use crate::ast::{BitwiseBop, Bop};
use crate::error::{FendError, Interrupt};
use crate::num::complex::{Complex, UseParentheses};
use crate::num::dist::Dist;
use crate::num::{Base, FormattingStyle};
use crate::result::FResult;
use crate::scope::Scope;
use crate::serialize::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::units::{lookup_default_unit, query_unit_static};
use crate::{ast, ident::Ident};
use crate::{Attrs, Span, SpanKind};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Neg;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{cmp, fmt, io};
pub(crate) mod base_unit;
pub(crate) mod named_unit;
pub(crate) mod unit_exponent;
use base_unit::BaseUnit;
use named_unit::NamedUnit;
use unit_exponent::UnitExponent;
use self::named_unit::compare_hashmaps;
use super::bigrat::BigRat;
use super::biguint::BigUint;
use super::real::Real;
use super::Exact;
pub(crate) struct Value {
value: Dist,
unit: Unit,
exact: bool,
base: Base,
format: FormattingStyle,
simplifiable: bool,
impl Value {
pub(crate) fn compare<I: Interrupt>(
other: &Self,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Option<cmp::Ordering>> {
match self.clone().sub(other.clone(), int) {
Err(FendError::Interrupted) => Err(FendError::Interrupted),
Err(_) => Ok(None),
Ok(result) => {
if result.is_zero(int)? {
return Ok(Some(cmp::Ordering::Equal));
let Ok(c) = result.value.one_point() else {
return Ok(None);
};, int)
pub(crate) fn serialize(&self, write: &mut impl io::Write) -> FResult<()> {
pub(crate) fn deserialize(read: &mut impl io::Read) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: Dist::deserialize(read)?,
unit: Unit::deserialize(read)?,
exact: bool::deserialize(read)?,
base: Base::deserialize(read)?,
format: FormattingStyle::deserialize(read)?,
simplifiable: bool::deserialize(read)?,
pub(crate) fn try_as_usize<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<usize> {
pub(crate) fn try_as_usize_unit<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<usize> {
if !self.exact {
return Err(FendError::InexactNumberToInt);
pub(crate) fn create_unit_value_from_value<I: Interrupt>(
value: &Self,
prefix: Cow<'static, str>,
alias: bool,
singular_name: Cow<'static, str>,
plural_name: Cow<'static, str>,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
let (hashmap, scale) = value.unit.to_hashmap_and_scale(int)?;
let scale = scale.mul(&Exact::new(value.value.one_point_ref()?.clone(), true), int)?;
let resulting_unit = NamedUnit::new(
let mut result = Self::new(1, vec![UnitExponent::new(resulting_unit, 1)]);
result.exact = result.exact && value.exact && scale.exact;
pub(crate) fn new_base_unit(
singular_name: Cow<'static, str>,
plural_name: Cow<'static, str>,
) -> Self {
let base_unit = BaseUnit::new(singular_name.clone());
let mut hashmap = HashMap::new();
hashmap.insert(base_unit, 1.into());
let unit = NamedUnit::new(
Self::new(1, vec![UnitExponent::new(unit, 1)])
pub(crate) fn with_format(self, format: FormattingStyle) -> Self {
Self {
value: self.value,
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact,
base: self.base,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn with_base(self, base: Base) -> Self {
Self {
value: self.value,
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn factorial<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: self.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
value: Dist::from(self.into_unitless_complex(int)?.factorial(int)?),
fn new(value: impl Into<Dist>, unit_components: Vec<UnitExponent>) -> Self {
Self {
value: value.into(),
unit: Unit {
components: unit_components,
exact: true,
base: Base::default(),
format: FormattingStyle::default(),
simplifiable: true,
pub(crate) fn add<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let scale_factor = Unit::compute_scale_factor(&rhs.unit, &self.unit, int)?;
let scaled = Exact::new(rhs.value, rhs.exact)
.mul(&scale_factor.scale_1.apply(Dist::from), int)?
.div(&scale_factor.scale_2.apply(Dist::from), int)?;
let value =
Exact::new(self.value, self.exact).add(&Exact::new(scaled.value, scaled.exact), int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: value.value,
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
/// Called for implicit addition to modify the second operand.
