WebsiteMetrics` component.
std::unique_ptr<WebsiteUsageObserver> website_usage_observer_
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
} // namespace reporting