// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/scheduled_task_handler/task_executor_with_retries.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/update_engine/update_engine_client.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_state_handler_observer.h"
namespace ash {
class NetworkStateHandler;
} // namespace ash
namespace policy {
namespace update_checker_internal {
// The maximum iterations allowed to check for and download an update if the
// operation fails. Used with |os_and_policies_update_checker_|.
constexpr int kMaxOsAndPoliciesUpdateCheckerRetryIterations = 2;
// Interval at which |os_and_policies_update_checker_| retries checking for and
// downloading updates.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kOsAndPoliciesUpdateCheckerRetryTime =
// Time for which |OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker| will wait for a valid network
// before querying the update server for updates. After this time it will return
// a failure. During testing it was noted that on average 1 minute seemed to be
// the delay after which a network would be detected by Chrome.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kWaitForNetworkTimeout = base::Minutes(5);
} // namespace update_checker_internal
// This class is used by the scheduled update check policy to perform the actual
// device update check.
class OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker : public ash::UpdateEngineClient::Observer,
public ash::NetworkStateHandlerObserver {
explicit OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker(
ash::NetworkStateHandler* network_state_handler);
OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker(const OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker&) = delete;
OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker& operator=(const OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker&) =
~OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker() override;
using UpdateCheckCompletionCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool result)>;
// Starts an update check and possible download. Once the update check is
// finished it refreshes policies and finally calls |cb| to indicate success
// or failure when the process is complete. Calls |cb| with false if |timeout|
// passed without the operation completing. Overrides any previous calls to
// |Start|.
void Start(UpdateCheckCompletionCallback cb, base::TimeDelta timeout);
// Stops any pending update checks or policy refreshes. Calls
// |update_check_completion_cb_| with false. It is safe to call |Start| after
// this.
void Stop();
// Returns true if |Start| has been called and not been |Stop|ped.
bool IsRunning() const;
// ash::NetworkStateHandlerObserver overrides.
void DefaultNetworkChanged(const ash::NetworkState* network) override;
// Schedules update check by using |update_check_task_executor_|.
void ScheduleUpdateCheck();
// Runs |update_check_completion_cb_| with |update_check_result| and runs
// |ResetState|.
void RunCompletionCallbackAndResetState(bool update_check_result);
// Runs when |wait_for_network_timer_| expires i.e. a network hasn't been
// detected after the maximum time out.
void OnNetworkWaitTimeout();
// Runs when |update_check_task_executor_::Start| has failed after retries.
void OnUpdateCheckFailure();
// Requests update engine to do an update check.
void StartUpdateCheck();
// UpdateEngineClient::Observer overrides.
void UpdateStatusChanged(const update_engine::StatusResult& status) override;
// Tells whether starting an update check succeeded or not.
void OnUpdateCheckStarted(ash::UpdateEngineClient::UpdateCheckResult result);
// Refreshes policies. |update_check_result| represents the status of the
// previous stage i.e. an OS update check and download.
void RefreshPolicies(bool update_check_result);
// Called when the API call to refresh policies is completed.
// |update_check_result| represents the result of the update check which
// triggered this policy refresh.
void OnRefreshPoliciesCompletion(bool update_check_result);
// Resets all state and cancels any pending update checks.
void ResetState();
// Ignore fist IDLE status that is sent when the update check is initiated.
bool ignore_idle_status_ = true;
// Set to true when |Start| is called and false when |Stop| is called.
bool is_running_ = false;
// Callback passed to |Start|. Called if |StartUpdateCheck| is unsuccessful
// after retries or when an update check finishes successfully.
UpdateCheckCompletionCallback update_check_completion_cb_;
// Not owned.
const raw_ptr<ash::NetworkStateHandler> network_state_handler_;
// Scheduled and retries |StartUpdateCheck|.
TaskExecutorWithRetries update_check_task_executor_;
// Timer to wait for a valid network after |Start| is called.
base::OneShotTimer wait_for_network_timer_;
// Timer to abort any pending operations and call
// |update_check_completion_cb_| with false.
base::OneShotTimer timeout_timer_;
// Not owned.
const raw_ptr<ash::UpdateEngineClient> update_engine_client_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<OsAndPoliciesUpdateChecker> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace policy