/// For example, when evaluating `5'0`, this function can change the second
/// operand's unit from `unitless` to `"`.
fn fudge_implicit_rhs_unit<I: Interrupt>(
rhs: Self,
attrs: Attrs,
context: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
for (lhs_unit, rhs_unit) in crate::units::IMPLICIT_UNIT_MAP {
if self.unit.equal_to(lhs_unit, int)? && rhs.is_unitless(int)? {
let inches =
ast::resolve_identifier(&Ident::new_str(rhs_unit), None, attrs, context, int)?
return rhs.mul(inches, int);
pub(crate) fn convert_to<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
if rhs.value.one_point()?.compare(&1.into(), int)? != Some(Ordering::Equal) {
return Err(FendError::ConversionRhsNumerical);
let scale_factor = Unit::compute_scale_factor(&self.unit, &rhs.unit, int)?;
let new_value = Exact::new(self.value, self.exact)
.mul(&scale_factor.scale_1.apply(Dist::from), int)?
.add(&scale_factor.offset.apply(Dist::from), int)?
.div(&scale_factor.scale_2.apply(Dist::from), int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: new_value.value,
unit: rhs.unit,
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact && new_value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: false,
pub(crate) fn sub<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let scale_factor = Unit::compute_scale_factor(&rhs.unit, &self.unit, int)?;
let scaled = Exact::new(rhs.value, rhs.exact)
.mul(&scale_factor.scale_1.apply(Dist::from), int)?
.div(&scale_factor.scale_2.apply(Dist::from), int)?;
let value = Exact::new(self.value, self.exact).add(&-scaled, int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: value.value,
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn div<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let mut components = self.unit.components.clone();
for rhs_component in rhs.unit.components {
let value =
Exact::new(self.value, self.exact).div(&Exact::new(rhs.value, rhs.exact), int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: value.value,
unit: Unit { components },
exact: value.exact && self.exact && rhs.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
fn modulo<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
value: Dist::from(
.modulo(rhs.into_unitless_complex(int)?, int)?,
fn bitwise<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, op: BitwiseBop, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
value: Dist::from(self.into_unitless_complex(int)?.bitwise(
pub(crate) fn combination<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
value: Dist::from(
.combination(rhs.into_unitless_complex(int)?, int)?,
pub(crate) fn permutation<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
value: Dist::from(
.permutation(rhs.into_unitless_complex(int)?, int)?,
pub(crate) fn bop<I: Interrupt>(
op: Bop,
rhs: Self,
attrs: Attrs,
context: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
match op {
Bop::Plus => self.add(rhs, int),
Bop::ImplicitPlus => {
let rhs = self.fudge_implicit_rhs_unit(rhs, attrs, context, int)?;
self.add(rhs, int)
Bop::Minus => self.sub(rhs, int),
Bop::Mul => self.mul(rhs, int),
Bop::Div => self.div(rhs, int),
Bop::Mod => self.modulo(rhs, int),
Bop::Pow => self.pow(rhs, int),
Bop::Bitwise(bitwise_bop) => self.bitwise(rhs, bitwise_bop, int),
Bop::Combination => self.combination(rhs, int),
Bop::Permutation => self.permutation(rhs, int),
pub(crate) fn is_unitless<I: Interrupt>(&self, int: &I) -> FResult<bool> {
// todo this is broken for unitless components
if self.unit.components.is_empty() {
return Ok(true);
let (hashmap, _scale) = self.unit.to_hashmap_and_scale(int)?;
if hashmap.is_empty() {
return Ok(true);
pub(crate) fn is_unitless_one<I: Interrupt>(&self, int: &I) -> FResult<bool> {
Ok(self.exact && self.value.equals_int(1, int)? && self.is_unitless(int)?)
