// Copyright 2018 Developers of the Rand project.
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! A wrapper around another PRNG that reseeds it after it
//! generates a certain number of random bytes.
use core::mem::size_of;
use rand_core::block::{BlockRng, BlockRngCore};
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, Error, RngCore, SeedableRng};
/// A wrapper around any PRNG that implements [`BlockRngCore`], that adds the
/// ability to reseed it.
/// `ReseedingRng` reseeds the underlying PRNG in the following cases:
/// - On a manual call to [`reseed()`].
/// - After `clone()`, the clone will be reseeded on first use.
/// - When a process is forked on UNIX, the RNGs in both the parent and child
/// processes will be reseeded just before the next call to
/// [`BlockRngCore::generate`], i.e. "soon". For ChaCha and Hc128 this is a
/// maximum of fifteen `u32` values before reseeding.
/// - After the PRNG has generated a configurable number of random bytes.
/// # When should reseeding after a fixed number of generated bytes be used?
/// Reseeding after a fixed number of generated bytes is never strictly
/// *necessary*. Cryptographic PRNGs don't have a limited number of bytes they
/// can output, or at least not a limit reachable in any practical way. There is
/// no such thing as 'running out of entropy'.
/// Occasionally reseeding can be seen as some form of 'security in depth'. Even
/// if in the future a cryptographic weakness is found in the CSPRNG being used,
/// or a flaw in the implementation, occasionally reseeding should make
/// exploiting it much more difficult or even impossible.
/// Use [`ReseedingRng::new`] with a `threshold` of `0` to disable reseeding
/// after a fixed number of generated bytes.
/// # Limitations
/// It is recommended that a `ReseedingRng` (including `ThreadRng`) not be used
/// from a fork handler.
/// Use `OsRng` or `getrandom`, or defer your use of the RNG until later.
/// # Error handling
/// Although unlikely, reseeding the wrapped PRNG can fail. `ReseedingRng` will
/// never panic but try to handle the error intelligently through some
/// combination of retrying and delaying reseeding until later.
/// If handling the source error fails `ReseedingRng` will continue generating
/// data from the wrapped PRNG without reseeding.
/// Manually calling [`reseed()`] will not have this retry or delay logic, but
/// reports the error.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rand::prelude::*;
/// use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Core; // Internal part of ChaChaRng that
/// // implements BlockRngCore
/// use rand::rngs::OsRng;
/// use rand::rngs::adapter::ReseedingRng;
/// let prng = ChaCha20Core::from_entropy();
/// let mut reseeding_rng = ReseedingRng::new(prng, 0, OsRng);
/// println!("{}", reseeding_rng.gen::<u64>());
/// let mut cloned_rng = reseeding_rng.clone();
/// assert!(reseeding_rng.gen::<u64>() != cloned_rng.gen::<u64>());
/// ```
/// [`BlockRngCore`]: rand_core::block::BlockRngCore
/// [`ReseedingRng::new`]: ReseedingRng::new
/// [`reseed()`]: ReseedingRng::reseed
pub struct ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr>(BlockRng<ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr>>)
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng,
Rsdr: RngCore;
impl<R, Rsdr> ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng,
Rsdr: RngCore,
/// Create a new `ReseedingRng` from an existing PRNG, combined with a RNG
/// to use as reseeder.
/// `threshold` sets the number of generated bytes after which to reseed the
/// PRNG. Set it to zero to never reseed based on the number of generated
/// values.
pub fn new(rng: R, threshold: u64, reseeder: Rsdr) -> Self {
ReseedingRng(BlockRng::new(ReseedingCore::new(rng, threshold, reseeder)))
/// Reseed the internal PRNG.
pub fn reseed(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// TODO: this should be implemented for any type where the inner type
// implements RngCore, but we can't specify that because ReseedingCore is private
impl<R, Rsdr: RngCore> RngCore for ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore<Item = u32> + SeedableRng,
<R as BlockRngCore>::Results: AsRef<[u32]> + AsMut<[u32]>,
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl<R, Rsdr> Clone for ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng + Clone,
Rsdr: RngCore + Clone,
fn clone(&self) -> ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr> {
// Recreating `BlockRng` seems easier than cloning it and resetting
// the index.
impl<R, Rsdr> CryptoRng for ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng + CryptoRng,
Rsdr: RngCore + CryptoRng,
struct ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr> {
inner: R,
reseeder: Rsdr,
threshold: i64,
bytes_until_reseed: i64,
fork_counter: usize,
impl<R, Rsdr> BlockRngCore for ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng,
Rsdr: RngCore,
type Item = <R as BlockRngCore>::Item;
type Results = <R as BlockRngCore>::Results;
fn generate(&mut self, results: &mut Self::Results) {
let global_fork_counter = fork::get_fork_counter();
if self.bytes_until_reseed <= 0 || self.is_forked(global_fork_counter) {
// We get better performance by not calling only `reseed` here
// and continuing with the rest of the function, but by directly
// returning from a non-inlined function.
return self.reseed_and_generate(results, global_fork_counter);
let num_bytes = results.as_ref().len() * size_of::<Self::Item>();
self.bytes_until_reseed -= num_bytes as i64;
impl<R, Rsdr> ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng,
Rsdr: RngCore,
/// Create a new `ReseedingCore`.
fn new(rng: R, threshold: u64, reseeder: Rsdr) -> Self {
use ::core::i64::MAX;
// Because generating more values than `i64::MAX` takes centuries on
// current hardware, we just clamp to that value.
