
//! Arithmetic on `Iterator.size_hint()` values.

use std::usize;
use std::cmp;
use std::u32;

/// `SizeHint` is the return type of `Iterator::size_hint()`.
pub type SizeHint = (usize, Option<usize>);

/// Add `SizeHint` correctly.
pub fn add(a: SizeHint, b: SizeHint) -> SizeHint {
    let min = a.0.saturating_add(b.0);
    let max = match (a.1, b.1) {
        (Some(x), Some(y)) => x.checked_add(y),
        _ => None,

    (min, max)

/// Add `x` correctly to a `SizeHint`.
pub fn add_scalar(sh: SizeHint, x: usize) -> SizeHint {
    let (mut low, mut hi) = sh;
    low = low.saturating_add(x);
    hi = hi.and_then(|elt| elt.checked_add(x));
    (low, hi)

/// Subtract `x` correctly from a `SizeHint`.
pub fn sub_scalar(sh: SizeHint, x: usize) -> SizeHint {
    let (mut low, mut hi) = sh;
    low = low.saturating_sub(x);
    hi =|elt| elt.saturating_sub(x));
    (low, hi)

/// Multiply `SizeHint` correctly
/// ```ignore
/// use std::usize;
/// use itertools::size_hint;
/// assert_eq!(size_hint::mul((3, Some(4)), (3, Some(4))),
///            (9, Some(16)));
/// assert_eq!(size_hint::mul((3, Some(4)), (usize::MAX, None)),
///            (usize::MAX, None));
/// assert_eq!(size_hint::mul((3, None), (0, Some(0))),
///            (0, Some(0)));
/// ```
pub fn mul(a: SizeHint, b: SizeHint) -> SizeHint {
    let low = a.0.saturating_mul(b.0);
    let hi = match (a.1, b.1) {
        (Some(x), Some(y)) => x.checked_mul(y),
        (Some(0), None) | (None, Some(0)) => Some(0),
        _ => None,
    (low, hi)

/// Multiply `x` correctly with a `SizeHint`.
pub fn mul_scalar(sh: SizeHint, x: usize) -> SizeHint {
    let (mut low, mut hi) = sh;
    low = low.saturating_mul(x);
    hi = hi.and_then(|elt| elt.checked_mul(x));
    (low, hi)

/// Raise `base` correctly by a `SizeHint` exponent.
pub fn pow_scalar_base(base: usize, exp: SizeHint) -> SizeHint {
    let exp_low = cmp::min(exp.0, u32::MAX as usize) as u32;
    let low = base.saturating_pow(exp_low);

    let hi = exp.1.and_then(|exp| {
        let exp_hi = cmp::min(exp, u32::MAX as usize) as u32;

    (low, hi)

/// Return the maximum
pub fn max(a: SizeHint, b: SizeHint) -> SizeHint {
    let (a_lower, a_upper) = a;
    let (b_lower, b_upper) = b;

    let lower = cmp::max(a_lower, b_lower);

    let upper = match (a_upper, b_upper) {
        (Some(x), Some(y)) => Some(cmp::max(x, y)),
        _ => None,

    (lower, upper)

/// Return the minimum
pub fn min(a: SizeHint, b: SizeHint) -> SizeHint {
    let (a_lower, a_upper) = a;
    let (b_lower, b_upper) = b;
    let lower = cmp::min(a_lower, b_lower);
    let upper = match (a_upper, b_upper) {
        (Some(u1), Some(u2)) => Some(cmp::min(u1, u2)),
        _ => a_upper.or(b_upper),
    (lower, upper)