pub(crate) fn pow<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let rhs_exact = rhs.exact;
let rhs = rhs.into_unitless_complex(int)?;
let mut new_components = vec![];
let mut exact_res = true;
for unit_exp in self.unit.components {
let exponent = Exact::new(unit_exp.exponent, self.exact)
.mul(&Exact::new(rhs.clone(), rhs_exact), int)?;
exact_res = exact_res && exponent.exact;
new_components.push(UnitExponent {
unit: unit_exp.unit,
exponent: exponent.value,
let new_unit = Unit {
components: new_components,
let value = self.value.one_point()?.pow(rhs, int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: value.value.into(),
unit: new_unit,
exact: self.exact && rhs_exact && exact_res && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn i() -> Self {
Self {
value: Complex::i().into(),
unit: Unit { components: vec![] },
exact: true,
base: Base::default(),
format: FormattingStyle::default(),
simplifiable: true,
pub(crate) fn pi() -> Self {
Self {
value: Complex::pi().into(),
unit: Unit { components: vec![] },
exact: true,
base: Base::default(),
format: FormattingStyle::default(),
simplifiable: true,
pub(crate) fn abs<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let value = self.value.one_point()?.abs(int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: Complex::from(value.value).into(),
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn make_approximate(self) -> Self {
Self {
value: self.value,
unit: self.unit,
exact: false,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn zero_with_base(base: Base) -> Self {
Self {
value: Dist::from(0),
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: true,
format: FormattingStyle::default(),
simplifiable: true,
pub(crate) fn is_zero<I: Interrupt>(&self, int: &I) -> FResult<bool> {
self.value.equals_int(0, int)
pub(crate) fn new_die<I: Interrupt>(count: u32, faces: u32, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self::new(Dist::new_die(count, faces, int)?, vec![]))
fn remove_unit_scaling<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.convert_to(Self::unitless(), int)
fn into_unitless_complex<I: Interrupt>(mut self, int: &I) -> FResult<Complex> {
self = self.remove_unit_scaling(int)?;
if !self.is_unitless(int)? {
return Err(FendError::ExpectedAUnitlessNumber);
fn apply_fn_exact<I: Interrupt>(
mut self,
f: impl FnOnce(Complex, &I) -> FResult<Exact<Complex>>,
require_unitless: bool,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
self = self.remove_unit_scaling(int)?;
if require_unitless && !self.is_unitless(int)? {
return Err(FendError::ExpectedAUnitlessNumber);
let exact = f(self.value.one_point()?, int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: exact.value.into(),
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && exact.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
fn apply_fn<I: Interrupt>(
mut self,
f: impl FnOnce(Complex, &I) -> FResult<Complex>,
require_unitless: bool,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
self = self.remove_unit_scaling(int)?;
if require_unitless && !self.is_unitless(int)? {
return Err(FendError::ExpectedAUnitlessNumber);
Ok(Self {
value: f(self.value.one_point()?, int)?.into(),
unit: self.unit,
exact: false,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn sample<I: Interrupt>(self, ctx: &crate::Context, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: self.value.sample(ctx, int)?,
pub(crate) fn mean<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: self.value.mean(int)?,
fn convert_angle_to_rad<I: Interrupt>(
scope: Option<Arc<Scope>>,
attrs: Attrs,
context: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
let radians =
ast::resolve_identifier(&Ident::new_str("radians"), scope, attrs, context, int)?
self.convert_to(radians, int)
fn unitless() -> Self {
Self {
value: 1.into(),
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: true,
base: Base::default(),
format: FormattingStyle::default(),
simplifiable: true,
pub(crate) fn floor<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let value = self.value.one_point()?.floor(int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: Complex::from(value.value).into(),
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn ceil<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let value = self.value.one_point()?.ceil(int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: Complex::from(value.value).into(),
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn round<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let value = self.value.one_point()?.round(int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: Complex::from(value.value).into(),
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn fibonacci<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: self.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
value: Complex::from(Real::from(BigRat::from(BigUint::fibonacci(
pub(crate) fn real(self) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: Complex::from(self.value.one_point()?.real()).into(),
pub(crate) fn imag(self) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: Complex::from(self.value.one_point()?.imag()).into(),
pub(crate) fn arg<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
|c, int| c.arg(int).map(|c| c.apply(Complex::from)),
pub(crate) fn conjugate(self) -> FResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: self.value.one_point()?.conjugate().into(),
pub(crate) fn sin<I: Interrupt>(
scope: Option<Arc<Scope>>,
attrs: Attrs,
context: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
if let Ok(rad) = self
.convert_angle_to_rad(scope, attrs, context, int)
.apply_fn_exact(Complex::sin, false, int)?
.convert_to(Self::unitless(), int)?)