// Also we set a threshold of 0, which indicates no limit, to that
// value.
let threshold = if threshold == 0 {
} else if threshold <= MAX as u64 {
threshold as i64
} else {
ReseedingCore {
inner: rng,
threshold: threshold as i64,
bytes_until_reseed: threshold as i64,
fork_counter: 0,
/// Reseed the internal PRNG.
fn reseed(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
R::from_rng(&mut self.reseeder).map(|result| {
self.bytes_until_reseed = self.threshold;
self.inner = result
fn is_forked(&self, global_fork_counter: usize) -> bool {
// In theory, on 32-bit platforms, it is possible for
// `global_fork_counter` to wrap around after ~4e9 forks.
// This check will detect a fork in the normal case where
// `fork_counter < global_fork_counter`, and also when the difference
// between both is greater than `isize::MAX` (wrapped around).
// It will still fail to detect a fork if there have been more than
// `isize::MAX` forks, without any reseed in between. Seems unlikely
// enough.
(self.fork_counter.wrapping_sub(global_fork_counter) as isize) < 0
fn reseed_and_generate(
&mut self, results: &mut <Self as BlockRngCore>::Results, global_fork_counter: usize,
) {
#![allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] // false positive
if self.is_forked(global_fork_counter) {
info!("Fork detected, reseeding RNG");
} else {
trace!("Reseeding RNG (periodic reseed)");
let num_bytes = results.as_ref().len() * size_of::<<R as BlockRngCore>::Item>();
if let Err(e) = self.reseed() {
warn!("Reseeding RNG failed: {}", e);
let _ = e;
self.fork_counter = global_fork_counter;
self.bytes_until_reseed = self.threshold - num_bytes as i64;
impl<R, Rsdr> Clone for ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng + Clone,
Rsdr: RngCore + Clone,
fn clone(&self) -> ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr> {
ReseedingCore {
inner: self.inner.clone(),
reseeder: self.reseeder.clone(),
threshold: self.threshold,
bytes_until_reseed: 0, // reseed clone on first use
fork_counter: self.fork_counter,
impl<R, Rsdr> CryptoRng for ReseedingCore<R, Rsdr>
R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng + CryptoRng,
Rsdr: RngCore + CryptoRng,
#[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
mod fork {
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Once;
// Fork protection
// We implement fork protection on Unix using `pthread_atfork`.
// When the process is forked, we increment `RESEEDING_RNG_FORK_COUNTER`.
// Every `ReseedingRng` stores the last known value of the static in
// `fork_counter`. If the cached `fork_counter` is less than
// `RESEEDING_RNG_FORK_COUNTER`, it is time to reseed this RNG.
// If reseeding fails, we don't deal with this by setting a delay, but just
// don't update `fork_counter`, so a reseed is attempted as soon as
// possible.
static RESEEDING_RNG_FORK_COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
pub fn get_fork_counter() -> usize {
extern "C" fn fork_handler() {
// Note: fetch_add is defined to wrap on overflow
// (which is what we want).
RESEEDING_RNG_FORK_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub fn register_fork_handler() {
static REGISTER: Once = Once::new();
REGISTER.call_once(|| {
// Bump the counter before and after forking (see #1169):
let ret = unsafe { libc::pthread_atfork(
) };
if ret != 0 {
panic!("libc::pthread_atfork failed with code {}", ret);
#[cfg(not(all(unix, not(target_os = "emscripten"))))]
mod fork {
pub fn get_fork_counter() -> usize {
pub fn register_fork_handler() {}
#[cfg(feature = "std_rng")]
mod test {
use super::ReseedingRng;
use crate::rngs::mock::StepRng;
use crate::rngs::std::Core;
use crate::{Rng, SeedableRng};
fn test_reseeding() {
let mut zero = StepRng::new(0, 0);
let rng = Core::from_rng(&mut zero).unwrap();
let thresh = 1; // reseed every time the buffer is exhausted
let mut reseeding = ReseedingRng::new(rng, thresh, zero);
// RNG buffer size is [u32; 64]
// Debug is only implemented up to length 32 so use two arrays
let mut buf = ([0u32; 32], [0u32; 32]);
reseeding.fill(&mut buf.0);
reseeding.fill(&mut buf.1);
let seq = buf;
for _ in 0..10 {
reseeding.fill(&mut buf.0);
reseeding.fill(&mut buf.1);
assert_eq!(buf, seq);
fn test_clone_reseeding() {
let mut zero = StepRng::new(0, 0);
let rng = Core::from_rng(&mut zero).unwrap();
let mut rng1 = ReseedingRng::new(rng, 32 * 4, zero);
let first: u32 = rng1.gen();
for _ in 0..10 {
let _ = rng1.gen::<u32>();
let mut rng2 = rng1.clone();
assert_eq!(first, rng2.gen::<u32>());