} else {
self.apply_fn_exact(Complex::sin, false, int)
pub(crate) fn cos<I: Interrupt>(
scope: Option<Arc<Scope>>,
attrs: Attrs,
context: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
if let Ok(rad) = self
.convert_angle_to_rad(scope, attrs, context, int)
rad.apply_fn_exact(Complex::cos, false, int)?
.convert_to(Self::unitless(), int)
} else {
self.apply_fn_exact(Complex::cos, false, int)
pub(crate) fn tan<I: Interrupt>(
scope: Option<Arc<Scope>>,
attrs: Attrs,
context: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
if let Ok(rad) = self
.convert_angle_to_rad(scope, attrs, context, int)
rad.apply_fn_exact(Complex::tan, false, int)?
.convert_to(Self::unitless(), int)
} else {
self.apply_fn_exact(Complex::tan, false, int)
pub(crate) fn asin<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::asin, false, int)
pub(crate) fn acos<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::acos, false, int)
pub(crate) fn atan<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::atan, false, int)
pub(crate) fn sinh<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::sinh, false, int)
pub(crate) fn cosh<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::cosh, false, int)
pub(crate) fn tanh<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::tanh, false, int)
pub(crate) fn asinh<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::asinh, false, int)
pub(crate) fn acosh<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::acosh, false, int)
pub(crate) fn atanh<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::atanh, false, int)
pub(crate) fn ln<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn_exact(Complex::ln, true, int)
pub(crate) fn log2<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::log2, true, int)
pub(crate) fn log10<I: Interrupt>(self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
self.apply_fn(Complex::log10, true, int)
pub(crate) fn format<I: Interrupt>(
ctx: &crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<FormattedValue> {
let use_parentheses = if self.unit.components.is_empty() {
} else {
let mut formatted_value = String::new();
let mut exact = self
&mut formatted_value,
let unit_string = self.unit.format(
self.value.equals_int(1, int)?,
exact = exact && unit_string.exact;
Ok(FormattedValue {
number: formatted_value,
unit_str: unit_string.value,
pub(crate) fn mul<I: Interrupt>(self, rhs: Self, int: &I) -> FResult<Self> {
let components = [self.unit.components, rhs.unit.components].concat();
let value =
Exact::new(self.value, self.exact).mul(&Exact::new(rhs.value, rhs.exact), int)?;
Ok(Self {
value: value.value,
unit: Unit { components },
exact: self.exact && rhs.exact && value.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
pub(crate) fn simplify<I: Interrupt>(
attrs: Attrs,
ctx: &mut crate::Context,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Self> {
if !self.simplifiable {
return Ok(self);
let mut res_components: Vec<UnitExponent> = vec![];
let mut res_exact = self.exact;
let mut res_value = self.value;
// remove alias units and combine identical or compatible units
// by summing their exponents and potentially adjusting the value
// percentages should be merged to be handled below
'outer: for comp in self.unit.components {
if comp.is_alias() && !comp.is_percentage_unit() {
// remove alias units
let adjusted_res = Exact {
value: res_value,
exact: res_exact,
&comp.unit.scale.pow(comp.exponent, int)?.apply(Dist::from),
res_value = adjusted_res.value;
res_exact = adjusted_res.exact;
for res_comp in &mut res_components {
if comp.unit.has_no_base_units()
&& !(comp.is_percentage_unit() && res_comp.is_percentage_unit())
&& !, int)?
let conversion = Unit::compute_scale_factor(
&Unit {
components: vec![UnitExponent {
unit: comp.unit.clone(),
exponent: 1.into(),
&Unit {
components: vec![UnitExponent {
unit: res_comp.unit.clone(),
exponent: 1.into(),
match conversion {
Ok(scale_factor) => {
if, int)?
!= Some(Ordering::Equal)
// don't merge units that have offsets
let scale = scale_factor.scale_1.div(scale_factor.scale_2, int)?;
let lhs = Exact {
value: res_comp.exponent.clone(),
exact: res_exact,
let rhs = Exact {
value: comp.exponent.clone(),
exact: res_exact,
let sum = lhs.add(rhs, int)?;
res_comp.exponent = sum.value;
res_exact = res_exact && sum.exact && scale.exact;
let scale = scale.value.pow(comp.exponent, int)?;
let adjusted_value = Exact {
value: res_value.one_point()?,
exact: res_exact,
.mul(&scale, int)?;
res_value = Dist::from(adjusted_value.value);
res_exact = res_exact && adjusted_value.exact;
continue 'outer;
Err(FendError::Interrupted) => return Err(FendError::Interrupted),
Err(_) => (),
// remove units with exponent == 0
let mut res_components2 = Vec::with_capacity(res_components.len());
for c in res_components {
if, int)? != Some(Ordering::Equal) {
res_components = res_components2;
// percentages are now merged into a single component,
// and all other units have been simplified
if let Some(percents_i) = res_components
// adjust the exponent in the percentages to either
// 1 (keeping it), if its exponent is a positive integer
// and there are no other units (like `80kg * 5%`), or
// 0 (removing it) otherwise
let scale = match res_components[..] {
[UnitExponent {
ref unit,
ref mut exponent,
}] if exponent.imag().is_zero()
&& matches!(exponent.real().try_as_usize(int), Ok(1..)) =>
let new_exponent = Complex::from(1);
let old_exponent = std::mem::replace(exponent, new_exponent.clone());
let scale_exponent = Exact::new(old_exponent, true)
.add(Exact::new(-new_exponent, true), int)?
unit.scale.clone().pow(scale_exponent, int)?
_ => {
let UnitExponent { unit, exponent } = res_components.remove(percents_i);
unit.scale.pow(exponent, int)?
Exact {
value: res_value,
exact: res_exact,
} = Exact::new(res_value, res_exact).mul(&scale.apply(Dist::from), int)?;
let result = Self {
value: res_value,
unit: Unit {
components: res_components,
exact: res_exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
if result.unit.components.len() > 1
&& !result
.any(|c| c.unit.singular_name == "rad" || c.unit.singular_name == "radian")
// try and replace unit with a default one, e.g. `kilogram` or `ampere`
let (hashmap, _) = result.unit.to_hashmap_and_scale(int)?;
if let Ok(mut base_units) = hashmap
.map(|(k, v)| v.try_as_i64(int).map(|v| format!("{}^{v}",
.collect::<Result<Vec<String>, _>>()
if let Some(new_unit) = lookup_default_unit(&base_units.join(" ")) {
let rhs = query_unit_static(new_unit, attrs, ctx, int)?.expect_num()?;
return result.convert_to(rhs, int);
pub(crate) fn unit_equal_to<I: Interrupt>(&self, rhs: &str, int: &I) -> FResult<bool> {
self.unit.equal_to(rhs, int)
impl Neg for Value {
type Output = Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self {
Self {
value: -self.value,
unit: self.unit,
exact: self.exact,
base: self.base,
format: self.format,
simplifiable: self.simplifiable,
impl From<u64> for Value {
fn from(i: u64) -> Self {
Self {
value: i.into(),
unit: Unit::unitless(),
exact: true,
base: Base::default(),
format: FormattingStyle::default(),
simplifiable: true,
impl fmt::Debug for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if !self.exact {
write!(f, "approx. ")?;
let simplifiable = if self.simplifiable { "" } else { "not " };
"{:?} {:?} ({:?}, {:?}, {simplifiable}simplifiable)",
self.value, self.unit, self.base, self.format
pub(crate) struct FormattedValue {
exact: bool,
number: String,
unit_str: String,
impl FormattedValue {
pub(crate) fn spans(self, spans: &mut Vec<Span>, attrs: Attrs) {
if !self.exact && attrs.show_approx && !attrs.plain_number {
spans.push(Span {
string: "approx. ".to_string(),
kind: SpanKind::Ident,
if ["$", "\u{a3}", "\u{a5}"].contains(&self.unit_str.as_str()) && !attrs.plain_number {
spans.push(Span {
string: self.unit_str,
kind: SpanKind::Ident,
spans.push(Span {
string: self.number,
kind: SpanKind::Number,
spans.push(Span {
string: self.number.to_string(),
kind: SpanKind::Number,
if !attrs.plain_number {
spans.push(Span {
string: self.unit_str,
kind: SpanKind::Ident,
impl fmt::Display for FormattedValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if !self.exact {
write!(f, "approx. ")?;
write!(f, "{}{}", self.number, self.unit_str)?;
// TODO: equality comparisons should not depend on order
struct Unit {
components: Vec<UnitExponent>,
type HashmapScale = (HashMap<BaseUnit, Complex>, Exact<Complex>);
type HashmapScaleOffset = (HashMap<BaseUnit, Complex>, Exact<Complex>, Exact<Complex>);
struct ScaleFactor {
scale_1: Exact<Complex>,
offset: Exact<Complex>,
scale_2: Exact<Complex>,
impl Unit {
pub(crate) fn serialize(&self, write: &mut impl io::Write) -> FResult<()> {
for c in &self.components {
pub(crate) fn deserialize(read: &mut impl io::Read) -> FResult<Self> {
let len = usize::deserialize(read)?;
let mut cs = Vec::with_capacity(len);
for _ in 0..len {
Ok(Self { components: cs })
pub(crate) fn equal_to<I: Interrupt>(&self, rhs: &str, int: &I) -> FResult<bool> {
if self.components.len() != 1 {
return Ok(false);
let unit = &self.components[0];
if, int)? != Some(Ordering::Equal) {
return Ok(false);
let (prefix, name) = unit.unit.prefix_and_name(false);
Ok(prefix.is_empty() && name == rhs)
/// base units with cancelled exponents do not appear in the hashmap
fn to_hashmap_and_scale<I: Interrupt>(&self, int: &I) -> FResult<HashmapScale> {
let mut hashmap = HashMap::<BaseUnit, Complex>::new();
let mut scale = Complex::from(1);
let mut exact = true;
for named_unit_exp in &self.components {
named_unit_exp.add_to_hashmap(&mut hashmap, &mut scale, &mut exact, int)?;
Ok((hashmap, Exact::new(scale, exact)))
fn reduce_hashmap<I: Interrupt>(
hashmap: HashMap<BaseUnit, Complex>,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<HashmapScaleOffset> {
let check = |s: &'static str| -> FResult<bool> {
Ok(hashmap.len() == 1
&& match hashmap.get(&BaseUnit::new(Cow::Borrowed(s))) {
None => false,
Some(c) =>, int)? == Some(Ordering::Equal),
if check("celsius")? {
let mut result_hashmap = HashMap::new();
result_hashmap.insert(BaseUnit::new(Cow::Borrowed("kelvin")), 1.into());
return Ok((
Exact::new(1.into(), true),
Exact::new(Complex::from(27315), true)
.div(Exact::new(Complex::from(100), true), int)?,
if check("fahrenheit")? {
let mut result_hashmap = HashMap::new();
result_hashmap.insert(BaseUnit::new(Cow::Borrowed("kelvin")), 1.into());
return Ok((
Exact::new(Complex::from(5), true).div(Exact::new(Complex::from(9), true), int)?,
Exact::new(Complex::from(45967), true)
.div(Exact::new(Complex::from(180), true), int)?,
let mut scale_adjustment = Exact::new(Complex::from(1), true);
let mut result_hashmap = HashMap::new();
for (mut base_unit, exponent) in hashmap {
if == "celsius" {
base_unit = BaseUnit::new_static("kelvin");
} else if == "fahrenheit" {
base_unit = BaseUnit::new_static("kelvin");
scale_adjustment = scale_adjustment.mul(
&Exact::new(Complex::from(5), true)
.div(Exact::new(Complex::from(9), true), int)?
.pow(exponent.clone(), int)?,
result_hashmap.insert(base_unit.clone(), exponent.clone());
Ok((result_hashmap, scale_adjustment, Exact::new(0.into(), true)))
fn print_base_units<I: Interrupt>(
hash: HashMap<BaseUnit, Complex>,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<String> {
let from_base_units: Vec<_> = hash
.map(|(base_unit, exponent)| {
UnitExponent::new(NamedUnit::new_from_base(base_unit), exponent)
Ok(Self {
components: from_base_units,
/// Returns the combined scale factor if successful
fn compute_scale_factor<I: Interrupt>(
from: &Self,
into: &Self,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<ScaleFactor> {
let (hash_a, scale_a) = from.to_hashmap_and_scale(int)?;
let (hash_b, scale_b) = into.to_hashmap_and_scale(int)?;
let (hash_a, adj_a, offset_a) = Self::reduce_hashmap(hash_a, int)?;
let (hash_b, adj_b, offset_b) = Self::reduce_hashmap(hash_b, int)?;
if compare_hashmaps(&hash_a, &hash_b, int)? {
Ok(ScaleFactor {
scale_1: scale_a.mul(&adj_a, int)?,
offset: offset_a.add(-offset_b, int)?,
scale_2: scale_b.mul(&adj_b, int)?,
} else {
let from_formatted = from
let into_formatted = into
Err(FendError::IncompatibleConversion {
from: from_formatted,
to: into_formatted,
from_base: Self::print_base_units(hash_a, int)?,
to_base: Self::print_base_units(hash_b, int)?,
const fn unitless() -> Self {
Self { components: vec![] }
fn format<I: Interrupt>(
unitless: &str,
value_is_one: bool,
base: Base,
format: FormattingStyle,
consider_printing_space: bool,
int: &I,
) -> FResult<Exact<String>> {
let mut unit_string = String::new();
if self.components.is_empty() {
return Ok(Exact::new(unit_string, true));
// Pluralisation:
// All units should be singular, except for the last unit
// that has a positive exponent, iff the number is not equal to 1
let mut exact = true;
let mut positive_components = vec![];
let mut negative_components = vec![];
let mut first = true;
for unit_exponent in &self.components {
if, int)? == Some(Ordering::Less) {
} else {
let invert_negative_component =
!positive_components.is_empty() && negative_components.len() == 1;
let mut merged_components = vec![];
let pluralised_idx = if positive_components.is_empty() {
} else {
positive_components.len() - 1
for pos_comp in positive_components {
merged_components.push((pos_comp, false));
for neg_comp in negative_components {
merged_components.push((neg_comp, invert_negative_component));
let last_component_plural = !value_is_one;
for (i, (unit_exponent, invert)) in merged_components.into_iter().enumerate() {
if !first || (consider_printing_space && unit_exponent.unit.print_with_space()) {
unit_string.push(' ');
first = false;
if invert {
unit_string.push(' ');
let plural = last_component_plural && i == pluralised_idx;
let exp_format = if format == FormattingStyle::Auto {
} else {
let formatted_exp = unit_exponent.format(base, exp_format, plural, invert, int)?;
exact = exact && formatted_exp.exact;
Ok(Exact::new(unit_string, true))
impl fmt::Debug for Unit {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if self.components.is_empty() {
write!(f, "(unitless)")?;
let mut first = true;
for component in &self.components {
if !first {
write!(f, " * ")?;
write!(f, "{component:?}")?;
first = false;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::interrupt::Never;
fn to_string(n: &Value) -> String {
let int = &crate::interrupt::Never;
n.format(&crate::Context::new(), int).unwrap().to_string()
fn test_basic_kg() {
let base_kg = BaseUnit::new("kilogram".into());
let mut hashmap = HashMap::new();
hashmap.insert(base_kg, 1.into());
let kg = NamedUnit::new("k".into(), "g".into(), "g".into(), false, hashmap, 1);
let one_kg = Value::new(1, vec![UnitExponent::new(kg.clone(), 1)]);
let two_kg = Value::new(2, vec![UnitExponent::new(kg, 1)]);
let sum = one_kg.add(two_kg, &Never).unwrap();
assert_eq!(to_string(&sum), "3 kg");
fn test_basic_kg_and_g() {
let int = &Never;
let base_kg = BaseUnit::new("kilogram".into());
let mut hashmap = HashMap::new();
hashmap.insert(base_kg, 1.into());
let kg = NamedUnit::new(
let g = NamedUnit::new(
Exact::new(Complex::from(1), true)
.div(Exact::new(1000.into(), true), int)
let one_kg = Value::new(1, vec![UnitExponent::new(kg, 1)]);
let twelve_g = Value::new(12, vec![UnitExponent::new(g, 1)]);
to_string(&one_kg.clone().add(twelve_g.clone(), int).unwrap()),
"1.012 kg"
assert_eq!(to_string(&twelve_g.add(one_kg, int).unwrap()), "1012 g");